Showing posts with label Baby V2. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Baby V2. Show all posts

Friday, April 8, 2016

IT'S A.....

Baby GIRL!!!!

We are over the moon excited to announce that we have the sweetest little girl! Let the pink, frills and hair bows fly into our house!!! 

Emilya Hope

(Pronounced Emil-ya)

Born at 10:48 AM on April 5th, 2016 - weighing 8lbs 3 oz. and 21.5 inches long! 

We came home yesterday and are loving being all under one roof as a family of 4! I can't even begin to tell you how blessed we feel. Noah is loving his new role as a big brother. I am recovering well from my c-section and my blood pressure is holding its own. 

Wednesday, April 6, 2016

39 Weeks with Baby V2

How Far Along: 
39 Weeks - its baby week!!

Size Of Baby?

Maternity Clothes?
Yes, but if I'm not going out, you bet I'm in pj pants! 

Stretch Marks?
Nope! I find myself checking each morning! Grateful for being tall!

We will find out in less than a week!!

Girl names are still on the fence, but boy names are set. I have 2 of each!

Not great. Taking advantage of naps while I can. Pee breaks are more often as well over night!

Canned peaches, they are soo good! Oh and two bite brownies!

Head is back up in my ribs and I have been feeling a lot of rolling. Kicks and punches feel harder, but not as often!

Weight Gain:
35 pounds! Same weight gain with Noah, but feeling much larger, but with less swelling!

Anxious to meet this little one! Heartburn is back, as baby has moved up again! Baby is still breach! Nose is running a lot more. But I feel good and I know I will miss being pregnant! It feels soo crazy to have made it to my C-section date at 39.5 weeks!

What I Miss?
Sleeping comfortably.

Items Bought for Baby:
I bought a sound machine for the nursery - used, but now we have one!

What the doctor had to say? 
We just have a few more days to make it!! Despite my blood pressure not being stable, he said if I could just take it easy for a few more days, we can make it!! No protein in my urine and baby sounded good, but confirmed to still be breach! Another reason tacked on for a C-section. Consent forms were signed!

Making it this far and feeling pretty good for the most part!! I know I will miss this time with with just Noah and I and I will miss being pregnant!! Soaking up these last few days!! 

Our basement flooded 4 days before the baby will arrive. What a mess. Not at all what I wanted to deal with before baby!! 

Belly Button?
In, but part of it pops out when I laugh. Soo creepy! 

Bump Pic:

Photos taken on Baby Day!!

Looking Forward to: 
Meeting this baby!! Finding out the sex!! 

Tuesday, March 29, 2016

38 Weeks with Baby V2

How Far Along: 
38 Weeks - officially the furthest along I have ever made it pregnant!! Welcome uncharted territory!! 

Size Of Baby?

Maternity Clothes?
Yes, but if I'm not going out, you bet I'm in pj pants! 

Stretch Marks?
Nope, trying to remember to put oil on at least once a week or more now because I'm nervous they might come this time since I'm soo much bigger! 

We will find out in 1 week!! How crazy is that.. Just one week away! 

We will share in 1 week!! Our names are pretty much set, I did add in one more girl name that M is in love with, but I'm on the fence! 

Not great. Getting up often to pee and rolling over is definitely a process that requires waking up for! 

Canned peaches! I also made cherry cheesecake this past weekend and I'm not complaining 

Baby's movement is less crazy, a little slower, more like a baby now. Lots of rolling, hiccups and somersaults, but still breach!! Baby also dropped a bit this week, so the head is no longer up in my ribs, but I have elbowed it on my side a few times, as s/he seems to like lying across me now! 

Weight Gain:
33 pounds! Still under my total gain with Noah, yet soo much bigger!! 

Anxious to meet this little one! Heartburn is still kicking around, but a bit better since baby has dropped a bit. I actually feel a little smaller now that the baby has dropped a bit as well! 

What I Miss?
Sleeping comfortably.

Items Bought for Baby:
Feels soo weird not needing anything really for this baby and having gender neutral stuff already. I will say I bought more girls stuff this pregnancy and will be taking a boy and girl outfit to the hospital this time. 

The replacement diaper pail came in the mail and we bought the baby a scale to weigh the baby at home, since the service is no longer offered in our area. It was something we really enjoyed with Noah, so we justified it! 

What the doctor had to say? 
Blood pressure was high at my appointment, I didn't feel great, so my OB ended up sending me down to triage for monitoring and blood work. I ended up with a small amount of protein in my urine, but baby did well with the non-stress test and my blood work came back fine. My OB said my wheels are wobbling on my wagon, and that I need to take it easy!

Celebrating Easter with our families. 

Enjoying family time just the 3 of us, as much as possible lately. I'm sad my days with just Noah and I are coming to end, but soo excited to add in this baby as well. It's a big change for us all and I am excited to experience it, but I will miss my days with Noah! 

Belly Button?
In, but part of it pops out when I laugh. Soo creepy! 

Bump Pic:

Looking Forward to: 
Meeting this baby!! Finding out the sex!! 

Thursday, March 24, 2016

Sweet Baby V2 - What Will You Be

I will start off by saying as much as I wanted to find out with my first pregnancy, with this one, I wanted to know even more. We actually almost did find out, as our doctor actually does have the sex documented!

Boy names are figured out, girl names are not quite set and we seem to be struggling with them more this time, where as last time boy names were hard.

How does this pregnancy compare to my last? It is waaay different. Baby is carrying soo differently. Noah was always low low low and tucked in a corner, this one is as high as it can get and straight up my middle. I had a lot of nausea with this pregnancy.

