Nothing like having a little Pinterest Party with your girlfriend one evening and making a seasonal barn board display for outside.
Luckily I have an endless supply to barn boards over at the farm, so getting a rustic board was not a problem, we didn't need a 7 foot long board, so I had M cut one board in half.
Supplies Needed:
- barn board
- palm sander with sand paper
- black paint
- stencils (printed our own with paper)
- pencil or marker for tracing
- paint brushes
First we took the boards outside and gave them a quick sand with a palm sander, since they are real barn boards and were rather rough.
J printed out letters for us to cut out and then trace onto the boards
We just used a black acrylic craft paint and filled in the letters on the board we traced out.
We decided to freehand some Halloween art - which if I'm being honest, I blew my spider web and hate it, but it will do for now until I figure out a way to fix it.
here is my finished board:
and both of our boards finished:
In December, we decided we would do the other side of our boards for Christmas!!
This side of my board was definitely rougher, but still not to bad to work with!
We bought Santa hats from the dollar store to help dress them up a bit
I really like the way this side of the board turned out at least! It does suck that I couldn't get a picture of the board dry, as we had gotten a lot of rain, but you get the idea! I don't have a picture of J's board.
Overall the project was pretty easy, fun and didn't require a lot of time. I think we had each side done within 2 hours!