Having finished as far as they were able the abundant meal furnished by the liberality of the good “old mammy,” the travelers resume their journey greatly refreshed.
It seems that General Lee pursued the road which the “survivors” chose, and starting later than they, overtook them, he being mounted and they on foot. At any rate it was their good fortune to see him three times on the road from Appomattox to Richmond. The incidents introducing General Lee are peculiarly interesting, and while the writer is in doubt as to the day on which the next and last incident occurred, the reader may rest assured of the truthfulness of the narration as to what occurred and what was said and done.
After the feast of bread and milk, the no longer hungry men pressed on. About the time when men who have eaten a hearty breakfast become again hungry — as good fortune would have it happen — they reached a house pleasantly situated and a comfortable place withal. Approaching the house they were met by an exceedingly kind, energetic and hospitable woman. She promptly asked: “You are not deserters?” “No,” said the soldiers, “we have our paroles; we are from Richmond; we are homeward bound, and called to ask if you could spare us a dinner?” “Spare you a dinner? Certainly I can. My husband is a miller; his mill is right across the road there, down the hill, and I have been cooking all day for the poor, starving men. Take a seat on the porch there and I will get you something to eat.” By the time the travelers were seated, this admirable woman was in the kitchen at work. The “pat-a-pat, pat, pat, pat, pat-a-pat-a-pat” of the sifter, and the cracking and “fizzing” of the fat bacon as it fried, saluted their hungry ears, and the delicious smell tickled their olfactory nerves most delightfully. Sitting thus, entertained by delightful sounds, breathing the fragrant air and wrapped in meditation — or anticipation rather, the soldiers saw the dust rise in the air and heard the sound of an approaching party.
Several horsemen rode up to the road-gate, threw their bridles over the posts or tied to the overhanging boughs and dismounted. They were evidently officers, well dressed fine looking men, and about to enter the gate. Almost at once the men on the porch recognized General Lee and his son. They were accompanied by other officers. An ambulance had arrived at the gate also. Without delay they entered and approached the house, General Lee preceding the others. Satisfied that it was the General's intention