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May 10th

Reports current of the enemy having gained our rear towards Beaver Dam. Sharp skirmishing on the whole line during the morning and heavy shelling. Hutcheson, one of our couriers, killed at 10 A. M. The enemy begins a series of attacks on Field's position; they continue at times during the entire day; all of them repulsed until 7 P. M., when the last and most desperate is made against Anderson and Gregg. Some of the enemy succeed in gaining the works, but are killed in them. The attack is repulsed with great slaughter to the enemy and little loss to us. At the same hour (7 P. M.) an attack is made on Ewell's lines, and succeeds in breaking through Doles' brigade. The enemy is driven back, however, leaving many dead near the works. Late in the night, at 10 and 4 o'clock, renewed attacks (feeble ones) are made on Field.

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