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[286] I ordered my men to hold their ground until I could get artillery to fire upon them. I then rode back rapidly to our artillery, but could find none near that had any ammunition. After some little delay, not getting any artillery to fire upon the enemy's infantry that were on my left flank, and seeing none of the troops that I was ordered to support, and knowing that my small force could do nothing save to make a useless sacrifice of themselves, I ordered them back. The enemy did not pursue. My men, as on the day before, had to retire under a heavy artillery fire. My line was reformed on the ground they occupied before they advanced.

The casualties of the brigade on this day amounted to two hundred and four killed, wounded and missing. In the engagement of the 2d instant, my command inflicted severe loss upon the enemy; three of his infantry lines were broken and driven from the field; a fourth line was repulsed several times in their efforts to drive my men back. In the second day's (3d instant) engagement, none of the enemy's infantry were encountered in the open field. It was not until my brigade had reached the ravine, beyond which was the ridge on which were the enemy's rifle pits and batteries, that they met infantry, and here they were engaged but for a few minutes, without probably inflicting much, if any loss, upon their infantry. This day my men acted with their usual gallantry, though they accomplished but little. The regimental commanders were active and zealous in commanding and directing their men.

Lieutenant-Colonel Herbert, of the Eighth; Lieutenant-Colonel Shelley, of the Tenth; Lieutenant-Colonel Tayloe, of the Eleventh, and Captain King, are all deserving of especial praise — the latter had lost a finger the day before. Captain May, Ninth Alabama, had also been wounded on the 2d, but remained with his company during the battle of the 3d. There were many acts of personal gallantry among both men and officers during the two days battle.

The entire loss of the two days battle was seven hundred and seventy-seven killed, wounded and missing. Of this number two hundred and fifty are missing, of whom fourteen are officers. Of this number nearly all are supposed to be killed or wounded. Most of the field upon which the brigade fought remained both nights in the possession of the enemy. It is believed that few, if any, not wounded, were taken prisoners.

To my staff, Captain W. E. Winn, Assistant Adjutant-General, and Lieutenant Lindsay, Aid-de-Camp, I am indebted for valuable services rendered on the field during both days, their duties frequently

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