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The following general results of my investigation are most respectfully submitted to you for examination and criticism:

Killed, wounded and prisoners of the Confederate army during the war of 1861-5.


If the deaths from disease be added the sum total will represent the entire loss. The returns of the field and general hospitals are known for 1861 and 1862.

Confederates killed in battle, 1861-2,19,897
Deaths caused by wounds in field hospital,1,623
Deaths caused by wounds in general hospital,2,618
Deaths caused by disease in field hospital,14,597
Deaths caused by disease in general hospital,16,741
Total deaths in the Confederate States army, 1861-2,55,476
Total wounded in Confederate States army, 1861-2,72,713
Total prisoners in Confederate States army, 1861-2,51,072
Total discharged in Confederate States army, 1861-2,16,940
Total wounded, prisoners and discharged, 1861-2,140,725

If it be fair to assume that the total mortality of 1863-1864, was fully equal to that of 1862, then the total deaths in the Confederate army, 1861-5, was at least 160,000, exclusive of the deaths in the Northern prisons, which would swell the number to near 185,000; and if the deaths amongst the discharged for wounds and disease and amongst the sick and wounded on furlough be added, the grand total of deaths in the Confederate army during the entire war did not fall far short of 200,000. According to this calculation, the deaths from disease were about three times as numerous as those resulting from the casualties of battle.

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