Editorial Paragraphs.
A Louisiana Branch of the Southern Historical Society was organized at New Orleans on the 29th of March by a meeting called by about one hundred prominent Confederates of the city, and of which General F. N. Ogden as President, and Colonel F. R. Southmayd was Secretary. After a statement of the plans, objects, &c., of the Society by General George D. Johnston, our efficient General Agent, the following plan of organization was adopted:
This society shall be known as the Louisiana Branch of the Southern Historical Society, and its object is to collect for the archives of the parent society such historical material relating to the Confederate war as can be secured in the State of Louisiana.
It shall be located at New Orleans, and shall hold meetings at least once each year.
Membership in the parent society shall entitle the person to membership in this society.
The officers shall consist of a president, eight vice-presidents, a corresponding secretary, a recording secretary, a treasurer and an executive committee, who shall hold their offices for one year, or until their successors are elected.
The executive committee shall consist of sixteen members, with power to increase its number, and five of its members shall constitute a quorum.
The officers of this society shall be ex-offcio members of the executive committee.
The executive committee is charged with the general direction and management of the interest and work of this society; has authority to adopt rules for its own government (not inconsistent with this plan), and shall at the annual meeting submit a report of its proceedings to the society.
The president shall have authority to call meetings of this society whenever it is thought best.
The following officers were elected.
President, Rev. B. M. Palmer, D. D.; Vice-Presidents, General Fred. N. Ogden, General G. T. Beauregard, General J. B. Hood, Governor Francis T. Nicholls, Colonel A. Reichart, Major J. B. Richardson, General Brent, Major J. Moncure; Corresponding Secretary, J. Jones, M. D.; Recording Secretary, F. R. Southmayd; Treasurer, J. B. Lafitte.
Executive Committee--Dr. J. D. Burns, chairman, J. D. Hill, B. J. Sage, W. T. Vaudry, C. E. Fenner, E. A. Palfrey, B. M. Harrod, W. Fearn, J. G. Devereux, L. Bush, J. B. Walton, L. A. Wiltz, Douglas West, N. T. N. Robinson, J. B. Eustis, Archie Mitchell.
The following resolution was adopted:
Resolved, That we heartily welcome General George D. Johnston, the General Agent of the parent society, to New Orleans. and will cheerfully co-operate in assisting him to extend the membership of the society in our midst, and otherwise, as may contribute to the success of his important mission.
We cordially thank our friends for the heartiness with which they have taken hold of this matter, and we anticipate the happiest results from their action. As the Southern Historical Society originated in New Orleans, and