Soon after these dispositions were made, General Lee sent to inform me that he was moving out to attack.
Butler was immediately advanced and soon met the enemy, whom he drove handsomely until he was heavily reinforced and took position behind works.
Young's brigade was sent to reinforce Butler and these two brigades pushed the enemy steadily back, and I hoped to effect a junction with Lee's division at Clayton's store in a short time.
But whilst we were driving the enemy in front, it was reported to me that a force had appeared in my rear.
Upon investigation I found this report correct.
The brigade which had been engaging General Lee having withdrawn from his front, passed his left and got into my rear.
This forced me to withdraw in front and to take up a new line.
This was soon done, and the brigade which had attacked me in rear (Custer's) was severely punished, for I recalled Rosser's brigade, which charged them in front, driving them back against General Lee, who was moving up to Trevylian's, and capturing many prisoners.
In this sudden attack on my rear, the enemy captured some of my led horses, a few ambulances and wagons and three caissons.
These were all recaptured by General Rosser and General Lee; the latter taking in addition four caissons and the headquarter wagon of Brigadier-General Custer.
My new line being established, I directed General Lee to join me with his command as soon as possible.
The enemy tried to dislodge me from my new position but failed, and the relative positions of the opposing forces remained the same during the night.
The next day at 12 M. General Lee reported to me, and his division was placed so as to support mine in case the enemy attacked.
At 3.30 P. M. a heavy attack was made on my left, where Butler's brigade was posted.
Being repulsed, the enemy made a succession of determined assaults, which were all handsomely repulsed.
In the meantime General Lee had, by my directions, reinforced Butler's left with Wickham's brigade, whilst he took Lomax's brigade across to the Gordonsville road so as to strike the enemy on his right flank.
This movement was successful, and the enemy, who had been heavily punished in front, when attacked on his flank, fell back in confusion, leaving his dead and a portion of his wounded on the field.
I immediately gave orders to follow him up, but it was daylight before these orders could be carried out, the fight not having ended until 10 P. M. In this interval the enemy had withdrawn entirely, leaving his dead scattered over the whole field, with about 125 wounded on the ground and in temporary hospitals.
We captured,