Editorial Paragraphs.
This volume of our Papers will conclude with the December number, as we have determined to adopt the suggestion of many of our readers that we hereafter put twelve numbers into each volume, instead of six, as heretofore. This will lessen to our subscribers the cost of binding the numbers for the year, and will at the same time give a book of more convenient size.
Our relations with the “war Records office” at Washington continue to be in the highest degree satisfactory.
General Marcus J. Wright and Mr. A. P. Tasker have again visited our office — this time spending two weeks in a careful examination of our records; and two accomplished copyists have been at work for a month making for the War Department copies of important official documents which it needs to complete its files. These gentlemen were hard at work during the whole time they were with us, and were more than ever impressed with the extent and value of our collection. On the other hand, we have received from General Townsend, Colonel Scott, General Wright, Mr. Tasker, and, in fact, every one connected with the War Records office, every courtesy and facility which we could desire.
We repeat again that our friends who have valuable documents ought to send them on at once. If you are not willing to give them, then by all means lend them to us, that copies may be made both for the Society and for the War Records office. We are hearing continually of the destruction (by fire and other causes) of valuable material which the owners intended to send us, and we beg that our friends will not run the risk of delay in forwarding what they have.
General George D. Johnston, our efficient General Agent, has been doing some very effective work for the Society in New Orleans, and expects to go thence to canvass the chief cities and towns of Texas. Our gallant friend needs no commendation from this office, for his genial manners, manly bearing, and high character win for him hosts of friends wherever he goes. He is the most efficient agent we have ever known, and we are expecting large results from his canvass among his old comrades and new friends in the “lone Star State.”
General J. R. Chalmers, of Mississippi, has kindly accepted our invitation to deliver the address before the Southern Historical Society at our annual meeting in Richmond the last of October next. Besides his splendid war record, General Chalmers is an accomplished orator, and we are anticipating an address of both historic value and popular power.
[304] The time of A number of our subscribers expires with this issue, and we beg that they will renew at once, and allow us to continue to make them our monthly visits. Either send us your subscription, authorize us to draw on you, or notify us that you will do so very soon.