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[577] that strength to that of the Sixth corps and you will have 29,342 for Sedgwick's total, exclusive of the reserve artillery. On May 2d, 9.55 A. M., Hooker telegraphs him: “You are all right. You have but Early's division in your front; balance all up here.” Opposing Sedgwick, Early had his division, numbering by the returns of April 20th--the nearest one to the battle — an aggregate of officers and men of 7,879. Deducting losses since the date of the returns, this division carried into action about 7,500 officers and men (Early's narrative). Barksdale's brigade numbered 1,500 in the aggregate (Early's narrative). It was under Early's command. The total infantry, officers and men, would be then 9,000, or a little over 8,000 muskets. In addition, Early had Andrews' battalion of artillery of twelve guns; Graham's, four guns; a Whitworth gun posted below the Massaponnax, and portions of Walton's, Cabe]l's and Cutt's battalions of artillery, under General Pendleton--making in all some forty-five or fifty guns (Early's narrative), a less number than Sedgwick and far inferior in weight of metal.

At 9 P. M. on the 2d, after Jackson's success, Hooker telegraphs Sedgwick to cross the Rappahannock at Fredericksburg, and to move up the road to Chancellorsville until he connects with him, destroying Early in his front. He tells him then that he will probably fall upon the rear of the troops commanded by General Lee, and between Hooker and himself Lee must be used up. This order was issued under the impression Sedgwick was on the north side of the river, but it found him below Fredericksburg on the south side. The night was so bright Hooker says that staff officers could see to write their dispatches by moonlight. Gibbon, near Falmouth, was also ordered to cross the river on the night of the 2d. Sedgwick, Hooker tells us, did not obey the spirit of the order, and delayed too long. Warren told him that if he (Warren) had not been there, Sedgwick would not have moved at all. At 11 P. M. Sedgwick received this order to cross (Sedgwick's report). Being already over, he began to move by the flank up the Bowling Green road towards Fredericksburg, leaving one division in front of Early's right. About daylight he occupied the town. Gibbon crossed early on the 3d, and at 7 A. M. was formed on Sedgwick's right. In moving forward to turn our left he was stopped by the canal. Sedgwick then determined to assault Marye's and the contiguous hills, and did so. His right column under Colonel Spear, consisted of four regiments; his left of two

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