Showing posts with label Photo Wall. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Photo Wall. Show all posts

Tuesday, July 31, 2012

Weekend Recap - Tuesday Style

Friday: It was supposed to storm, we didn't get much at all. Right after work I headed to a location I wanted to scout for photography. It was nice:

But didn't have all that much to offer and it wasn't what it used to be.

Saturday: When I woke up it was raining and dreary out, not that I am complaining as things are starting to green up again, but I had a photo shoot planned. Luckily they were willing to wait it out and I am soo glad we did! By the afternoon, the weather was perfect. The shoot went well!!

When I came home I decided to have lunch in the pool, as I was hot from shooting and starving, as my shoot took longer than I had anticipated, but it was totally worth it! After I cooled down, M and I decided to tackle the photo wall!
Here is a sneak peak:

Saturday night I just worked on editing photos from the shoot:

Sunday: M and I went and got some groceries and then finished the photo wall for the most part, with the exclusion of 2 letters being put up because we have yet to figure out how to hang them! I also ordered all the pictures for all the frames! Have I ever mentioned how much M hate hanging pictures, I am sure it is male-typical, but here is the last frame being hung... he was impressed I swear!

(maybe he will hang some trim around the closet soon? I won't push my luck and ask him about that right now!)

I will post a picture once my newly adopted friends and family are no longer framed and my actual family is in!!
Yesterday I went to Exeter for the business to pick up parts and then spent the day lounging by the pool:

We had girls night last night and I got some super sweet cuddles from baby T!! Better get them while I still can! They grow up waay to fast!

Today is Aunt Ash and Hannah hang out day!!! Can't wait!! I miss her too much!! I haven't seen them since I got back and word is that Brandon is up to 18 pounds!!! Hard to believe he came into this world soo small and is now soo big!! Hopefully the weather will hold out and H and I can goto the park and do some swimming!!

Happy Tuesday friends!!

Friday, July 27, 2012

High Five For Friday!!

Today I am linking up with Lauren!!

 I am loving that I am finally working on my photo wall!! I have figured out all the sizes that I will need, which frames will be my focal points, etc. I brought down my frame collection and put them on the dining room table! I hope to have M hang them this weekend! Then I will fill them!!

We have finally got some rain!! I also hear that there is more coming today and possibly tomorrow! I am still under the impression of I will believe it when I see it!

I love my new twitter background! Be sure to pop by! You can find me here!! You can also find me on facebook!!
I am loving the snuggles Jazzy has been giving me lately, especially during the bad storm the other night!!

I am wearing a maxi dress to work today and the necklace Alison gave me!! Love it!!

I have scheduled another photo shoot for Saturday!! Hopefully the weather holds up!!

I hope everyone has a fabtastic weekend!! I know I am planning on it!


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