General Lee, in his report, says: “Longstreet was directed to place the divisions of Hood and McLaws on the right of Hill, partially enveloping the enemy's left, which he was to drive in.” General Hill was directed to threaten the enemy's centre, to prevent reinforcements being drawn to either wing and to co-operate with his right division in Longstreet's attack. General Ewell was directed to make a simultaneous demonstration upon the enemy's right, to be converted into a real attack should opportunity offer.
General Hill reports: “General Longstreet was to attack the left flank of the enemy and sweep down his line, and I was directed to co-operate with him with such of my brigades from the right as could join in with his troops in the attack.” He further gives it as his understanding of Longstreet's position by saying: “The corps of General Longstreet was on my right and in a line, being nearly at right angles to mine.” I have no doubt he reports Longstreet's position not from what he saw, but from what he knew were the orders of General Lee, that Longstreet should occupy, for my line was but an extension of his on the right, and even Hood, away to my right, never got positions at right angles. He may have tried to get that way, but did not succeed.
General Hill further says: “Soon after McLaws moved forward, General Anderson moved forward the brigades of Wilcox, Perry and Wright in echelon.” And that would have been all right if Longstreet had enveloped the enemy's left, and “driving it in,” had “swept down his line,” but he did not. So the echelon attack was a mistake.
I have shown, I believe, that Longstreet never did obtain a position, when the enemy's left was partially enveloped, and never did “drive it in,” nor was he able to “sweep down his line,” and finally, in making the attempt he did, he was so hard pressed that my division, instead of joining Hood, as he swept down the enemy's line, was ordered in making a direct attack on the enemy's front, and both Hood and myself had as much as we could attend to to prevent our flanks being turned.
I have stated that General Lee must have given his orders for the attack based upon false information, or perhaps it would be better to say wrong information. I am unable to find out who ever did reconnoitre the left, excepting that Major Johnston was ordered to so. This I know, for General Lee himself told me.