Lieutenant Butt fought his gun with activity, and during the action was gay and smiling.
The Marine Corps was well represented by Captain Thom, whose tranquil mien gave evidence that the hottest fire was no novelty to him. One of his guns was served effectively and creditably by a detachment of the United artillery of Norfolk, under the command of Captain Kevill. The muzzle of their gun was struck by a shell from the enemy, which broke off a piece of the gun, but they continued to fire as if it was uninjured.
Midshipmen Foute, Marmaduke, Littlepage, Craig and Long rendered valuable services. Their conduct would have been creditable to older heads, and gave great promise of future usefulness. Midshipman Marmaduke, though receiving several painful wounds early in the action, manfully fought his gun until the close. He is now at the hospital.
Paymaster Semple volunteered for any service, and was assigned to the command of the powder division — an important and complicated duty, which could not have been better performed.
Surgeon Phillips and Assistant Surgeon Garnett were prompt and attentive in the discharge of their duties; their kind and considerate care of the wounded, and the skill and ability displayed in the treatment, won for them the esteem and gratitude of all who came under their charge, and justly entitled them to the confidence of officers and crew. I beg leave to call the attention of the Department to the case of Dr. Garnett. He stands deservedly high in his profession, is at the head of the list of assistant surgeons, and there being a vacancy, in consequence of the recent death of Surgeon Blacknall, I should be much gratified if Dr. Garnett could be promoted to it.
The engines and machinery, upon which so much depended, performed much better than was expected. This is due to the intelligence, experience and coolness of Acting Chief Engineer Ramsey. His efforts were ably seconded by his assistants, Tynan, Campbell, Herring, Jack and White. As Mr. Ramsey is only acting Chief Engineer, I respectfully recommend his promotion to the rank of Chief; and would also ask that Second Assistant Engineer Campbell may be promoted to First Assistant — he having performed the duties of that grade during the engagement.
The forward officers, Boatswain Hasker, Gunner Oliver, and Carpenter Lindsey, discharged well all the duties required of them. The Boatswain had charge of a gun and fought it well. The Gunner