The battle of Williamsburg--reply to Colonel Bratton.
By Colonel D. K. Mcrae.
The language of Colonel Bratton is: “I have never, on any field during the war, seen more splendid gallantry than on that field of Williamsburg, but that splendid gallantry was thrown away, and wasted by bad management, when it would have been entirely effective if properly directed.” The compliment is a fit one to the Fifth North Carolina regiment. No troops could have behaved more courageously, and certainly none suffered more disastrously. A casualty list of two hundred and ninety killed and wounded, out of a total of four hundred and ten, rank and file; of ten commissioned officers killed and ten wounded of twenty-four who entered the fight, bespeaks a mortal combat and the steadiness of those engaged. The exalted enconium which its distinguished adversary passed upon it when he said, “The State of North Carolina should write immortal on the banner of its Fifth regiment,” was a tribute worthy to be rendered by a heroic enemy. A glowing testimony also to its “splendid gallantry” may be found in the columns of the New York Herald, published a few days after the battle.