Showing posts with label Weekend Rewind. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Weekend Rewind. Show all posts

Tuesday, November 8, 2016

Weekend Rewind

Friday... Friday... Right, Em had an appointment in London, so we went to that and then hit up Costco afterwards, hello super full cart!!!

Good news is I got quite a few Christmas presents, bad news is it was an expensive trip!! We had dinner at the farm and then came home to get the kids in bed! 

Once the kids were settled, I decided last minute to attend a make up lesson party I was invited to! When it comes to make up I had no clue what I was doing - whatsoever!! The lesson was soo informative and my skin felt amazing even with make up on!! I don't think I have ever felt so comfortable in my own skin! The mom bags were gone... It didn't look like I was wearing a lot of make up and it was Arbonne products, so they aren't horrible for your skin!! 

It was fun and I am glad I went after all!! The aftermath:

Saturday morning we had gymnastics and then we stopped at Walmart afterwards to pick up a new car seat. Turns out the car seat was $50 off!! We are going to end up needing 3 new car seats total once Em is out of the bucket seat, one for each of our vehicles for her and then we are pretty sure the one in M's expires soon (we bought it used). The new one we bought is a 3 in 1 and will transition into a booster. I came home and was going to order 2 others online, but they were sold out! So I called the store and they had 1 other in stock, so I had them hold it! 

M and Noah were working outside, getting all the leaves cleaned up, going back and forth with the backhoe while Em was napping and I just worked on some housework. 

After supper Noah and Mike went to pick up the extra car seat in attempt to keep the kids up a bit late because of the time change coming. It was a fail, Em was not having any of it! So I ended up bathing her while they were gone and by the time they got home, I was nursing her to sleep! They came home with an ice cream treat to surprise me with!! Yum!

Once the kids were in bed, it didn't take them long to fall asleep! 

Sunday morning came early... 6 AM, which I know felt like 7 AM and the sun was coming out, but we definitely didn't gain an hour in our house! 

After breakfast M and moved things around in the mudroom. We have decided we need a closet in the mudroom for coats and boots instead of the wardrobe that just doesn't work for a family! So we moved the wardrobe to where we want the closet to see how the space will change, moved the washer and dryer down the wall and took the change table out of the room and we are very happy with space! So we will be building a closet in there as our next project - hopefully before Christmas! 

The kids actually co-operated in allowing us to get that done!! 

After nap, Noah went outside with M to finish up and I decided to give green beans a try for this little lady...

So far anything green has been a no-go! She hates it, but much to my surprise the green beans did not come back at me, she didn't gag, she actually ate them. I won't say she loved them, but she certainly didn't hate them!! 

After supper we took the backhoe back to the farm - this was not just my first ride in it, but my first time driving it too! Not the best time to drive something with a baby strapped to my chest and it being dark out, but we did it and Noah kept telling me I was doing a "great job mommy". Noah enjoyed an impromptu ice cream date with Grandpa and then we were off to bath time and bedtime! 

Monday we stayed home from play group because hand foot and mouth is going around right now and I really don't want to have to deal with that! Even adults are getting it! So we stayed home! I also decide I would start back up working out and trying to eat healthy! I joined a challenge group to help with that! So I am going to do a combination of Country Heat and 21 Day Fix and see how my body reacts this time! I started Country Heat almost 2 months ago, but my incision started swelling again, so my doctor told me slow down, which then I was unmotivated and just stopped. But I want my energy back! So we are going to try this combination and see how it goes! 

Tuesday, October 11, 2016

Thanksgiving Weekend Rewind

I can hardly believe Thanksgiving has come and went already, it seemed to be early this year. We did have a pretty good weekend though.

Thanksgiving leaves us feeling not only very thankful for all that we have, but also soo very blessed. Our minds can't help but to travel back to when we were trying for a baby and going through IVF. Thanksgiving marks our very first IVF cycle that failed. We can remember that pain like it was yesterday. It's hard waiting for something you want so badly, so having Emilya be apart of our family this year is just another blessing, something we weren't sure was possible and now we have 2 beautiful babies. Thanksgiving is just a reminder that hope will see us through, along with the help of family and close friends and some amazing doctors in this case. 

