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[390] own, I think the better judgment will be that you can have no higher title to the gratitude of your countrymen and the respect of mankind than will spring from the wisdom to see the path of duty and the courage to follow it, regardless alike of praise or blame.

The closing sentence may be said to be an epitome of the creed which the writer practiced through life, and which was the true secret of his greatness. He had “the wisdom to see the path of duty and the courage to follow it, regardless alike of praise or blame.” The sentiment, illustrated as it was in every step of his grand career, deserves to be graven on his monument as an imperishable injunction to the youth of our country, who, cherishing the memory of one so exalted in the hearts of his people, might be sensibly impressed with the noble words which point the way at once to moral grandeur of character and to the loftiest success.

But it was not given to President Davis to consent, since on the day after General Sherman notified General Johnston that the treaty had been disapproved at Washington, and that the truce would terminate within the specified time--forty-eight hours. The next succeeding day, 25th, General Johnston proposed a meeting with General Sherman, and on the day following signed articles surrendering his army and all the forces east of the Chattahoochee river.

Upon receiving this notification the President and his Cabinet proceeded southward, hoping to be able to make their way to the Trans-Mississippi. They continued together till their arrival at or near Washington, Georgia, when, it becoming apparent that it was reduced to a mere question of personal safety, each adopted the plan he conceived best adapted to serve the purpose. Mr. Davis continued his route westward, and his fate is known. General Breckinridge, after a careful study of the question, determined to attempt his escape to Cuba from the Florida coast. In company with Major James Wilson and his faithful black servant Thomas, he made his way to the mouth of the Saint John's river, having been joined on the route by Colonel John Taylor Wood, an officer of the Confederate navy, and grandson of President Taylor, and Captain 0. Toole. Here, after looking in vain for some friendly sail, and canvassing various plans for escape, they determined to attempt the voyage to Cuba in an open boat of eighteen tons burthen which they had secured. The expedient was desperate, but they felt that death was preferable to capture, and their preparations were soon made. It was impossible to procure any provisions for the trip, and the supply they had comprised enough for only a few meals; but the coast was a great resort for turtles, and their eggs were

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