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[282] on the right of the division, and the extreme right of the army at this time. The Tenth Alabama occupied the woods to the right, and at right angles to the remainder of my line for the safety of my right flank.

From this till two P. M. nothing occurred, save desultory firing between skirmishers. About this time troops were seen filing past my right flank, and soon McLaws' division was formed in line at right angles to my line, Barksdale's brigade being near mine. McLaws' troops formed in line across a road running parallel to my front, and into the Emmettsburg road five hundred yards in his front; from this intersection the road continued on to Gettysburg in a direction parallel to the front of Anderson's division. McLaws' troops had not been in position long when the enemy opened fire upon them from two batteries in the open field in front.

A battery was placed in position in the edge of the woods occupied by the Tenth Alabama regiment and responded to this fire;: other batteries were soon placed in position further to our right on, McLaws' front. Other and more distant batteries of the enemy to my left and front engaged in this artillery fight. This cannonading continued until 6.20 P. M., when McLaws' troops advanced to the attack.

My instructions were to advance when the troops on my right should advance, and to report this to the division commander in order that the other brigades should advance in proper time. In order that I should advance with those on my right, it became necessary for me to move off by the left flank, so as to uncover the ground over which they had to advance. This was done as rapidly as the nature of the ground, with its opposing obstacles, stone and plank fences, would admit. Having gained four hundred or five hundred yards to the left by this flank movement, my command faced by the right flank and advanced. This forward movement was made in an open field, the ground rising slightly to the Emmettsburg turnpike, two hundred and fifty yards distant.

Before reaching this road, a line of the enemy's skirmishers along a fence parallel to the road were encountered and dispersed. The fence being crossed, my men advanced to the road in which infantry in line of battle were formed. A brisk musketry fight for a few minutes followed, when the enemy gave way; not, however, till all save two pieces of a battery that was in the road had been removed. These fell into our hands, the horses having been killed.

On the far side of the pike the ground was descending for some

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