Friday M surprised us and was home early. We finished watching the ball game together and then headed to the park with the kids! Emilya was LOVING the swing! The rest of our evening was uneventful. After the kids were in bed I ended up having a few of the girls over for a bonfire. It was such a perfect fall night for a fire. Hopefully it won't be the last. 

Saturday morning was gymnastics. Noah did really well again, this is such a great class for him and I
love that it is his and Daddy's thing they do together. Em and I love watching. After gymnastics I hit up Walmart while M grabbed us all lunch. On the way home I stopped at the local baby store and picked up the cutest headbands - I know more headbands?? Is there such a thing as too many? I just think the top knot bands will be helpful with Em's hearing aid when she gets it! 

Saturday was spent doing laundry, tidying up the basement and just general chores and lots of family time! We let Noah dress himself after gymnastics since the weather is cooler and shirts are no longer warm enough. Come to mention it, we actually turned our heat on. 

Sunday morning I made apple crisp for Thanksgiving and actually this was my new recipe of the week. My usual recipe hasn't been working lately and I like a nice crispy top, so I followed this recipe and it was great!! I ended up doubling it, because I made a big pan of it, but you bet I will make it again!!


After naptime we got the kids ready to go to our family dinner. We failed at getting family pic and I am not going to tell you how many pictures we took trying to get a pic of them both smiling...but here are a few of what we did get:




Clearly we have some work to do before our family photos this weekend!! 

Little man wanted a pic all by himself:


We had a great time visiting with my side of the family. Noah obviously had a blast playing with the cousins, but Emilya was a little grumpy, over tired and was not loving how loud it was. We headed home around 7:30, listening to the ball game on the way home and then watching the rest of it when we got home and got the kids in bed. It was a great game and put us into the next round!! Go Blue Jays go!! 


Monday morning I worked on Emilya's drawers, as we are now transitioning her completely upstairs, which means her changing area in the mudroom is leaving. M and I are trying to come up with a new plan for the mudroom as far as layout and making best use of the space. One thing we have decided is that we will be building a closet, the wardrobe idea just doesn't work for a family.

 M and Noah went to the farm to get the pump and came home with the kobota. Apparently Daddy had a hard time saying "No" to Noah, so we had one happy little boy! The boys closed the pool together. 


I enjoyed a soak in the hot tub when the kids went down for a nap and when I came inside M went out to cut the grass. M's parents ended up coming home from the lake early and popped over, so we planned a last minute dinner with them at the farm. Emilya had a nice long nap! When she woke up we all packed into the kobota and by all, I mean Gracie too and headed over. 


We had a nice dinner and visit and came home just in time for the kids to have a bath together. M took Noah up to bed while I fed Emilya and then we put her down. 

We have a busy week ahead of us! Today Em gets her 6 months shots, tomorrow we have songs and stories at the library, Thursday we have his Music in Motion class and that afternoon we have tickets to go see The Wiggles and Friday we have a play date planned. I think it is going to fun week!! 

Monday, October 3, 2016

Weekend Rewind

We had such a nice and low key weekend, granted it rained most of the weekend, it was fine. We really just enjoyed the slow weekend as a family!

Friday night was spent getting the nursery cleaned up. M was adamant that Emilya was moving up there, whereas I was on the fence. I like my babies close and struggle with the transition more than the kids. The rest of the night was spent reading for me. I am reading Me Before You and it's due back next week, so the push is on to get it finished. It's such a good book, I don't want to miss out on finishing it!

Emilya woke around 3 AM and didn't settle until after 4 AM. M was up with her, since this was his brilliant idea, but I didn't sleep well at all. So I slept in until 8 and still woke up exhausted. We ended up running a bit late for gymnastics, but Noah did really well with the class! I love that he gets that time with M doing the class together, as much as I would love to do it with them, I like that they have thier own thing together and get that time together. Em and I enjoy watching anyways and the hour goes by so fast! We grabbed lunch on the way home and played a bit before naptime. 

