This battle, though short, was severe. I desire, in this connection, to state a fact of which I was an eye witness, and which, for its rare occurrence and the evidence it affords of the sanguinary character of this struggle, I consider worthy of official mention. One portion of the enemy's second line extended along a branch, from which he was driven, leaving many dead and wounded in the water and upon its banks This position was in turn occupied by a portion of Evans' brigade in the attack on the enemy's third line. So profuse was the flow of blood from the killed and wounded of both these forces that it reddened the stream for more than a hundred yards below.
It has not been my fortune to witness on any battlefield a more commendable spirit and courage than was exhibited on this by both officers and men. To my brigade commanders for their good example and prompt execution of orders, I am especially indebted. They rode in the midst of their troops under the severest fire, and exhibited that cool courage so essential in an officer on the field. There are many other officers of lower grade who well deserve particular mention; among them I desire to call attention to the admirable conduct of Colonel Peck, Ninth Louisiana, commanding Hays' brigade; Colonel Atkinson, commanding Evans' brigade; Colonels Funk and Dungan, commanding the remnants of the “Stonewall” and Jones' brigades, of Terry's command.
I regret to state that my loss was heavy in both officers and men, amounting in the aggregate, as shown by tabular report of brigade commanders, to 698. Among the killed are Colonel J. H. Lamar and Lieutenant-Colonel Van Valkenburg, both of the Sixty-first Georgia regiment, of Evans' brigade, and both meritorious officers. Colonel Lamar, a most promising young officer, was shot from his horse at the head of his regiment. Several other regimental commanders of this brigade were wounded — some, it is feared, mortally. Lieutenant Colonel Hodges, Ninth Louisiana regiment, Hays' brigade, an officer of rare merit, was severely wounded and left at hospital in Frederick City.
I cannot too highly commend the conduct on the field of the members of my staff--Major R. W. Hunter and Captains V. Dabney and L. Powell. The prompt, fearless and intelligent manner with which