Southern Historical Society Papers.
VII. Richmond, Va,, march, 1879. no. 3.
General Garland's report of the battle of seven Pines.
[The following, from an original Ms. in the handwriting of
General Garland himself, was not published among the
Confederate reports, and so far as we know has never before been in print.
We publish it not only in accordance with our rule to give preference to
original reports, but as giving the account of a great battle officially prepared by as gallant a soldier as ever drew sword in the cause of right.]
headquarters Third brigade, Third division, June 3d, 1862.
Major J. W. Ratchford,
Assistant Adjutant--General, &c.:
Major — I have the honor to submit the following report of the operations of this brigade in the battle of Saturday, the 31st ultimo.
The brigade had been on outpost duty upon the Williamsburg road for four days and nights previous to this engagement, during which portions of it had been sent forward three times to make reconnoissances, which brought on skirmishes with the enemy.
Working parties had been engaged also night and day in cutting artillery roads and preparing defences.
During the latter portion