Secretary of War has delivered to me the copy you handed to him of the basis of an agreement between yourself and
General Sherman.
Your action is approved.
You will so inform
General Sherman; and if the like authority be given by the
Government of the
United States to complete the arrangement, you will proceed on the basis adopted.
Further instructions will be given as to the details of negotiation and the method of executing the terms of agreement when notified by you of the readiness on the part of the General Commanding the United States forces to proceed with the arrangement.
The President has written a telegram approving your action and the agreement of the 18th instant.
I presume you have or will receive it to-day.
I hope even the small force with you will be effective in preventing those irregularities to which I suppose you refer, and that your presence will secure good administration, now so important in the care and transportation of supplies.
I expect to join you in a few days.