Side note, our old house is on the market and well we went from being excited to see it and then 
majorly disappointed. It's hard seeing something you put soo much pride and hard work in look soo shabby and well... Not very nice. The craziest part is the price... They are asking almost 100,000 more than what they paid and have not improved anything at all. And just incase you are thinking it can't be that bad... Think red walls with leopard print curtains or plywood deck or paneling the walls... Yes panelling?? Oh and the beautiful floors we refinished... They covered them too! 

I ended up napping while the kids did. After supper we went for a walk and just had some family time before bed. I ended up reading over half of the book - it's soo good!! 

Saturday night Em woke up at 3 AM, so she definitely is not sleeping all night, but Noah doesn't seem phased by the extra noises, so that's good. I slept in again until 8 AM and then worked on some laundry after pumping. I'm pumping now every morning when I wake up and we give Emilya a bottle, now that she's waking in the night, we are very grateful for the extra bottle we get. 

My sister came over at 10 AM to go shopping, however, we did end up leaving until 10:30, by the time M got Emilya down for her nap! We hit up Marshalls and HomeSense first, where I got a baptism gift and a gold heart blanket for Emilya's room. We grabbed some lunch and then headed to Costco - it was a zoo, but I did get some Christmas shopping done!! My eyes are officially peeled for Christmas gifts and I ordered a book set for Emilya as soon as I got home. 

After we arrived home and my sister left, I had to pull Emilya's 9 month clothes - sleepers in particular, everything else in 6 months still fits! So I got laundry going, folded laundry, vacuumed, and we started making homemade apple sauce for Emilya! I had picked up a chicken from Costco for dinner, so it was a really easy supper. We decided to try for a walk despite the weather raining on and off and it did spit for a bit of our walk, but the kids got some fresh air, so we were happy. 

Sunday night I watched Heartland and read somemore of my book! Just about finished! 

This weekend I found out that I will be able to make it to the Luke Bryan concert at the end of the month! Soo excited!! Even if it means an overnight away from my babies!!

Hope everyone had a great weekend. 

Monday, August 29, 2016

Weekend Rewind

Happy Monday friends!! What a happy Monday? Well it's a Happy Birthday to me Monday - we will see what the day has in store for me. In the meantime we will rewind the weekend:

Friday night M burnt our burgers to a crisp! I thought Noah was just saying "FIRE" but the BBQ was legit on fire! Guess M will have to clean the BBQ! We ended up having grilled cheese for supper... M had baseball, so I was on solo bedtime duty. It didn't not go down well at all. At one point they were both screaming. Emilya isn't napping well at all with her new teeth coming in! She is definitely getting a bottom tooth (it's poked through already), but I am convinced that it won't be long before the one beside it comes up. This is soo crazy to me, becaus Noah didn't get teeth until 9 months!! 

I did end up getting both kids down and by 9 PM! So it was half a mommy win! I decided to rent a pay-per-view since Bell offered me a free one. I chose Mother's Day, since the cast was loaded with big actresses like Jennifer Anniston, Julia Roberts, etc. It was alright, maybe I just expected better because of the fully loaded cast. I was glad I didn't pay $6 for it! But I will say the renting process was super easy! 

Saturday morning M and Noah went to the farm to get the pressure washer and the backhoe. They
had a small job to do in the morning. While they did that, Em and I worked upstairs for a bit. I took an inventory of Noah's wardrobe and I think I bought the wrong sizes for fall! Let's just say Noah has a whole bunch of 4T clothes... Like I won't buy another thing in that size and not so much in 3T... - the size that fits. Oops!! I will go through his drawers and get a better idea on the situation and see just what he needs. 

When the boys got back, Em was napping, so I went outside and quickly came up with a new plan for the front porch! We need to repaint the porch and the one side of the railing was actually rotting. So, I decided that I would like an opening to come off the side of the porch instead of walking around to the front. So M ripped off that part of the railing and will have to fix up the posts and build a new step going up to it! I think it will look great! I got started with power washing. I always wondered why
people cleaned thier driveways, etc. but this made a night and day difference! Our house was filthy! I've got a lot of painting coming up in the nearest future, after we give everything a light sanding. But our screen door (wooden), rocking chair, front porch, garage door trim, and front door all need some paint and we will reseal the front porch deck. 

