The captured guns at Spotsylvania Courthouse — Correction of General Ewell's report.
[The following letters explain themselves, and are published with great pleasure, as doing justice to a gallant and meritorious officer.]
Letter from Major Page.
S. V. Southall, Esq., Late Adjutant-General Artillery, Second Corps, A. N. V.:
The enemy was reported to be moving from our front and towards our right. Horses, therefore, were not only unhitched but unharnessed; what few tents we had were pitched on account of the rain, and the whole camp reposed in a state of most profound security. About twenty minutes of four o'clock next morning, May 12th, I was awakened by Lieutenant S. H. Pendleton, of General Long's staff, who informed me that the enemy were reported to have returned as if for the purpose of attacking the salient, and that I was ordered to proceed at once to occupy that part of the line. The men were aroused, the horses were harnessed and hitched, and my battalion left camp in so short a time after the order was received, that it was not only generally noticed, but General Long, in his report, says that I moved my battalion with “great rapidity.” Having consulted with Colonel Thomas H. Carter, my immediate superior officer, during the time of harnessing, &c., it was fully understood that Carter's battery, two rifles and two light twelves, should take the lead and occupy the salient itself — to be followed in order by Montgomery, four light twelves, who was to take position just to the left of Carter; Fry, two rifles under