
Sacrament Blessings

 Today, Carson was able to bless the sacrament for his first time. This was a really cool experience for him, and us, to witness and he did a great job! Skyler was the other priest that blessed and Scott was able to sit with them. It was really cool to see 3 Nelsons up there and to have Trey passing. 


Andrews Baptism

Today, Andrew was baptized! It was such a special occasion and he was surrounded by so many people who love him. It was a day that took miracles but we made it and we are grateful. Andrew is an incredible little boy who loves Jesus Christ and wants to be like Him. He has a sweet testimony and he was so excited for today. 

Andrew started his baptism day by throwing up. I was sick last night and so we skipped church together and read stories and slept. Scott came home this morning in order to give Andrew a blessing. We debated all day long what to do. Andrew has been waiting a LONG time for this baptism. We finally decided to move ahead and get this little guy baptized if he was feeling up to it. At 3 pm we sent a text to everyone we knew was coming letting them know that we had some sickness in our family and understood if people didn't want to attend the baptism because of that, but that we were going ahead with it. If anyone had seen Andrew tonight, they would have no idea that he had been sick this morning. He was on cloud nine We had such a special evening and are so grateful for our membership in The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. We are proud of Andrew and the choice he has made to be baptized today!

Those who attended Andrew's baptism: Todd van Utert (Bishopric), Kim Prigmore, Laura Stout (Primary Presidency), Greg and Laura Nelson (Primary teachers), Grandma and Papa Nelson, Kidds, Hunts, Nelsons (R&S), Everitts, Whipples, Hemmings, Bennetts, Osbornes, Gunnells, Emily and Spencer Corfield, Amber and Evan Baer, Bailey and Deacon Taylor

Those who participated in Andrews baptism:

Pianist-Trey Nelson
Chorister-Christine Kidd
Opening Prayer-Olivia Nelson w/help from Carson Nelson
Talk on baptism/Holy Ghost-Grandma Edie Nelson
Special musical number (Baptism)- Andrew, Skyler and Karolyn Nelson, accompanied by Grandma Edie Nelson
Baptism-Scott Nelson, Witnesses-Skyler Nelson and Kayla Nelson
Confirmation- Scott Nelson (voice), Doug Nelson, Rich Nelson, Nathan Kidd, Dallin Hunt, Adam Everitt, Greg Nelson, Chad Whipple, Todd van Utert
Closing Prayer-Kyle Everitt

The songs Andrew chose were I Love to See the Temple and Nephi's Courage

*Speical side notes; Trey has been practicing SO much to be the pianist for today. He has had moments of doubt and fear but has spent so much time preparing and he did a wonderful job playing prelude, intermission and accompanying the opening and closing songs. Another special moment of tonight was when it was Olivia's turn to say the prayer. She was SO excited. Carson held her at the podium and she did a wondeful job of saying words. When she wasn't repeating Carson, she had the biggest smile on her face. It was really sweet!


Carson's Priest Ordination

Today, Carson was sustained and ordained to the office of a priest. As we prepared for this day and talked about who could ordain him, Carson got excited about the idea of Skyler ordaining him. He asked Skyler last night and Skyler quickly turned down the offer. He was terrified at the idea of giving Carson a blessing. Scott spent time talking with him and then today we gently encouraged and in the end, Skyler was able to ordain Carson to the office of Priest in the Aaronic Priesthood. This was one of the most beautiful experiences I have ever had. Skyler was definitly nervous at the beginning but the spirit was so strong and Scott and I were both saying silent prayers on Skylers behalf. The blessing he gave was incredible! As soon as the blessing was over, Carson stood up and went right to Skyler and they had a great brother hug. This was such a special experience and we are proud of both Carson and Skyler for the men they are becoming. 

Those who stood in Carson's circle were: Skyler Nelson (voice), Scott Nelson, Doug Nelson, Nathan Kidd, Chad Whipple, Kade Whipple and Geoff Reeves (Bishop)

In attendance were Grandma Nelson and the Kidd Family.