The day literally flew by with M and I taking turns watching the kids as we tackled various jobs around the house, with power washing being mine, his was cutting the lawn, working on the pool, and working on the deck railing. I managed to get just over half of the house and porch power washed before we decided to make a run into Home Depot. Emilya screamed the whole time - over tired for sure, but we got everything we needed except sand paper! 

We grabbed Swiss Chalet for dinner and headed home to eat! This kid was spun!! So we played for a bit before bedtime! 

Pretty sure I went to bed early! 

Sunday morning we just had some good old fashioned family time! Playing, waffle breakfast and then we planned out the day, as we still had a list of things to accomplish! 



I finished power washing the house, with a few breaks to hang out with these two. 



Check out the difference... 


M and Noah went into town to pick up my birthday cake (ice cream cake - my request) and brought home lunch. After lunch the kids napped. While they napped I finished the power washing and got my work out in! I missed two days... Technically one if you count one of the missed days as a rest day! Sometimes life just gets to busy, although I am sure I made it up for it on the days I missed! 

M went swimming to try and find the hole in our liner and was successful!! Then he headed to ball!!

When the kids woke up we headed down to the ball park just as M was finishing his ball game! So we played at the park for a bit instead!! 


We came home, had a spaghetti supper and then went back outside to work on the new step for the front porch! Best little helper around: 



Next thing we knew, it was bedtime!! 

Today we are hanging around home and then heading to the farm for my birthday dinner and ice cream cake! 

Monday, August 22, 2016

Weekend Rewind

Likely the most boring weekend rewind in a while - just sayin!!

Friday night Noah was off to the lake for his first weekend sleep over!! M and I ordered take out from the restaurant and hung out in a quiet house before he headed to ball and I headed to hang out with the ladies with Emilya! She stayed awake the whole evening and flight sleep like a champ fort he whole girls night, but she was at least happy while doing it! 

Saturday morning we all woke up at 7:30, I got some laundry started and we picked up the house a bit. We face timed with Noah to see how his first night away on the boat was, and it went well, aside from waking up early! 

We packed up for the ball game and headed out!! I will say Emilya travelled not to badly this weekend!! Fingers crossed she's growing out of it or getting better at entertaining herself! Once we got to ball park, I put her sleep and enjoyed watching the whole game, interruption free without worrying where Noah was! They won that game, but had a huge gap inbetween games, so we welcomed the team back to our house inbetween games. 

The kids swam, we ordered pizza and relaxed for a few hours. M and and I at least enjoyed getting the photo updates of Noah's weekend away - my one request haha. 

The guys won their next game and then didn't play again until Sunday at 12:45! I had a pounding headache, thanks to his head cold M shared with me, so we picked up supper and came home! I enjoyed a soak in the hot tub, which helped my headache and then we had a quiet night! Pretty sure I was in bed by 10 PM! 

Sunday morning we were all up by 7:30 again! M and I decided that a full weekend away from Noah is just too long, plus then M doesn't get any time with Noah! We will stick with overnights instead! 


I finished making the zucchini loaves - the zucchini our neighbour gave me made 8 loaves in total!! We are going through freeze them! We hung a few pictures in Em's nursery, cleaned Noah's room and I had a quick shower before we headed back to ball! 


The ended up with only 9 players and got mercied! 

So we headed home with a tired Emilya and while she napped at home with M, I ran into town and grabbed groceries! I also bought a dual DVD player for the car to see if it will help distract Emilya by giving her something to focus on! 


Noah didn't get home until 6 PM! M and I were pretty antsy to see him and we did get the biggest hugs when he got home. We had dinner with M's parents, and played for a bit before they went home and we got everyone ready for bed! 

This little lady was especially happy to see Noah, although she learned how to make up for the noise she was missing and was constantly chatting all weekend!! 


We all sure missed this squish this weekend! But he did have fun at the lake with Grandma and Grandpa!! 


So there you have it, a rather quiet uneventful weekend it was, and as much as it was a nice break, just too long!! 

Hope everyone enjoyed their weekend!! We are having a quiet day today!! 


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