Showing posts with label cleaning. Show all posts
Showing posts with label cleaning. Show all posts

Monday, February 2, 2015

Behind Again!!

My intentions to blog daily are clearly falling behind! I'd like to say this will get better, but with a little boy on the move, time is precious around here!

Noah learned to crawl on Friday!! We couldn't be happier! He is a lot happier being able to move freely on his own and a lot less frustrated. Granted he would still prefer to walk over crawl, he can move about and that is big! Now he is working on pulling himself up on everything! Baby's really don't keep! 

Plans for Noah's party are in full swing! If you have me on Pinterest you would have likely guessed our theme to be Elmo! 

Another thing I have been working on is attempting to stop a 4-plex from going up in my back yard... Well not MY backyard, but on the lot behind us. I feel like I am back in the law library with all the research I'm doing, but the research is paying off and hopefully we can stop the application from going forward as it will cause a lot of parking issues, community safety, etc. We had a meeting Friday night with some neighbours and came up with a game plan. 

(It really is just a bad angle, but his smile was too big to not share... he has a neck I swear)

Saturday was spent tackling our to-do lists... Which I will update last months this week, as we are in February now! Crazy!! We cleaned out the mudroom, rearranged it and worked in finding homes for things that were suddenly homeless! It was an all day event! We got laundry done, sorting of bills and cleaned off the top of the fridge and the junk basket lol. All jobs that needed to be done! I also watched the movie Gone Girl - it was pretty good! I am an old school fan of Ben Affleck. The movie definitely didn't end the way I thought it was going to!

Sunday marked the end of our first round of the 21 day fix! I will also post about that this week! We couldn't be happier with the results!! We hung a mirror we had in the mudroom in the bathroom, hung a picture in the dining room, emptied the junk drawer and attempted to go out petitioning as a family, but that was short lived since of course we were getting a snow storm! So M brought Noah and the dogs home and I kept at it! 

When I got home I was surprised to see our new enjo products came in! We are pretty excited to start using them!! After Noah woke up from his nap we headed back out in the snow storm, but in a vehicle this time to head to the farm! Man did it ever come down while we were there! The roads were quite slick on our way home, but luckily it's not too far away!! 

And waking up this morning- we were dumped on! I haven't seen this much snow all at once in a long time! We are in operation dig out! The non-drifted sections are knee high and the drifted sections are thigh-high. Oh and it is still snowing!! Luckily my husband will be bringing over the plow from the farm to clear us out! 

Happy Monday friends!


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