Serve One Another: recap

Our 2024 Nelson family theme was Serve One Another. We focused alot on serving others--family, friends, neighnors and even strangers. It was a really fun theme and we created a lot of service opportunities. Our focus scripture was Mosiah 2:17

"And behold, I tell you these things that ye may learn wisdom; that ye may learn that when ye are in the service of your fellow beings ye are only inthe service of your God."

Each month we had a family service project where we came up with an idea to serve our community. These were some of our favorite activities! This is what we did:

Blanket drive-tied fleece blankets and donated to a local charity organization; made giant grandparent valentines; "You've been egged" project, where we made treats and door bell ditched neighbors with a pass it on "you've been egged" paper; purchased a giant bag of popcorn at the gas station then went to our baseball fields and handed out free popcorn to spectators; picked up trash at the park behind our house; picked up trash along the canal trail near our house; hosted a family game night for friends/neighbors in the park behind our house; held a concert for our senior citizens friends, the Stocks, in our stake; planned an epic fall break experience and invited friends; zoom concert with Everitts for our east coast grandparents, and neighbor gifts in December. 

Each month we also had a within the family service project. These were things that we did to serve our immediate family members and included: giving hugs, writing heart notes (kindness notes), sibling scavenger hunt, Random Acts of Kindness, baking a treat for everyone, pumpkin patch notes (write a pumpkin joke or nice thing for each other and add to their pumpkin patch), Thankful Turkey (write a feather for each other family member with a reason you are thankful for them), Secret Service Snowman (moving giant snowman that when received meant it was your turn to serves someone). 

Each month we also had a Sunday Baking Service where we chose a family or families to bake a treat for and baked and delivered. 

And lastly we had our Serve One Another jar where we wrote things we did to serve: 

-Andrew helps with Come Follow Me lesson
-All kids are in the CFM rotation and do a great job teaching throughout the year
-Scott coaches Trey in baseball for Spring and Fall seasons
-Dad and kids throw epic 40th birthday party for Mom! They cleaned the whold house hosted guess adn were awesome hosts! 
-Attended the temple together
-Trey picked Kayla up after activity days
-Kayla helps Andrew clean up his hot chocolate mess in the microwave
-Kayla (and Mom) heart attack Menlies garage on surgery day 
-Carson throws with Skyler in "back to throwing" program
-Mom coaches Trey in soccer 
-Mom coaches Andrew in soccer
-Mom coaches Kayla in basketball
-Trey and Carson help Andrew make his Rudolph gnome
-Andrew write nice note to family ("this family is the best")
-Kayla and Andrew play "doctor" and "veterinarian" with Olivia and their puppies
-Mom works her tail off and stays up way to late helping Carson with his SBO poster and video
-Carson makes salsa countless times for family
-Dad keeps garden going all summer
-Skyler helps friends at school whose car won't start
-Carson took barstools back downstairs without being asked
-Skyler refills Andrews rice bowl without Andrew having to ask
-Family mulch day in June (door dash hispanic speaker ;-))
-Kayla does Thursday trash day (the big one) for Mom, who was going to do do it for Andrew
-Trey swept 5 times during the first week of December, when it wasn't his job
-Trey helps entertain Andrew and his friends
-Lots of snow shoveling for neighbors in Jan.
-Skyler offers his extra Costa Vida drink and cinnamon tortilla to Carson and Trey 
-Skyler cleans up tomato vines
-Carson, Trey and Andrew attend Kayla and Livvy's dance recital and cheer them on
-Trey and Andrew help Dad plant gargen
-Carson yanks Andrews tooth out for him (July 1st)
-Dad works hard at jobs he doesn't love in order to provide financially for his family
-Skyler helps Mom unload dishwasher without being asked
-Carson takes Joseph takis and Mountain Dew when Joseph has finger accident at schol
-Carson helps Olivia grab candy canes during "musical candy canes" game at family party
-Kayla makes Sunday waffles for everyone 
-Mom and Kayla make and deliver dinner to Sister Lonni several times througout the year
-Kayla and Olivia invite Andrew to sleepover in their room
-Andrew passes out flyers to neighborhood for food drive
-Skyler hleps raise money during True Blue for Kauri Sue school for disabled chilcfren
-Kids work together and help eachother during Mom and Dads weekedn in WACO
-Skyler takes Drew to Lagoon
-Mom takes kids to Lagoon almost EVERY week during summer


