[496] universal rejoicing that the grave of Lee is so appropriately decorated, and pilgrims from every clime will pronounce it one of the finest works of art in the world.
M. Miley, of Lexington, Virginia, has sent us two superb photographs of this recumbent figure, which, in accuracy of likeness and elegance of finish, we regard as among the finest specimens of the photographer's art we have ever seen.
We have had occasion before to commend Miley's splendid photographs of Confederate leaders, and we do not hesitate to say that he has, by his beautiful art, placed all true Confederates under highest obligations for preserving such accurate likenesses of Lee, Davis, Breckinridge and others of our illustrious leaders.
The photographs which he now kindly sends us, reproduce to the life Valentine's Lee, with all of the beauties of the drapery, &c. They are sold for the benefit of the mausoleum fund.