direction, was assigned to the north front of Hagerstown, connecting with General Jones on the right on the Cavetown road.
The Maryland cavalry was ordered on the National road and towards Greencastle on a scout.
On the 8th the cavalry was thrown for-ward towards Boonsboroa, advancing on the different roads in order, by a bold demonstration to threaten an advance upon the enemy.
and thus cover the retrograde of the main body.
The move was successful, the advance under General Jones encountering the enemy on the Boonsboroa road at Beaver Creek bridge, from which point to the verge of Boonsboroa an animated fight ensued, principally on foot, the ground being entirely too soft from recent rains to operate successfully with cavalry.
This contest was participated in in a very handsome manner by the other brigades (Fitz. Lee's, Hampton's, now commanded by Baker, and W. H. F. Lee's, commanded by Chambliss) and the Stuart horse artillery.
Prisoners taken assured us the main cavalry force of the enemy was in our front, which, notwithstanding their known superiority in numbers and range of fire arms, was driven steadily before us; our brave men, nothing daunted or dispirited by the reverses of the army, maintaining a predominance of pluck over the enemy calculated to excite the pride and admiration of beholders.
Just as we neared the village, Jenkins' brigade, under Ferguson, moved up on the Williamsport road, driving the enemy on that flank in such a manner as to cause him to begin his withdrawal from the village to the mountain pass.
His batteries had been driven away from the hill by the Napoleons of McGregor's battery-which, for close fighting, evinced this day their great superiority over rifle guns of greater number.
About this time I was informed that the enemy was heavily reinforced, and that our ammunition, by this protracted engagement, was nearly exhausted; and despairing of getting possession of the town, which was completely commanded by artillery in the mountain gap, and believing that in compelling the enemy to act upon the defensive all that day retreating before us, the desired object had been fully attained, I began to retire towards Funkstown, except Jenkins' brigade, which was ordered to its former position on the Williamsport road.
The enemy, observing this from his mountain perch, tried to profit by it with a vigorous movement on our heels, but was foiled.
As the last regiment was crossing the bridge over Beaver creek, a squadron of the enemy, more bold than its comrades, galloped forward as if to charge. Steadily a portion of the First North Carolina