Stake Presidency

Today, Scott was sustained and set apart as the second counselor in our Stake Presidency (South Jordan Highland). He was extended this call on Wednesday, December 4th, so we've had 1.5 weeks to digest and prepare. It feels a bit surreal right now and we are not totally sure what to expect but we are ready and willing to serve and Scott will do a great job getting to know, serve and love the people of this stake. 

He was set apart this afternoon by our Stake President, Nathan Evershed. He was given a beautiful blessing. He will be released from his current calling as Stake High Councilor/Stake Young Mens President soon. 

Tonight, we had our stake Christmas fireside, which was Scotts first official assignment with his new calling. All he had to do was sit on the stand and enjoy the show. He enjoyed it so much that he fell right to sleep ;-)


soccer fun

Mom: you were so fun to watch play soccer today!
Andrew: YOU were so fun to look at! 

And as a side note.. he scored twice today and on the second goal,  due to some peer pressure from older brothers, Andrew ripped off his jersey and did a down low windmill with it several times over.  


Olivia's Kindergarten Placement

 Today is a monumental day. A day that I have stressed about for over a year, maybe even longer.  And a day that I have prepared for, for about that long. It was about 15 months ago that I started to wonder and worry about Olivia and where she would attend kindergarten. I'm not certain how many details I should write because I know I would inevitably leave something or someon out. Scott and I have spent countless hours talking, debating, pro-ing and con-ing, researching, getting opinions, listening and most importantly praying about this decision. I can look back and see so many times and places where the Lord put small pieces of the puzzle in so that this would all work out. 

In our school district, there are 3 options for kids with special needs. Special school, which is a school for severe special need kids. There are certain schools that have "special classes." Special classes are places where we cluster together kids with high level special needs but are functional (autism, down syndrome etc). And there is the boundary school, the school we are zoned for. The district does not typically recommend sped kids go their boundary school, unless of course their boundary school is one that is set up with special classes. 

Scott and I felt so strongly that we wanted Olivia to go to our boundary school. I know this is a decision that many people will never understand. Some people will look at the situation and ask, "why in the world would you not want her in a special class?" Well there are lots of reasons (remember how I said we have been pro-ing and con-ing?) Anyway, suffice to say, after a lot of prayer and thought, we felt that the best thing for Olivia was to send her to our boundary school where she would be with her siblings, her neighborhood friends and a school that she is familiar with. (There are lots more reasons but anyway....) 

We went in to today's meeting prepared and ready to fight, if needed. We felt so ready. We walked in, sat down and Scott started out by boldly saying, "We'll just put it out there. We want Olivia to go to Welby." On Olivias team are her preschool teacher, Welby psych and vice principal, District reps: gen ed rep and special ed rep and our parent advocate. From the moment Scott spoke, not a single person disagreed. Everyone was talking about why they think Olivia will succeed and on the conversation went about how this will be a great thing to try. I was shocked and the whole thing felt surreal. 

I am still a little stunned but am so thrilled. Olivia is going to Welby and we couldn't be more excited! I saved all of my tears till we were at the car and then I couldn't hold back anymore. This has been such a huge stress for me and I cannot adequately describe the relief and peace I feel. 

We are so grateful for all those who have helped get us to this point. And so we begin a new journey with Miss Livvy. We are not totally sure of where this journey will lead, but this is a good start. 

*we took Livvy out to lunch to celebrate