With less than two weeks left, I am curious to hear what you all think this baby will be!!

On To The Wives Tales:
Chinese Gender Prediction says: 


Mayan Gender Prediction Theory says: 


How I Have Carried: 

High = GIRL
In front = BOY


Acne = GIRL 
Dry Skin, cold feet = BOY 

Baby's Heart Rate: 




Daddy's Weight:

Boy - Daddy worked out during this pregnancy!

Morning Sickness: 


Mood Swings: 

GIRL (poor M) 

So that tallies up to:
6 GIRL votes
5 BOY votes.

Noah swears it is a girl and will argue if you say it is a boy. He is adamant no matter which way you ask him!

I think girl this time, M is afraid to say it out loud, but also thinks girl.

 What do you think Baby V2 will be?

Wondering how things looked with Noah? Look back HERE

Tuesday, March 22, 2016

37 Weeks with Baby V2

How Far Along: 
37 Weeks - officially the furthest along I have ever made it pregnant!! Welcome uncharted territory!! 

Size Of Baby?

Maternity Clothes?
Yes, but if I'm not going out, you bet I'm in pj pants! 

Stretch Marks?
Nope, trying to remember to put oil on at least once a week or more now because I'm nervous they might come this time since I'm soo much bigger! 

We will find out in 2 weeks!! 

We will share in 2 weeks! Our names are pretty much set, I did add in one more girl name that M is in love with, but I'm on the fence! 

Not great. Naps are when I have them though. Baby is still sitting super high, so it is hard to get comfortable at bedtime. Bathroom breaks are also at an all time high now as well!! 

Two-bite brownies over and over please, oh and skim milk too! 

Baby's movement is less crazy, a little slower, more like a baby now. Lots of rolling, hiccups and somersaults, but still breach!! 

Weight Gain:
31 pounds! Still under my total gain with Noah, yet soo much bigger!! 

So incredibly tired still, but feeling soo happy to have made it this far along!! Baby is still up in my ribs, but feeling a lot of pelvic pressure, likely from the excess fluid I'm carrying! I'm starting to get nervous about my csection!! 

What I Miss?
Sleeping comfortably.

Items Bought for Baby:
A new drying rack for bottles and pump parts! We went with the boon grass one because it's smaller than our old one! 

What the doctor had to say? 
Meds are controlling my blood pressure so far! We got our csection date, so we are anxiously awaiting that. Baby is still breach. I ended up waiting over an hour for thus appointment, caught a cold in the waiting room, so clearly I wasn't impressed. 

The to-do list is just about completed! I started packing our bags, we discussed our plan for Noah with Mikes parents, so that eases my mind. Just have my pump and parts to sterilize and finish packing my bags! I'd like to get the freezer cookie dough done too, but just haven't got around to it! 

To celebrate making this far, here is the big old bare belly!! Soo large!!

Belly Button?
In, but part of it pops out when I laugh. Soo creepy! 

Bump Pic:

Looking Forward to: 
Celebrating Easter with our families! 
This mini cold leaving our house! Our essential oils have really helped!! 

Thursday, March 17, 2016

36 Weeks with Baby V2

How Far Along: 
36 Weeks 

Size Of Baby?

Maternity Clothes?
Yes, along with comfy clothes and pjs!! I am at the point where comfortable is best!!

Stretch Marks?
Nope, trying to remember to put oil on at least once a week or more now because I'm nervous they might come this time since I'm soo much bigger! 

We will find out in April!! If you ask Noah, he insists and will argue that it is a girl! 

We will share in April, our names are pretty much set, I did add in one more girl name that M is in love with, but I'm on the fence! 

Not great. Naps are when I have them though. Reflux is at its worst when lying down and after meals. Baby is still sitting super high, so it is hard to get comfortable at bedtime. 

Two-bite brownies over and over please, oh and skim milk too! 

Baby is moving and grooving like crazy again. 

Weight Gain:
29 pounds! Turns out I hadn't gained any weight over the last 2 weeks and actually lost a pound! 

So incredibly tired, especially since being put on blood pressure meds. It's a good reminder to slow down, this I know and I am listening to my body, but it is frustrating as well when you just want to get stuff done, but no energy. I remember this feeling on the meds last time too. Reflux and nausea are still kicking around. 

What I Miss?
Sleeping comfortably.

Items Bought for Baby:
I bought a scale for the baby since our well baby clinic isn't offered anymore and I will miss weighing this baby every week! 

What the doctor had to say? 
Well my blood pressure decided to spike, so I ended up on meds. Baby is still breech, so we discussed what my delivery plan/options are and because my blood pressure has decided to go up, the baby is breech and I had a previous section, he thought it would be safest to go ahead with the planned c-section, which I agreed to as well. He wanted to wait an extra week before setting the date to see how my blood pressure was going to respond. So if I go into labor on my own, as long as baby isn't about to come out, I will have a csection regardless. Feels good to have a plan. 

The nursery is ready, for the most part, once we know if it's a boy or girl we can finalize the decor!
Getting our maternity pics back - love them all!!! 
Checking off more things off my to-do list! 

Belly Button?
In, but part of it pops out when I laugh. Soo creepy! 

Bump Pic:

Looking Forward to: 
Getting our planned c-section date! 
Making it further than my last pregnancy!! 

Tuesday, March 15, 2016

Maternity Pics Are In!!!

Our maternity pics are back and I love and cherish absolutely every single one if them!!! 

Another pregnancy is another blessing and even though I'm soaking up every last minute with my little boy - just him and I, we are working on preparing him as well!!! 

Such a special time in our lives documented perfectly!! 


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