As I posted last, our long weekend was pretty busy and we really just needed some down time, so we did just that! Monday and Tuesday we hung around home, swam in the pool and tried to stay cool!
Noah learned how fun crushing cans can be - see Instagram for the hilarious video. But we also had some bubbles fun!
Emilya decided she would roll over from back to front and now she just keeps rolling right off her mat, so she is officially on the move now, and never where I leave her anymore!
Noah took the beer cans back from the long weekend and we let him keep some of the money from the return and instead of buying candy, he wanted to stop at the strawberry stand on the way home!
On Wednesday Miss Emilya tried her exersaucer for the first time and loved it!! I can hardly get over how strong she is at just 3 months!! That's right, she is 3 months already, her post is coming up!!
Wednesday afternoon, Greyson and Chloe came over for a play date and ended up staying for dinner! You bet I failed at photos! It's right after they left that things took a turn for the worst!
Noah ended up with a fever of 103 - the highest he has ever had and he was not feeling well AT all!!! We have been soo lucky and have not had to deal with any sickness really with the kids, so this was a big deal for M and I.
Thursday we had a fun day planned, but ended up cancelling it because Noah still had a crazy high fever and was super sucky. I had told my sister I would watch Hannah for her, as B had an appointment. Noah was super happy to have Hannah over and seemed to perk up a bit, so we allowed her to stay over night! The kids had lots of fun:
Friday morning I met my sister in town, we did a little shopping together, I managed to get myself some new sunglasses and a few shirts and some wall art for various places around the house, including the basement and Noah's room!!
Noah was still sporting a high fever, but with no other symptoms! He is getting 2 of his 2 year molars, but has never had a fever this high before, so I decided since we were heading out on vacation that I would take him into the clinic just to make sure we weren't dealing with an ear infection or something. The doctor couldn't see anything of concern.
Friday night we attempted to try out our new babysitter!! Noah was right out of sorts, but was excited she was there, so my plan was to show her the bedtime routine and then I would leave with Emilya to goto M's ball game. Well we got him up and in bed, I was just starting to pack things up and got the call from Mike that they were calling the game because of the the thunderstorm! Soo, I didn't make it out of the house, but we will try it all again!!
Saturday morning Noah developed a cough to go along with his cold and was absolutely miserable. I had plans to be out of the house by 8 and well let's just say that didn't happen!
I met my sister and my Mom at the Art In The Barn show. I was soo impressed with all the little shops our area has to offer and loved meeting some of the shop owners I have done reviews for!! My haul:
Saturday afternoon was spent packing and getting ready to head to the cottage.
We could have been there for 2, but made it by 8! Organization is not our thing and this was the first time we had rented a cottage and had no clue what we actually needed. Emilya didn't travel well at all! I ended up stopping 7 times in the hours car ride in attempt to give her a pacifier...
More details on our week at the cottage to come! Stay tuned!