Showing posts with label inspiration. Show all posts
Showing posts with label inspiration. Show all posts

Wednesday, May 8, 2013

What I Am Loving

So it has been a while since I have shared what I am loving as of lately!!

I love that the weather has been gorgeous! Spoiled!!! And loving every minute of it!

I love that M and I ate out on the deck last night for the first time this season! Beer and burgers! Nothing like an 8:30 PM dinner! M didn't get home from work until 8:00 PM! Long day!

Yes you do see two different hamburger buns. I prefer the smaller buns and M likes the big ones! No compromise! I end up buying both!
I made some chocolate chip peanut butter cookies yesterday! Yummy!!

Alison is having a GIRL!! This is super exciting!!

Today is McHappy Day! A great excuse to eat McDonalds! They are donating to the Ronald McDonald House which is a home away from home for several families with sick children! As we all know my sister and the fam stayed there while Brandon was in the NICU.

It's blood work day today. I do not love this! Not looking forward to it, but looking forward to seeing how my thyroid is doing! Have I mentioned that I HATE needles! I seriously fear them!

And some of the quotes I have been in love with:

But the struggles make you stronger, and the changes make you wise and happiness has its own way of taking its sweet time.
And this is perfect!! I am working on it:
Happy Wednesday friends!!

Tuesday, April 30, 2013

Book Review: Bittersweet

Okay so I finally took some time to finish the book I had mentioned here.
by: Shauna Niequist
This book was amazing! It spoke a lot about God, which at first I wasn't sure about, but by the end of the booked I just wanted more! The book spoke to me on soo many different levels! I went through and highlighted the lines soo important to me and almost every page has yellow on it!
This book was a nice easy read, as it is her telling her story, the way it was, how it made her feel and how she handled it. It was encouraging, it was real and it was downright honest. It was relatable and just what I needed! It challanged me to change the way I look at something now!
I can remember reading this book in Jamaica poolside with tears pouring out of my eyes! Thank goodness for big sunglasses! And just as I finished the book I was crying again! It just stirred up soo many emotions that I guess I have been putting to the side!
If you are struggling with anything in your life, this book will speak to you, no matter what the struggle.
As far as my faith goes, I can be honest enough to say that I am struggling, but this book gave me a new look at things. It brought faith back into my life even though I wasn't willing to consider it at this time.
It put soo many things into perception for me! It put so many of my thoughts into reality for me!
I am now going to share some of the lines that meant the most to me:
"I know what it's like to long for a new year, I know what it is like to feel like everything's on hold and you don't recognize your own life even though it's right in front of you."
"The middle is the fog, the exhaustion, the loneliness, the daily battle against despair and the nagging fear that tomorrow will be just like today, only you'll be wearier and less able to defend yourself against it. The middle is the lonely place, when you can't find the words to say how empty you feel, when you try to connect but you feel like a thick glass is seperating you from the rest of the world, isolating and deadening everything."
"What kept me stuck, when I was stuck, were my own demands and expectations, my own collection of fear and anxiety."
"I stop dreaming sometimes, because I am afraid of what it would take to change my life. I stop dreaming because I'm afraid of the chaos that a dream might bring, afraid of what a new dream will require of me. I practice being fine, and I tell myself that things are alright, just as they are."
"It's human to struggle. It's human to nurse a broken heart, to wonder if the pain will ever let up, to howl through your tears every once in a while."
"I don't have any idea why some bodies are strong and able and others seem to fail at every turn."
"I thought that what we really wanted are easy lives, and if we can't have those, then we can at least become deep, grounded people who grow through heartbreak."
"We become less fearful, more able, more comfortable with the idea of life as a beautiful mess."
This is a must read as far as I am concerned, even if you are not religious. You won't regret it! To be honest I would read it all over again just to get the messages that lie within it!

Tuesday, April 9, 2013

Choose To Be Happy

I think at some point in all of our lives we have situations that come up that aren't exactly what we planned. It can be job related, marriage related, health related, family related, friendship related, you name it - they all happen at one point or another! You do what YOU can do to try to make it better, but let's face it, it's out of your control.

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Sometimes it is just easier to allow a bad circumstance to control us. Let it eat us inside, worry like crazy about it, lash out at those we love, you get it. In the long run, by allowing these things to bring us down, it is controlling us, our feelings, our thoughts and our actions, whether we realize it or not.

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I'm not an expert by any means on what one should do when these issues arise, but I can tell you what works for me. Do I worry, heck yes, how do you not? But does it change anything for the better? No, most often for the worse, because who worries about the best case scenarios? It just beats you up more, however, I am not about to say that I don't worry. I do what I can do to make the situation better, I prefer to suffer in silence for the most part, because I for some reason think it is easier. I talk to those closest to me because I trust them, their discretion and their opinions. It works for me.

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At the end of the day and for the most part the beginning of my day, I choose to be happy, I choose to get out bed everyday, I choose to count my blessings and not let whatever is trying to bring me down work.
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Life is going to continue to be full of hurdles through every stage of our life, we can choose to jump over them and learn from them, or allow them to hold us back and beat us down. I'm not one to give up, as easy as it seems some days, I am just not willing to. Choose to keep fighting, choose to keep HOPE and choose to be HAPPY no matter what.

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All quotes can be found here

Monday, January 28, 2013

A Birthday Celebration Weekend

This weekend was busy, but fun celebrating a certain little boy:

It is always fun when this little girl is around:

I also used my gel nail kit for the first time!! It's far from perfect, but not bad for my first time!! Sporting gold tips:

Then we headed to Ronald McDonald House with my family and cooked dinner for the house.

My Dad made this special keepsake for the house, since my sister stayed at the house while B was in the NICU.

It was a great weekend. My heart broke for those families with sick kiddies in the hospital, as well as for the sick children. Sure puts a perspective of how lucky everyone with healthy kids are. Please put these people in your prayers as well!

I am over the moon excited for a special friend as well, as some good news poured in this weekend!!!

Overall it was a great weekend!!!

This morning was not off to the best start because we not only got a tonne of snow, but it is freezing rain!! My commute was absolute crap this morning, even in M's truck! But they say tomorrow it will all melt because it is going to be +10!!

Hope everyone had a great weekend as well!


Wednesday, January 23, 2013

Random Wednesday/Loves

I know I said a give away was coming and it is, I promise! Tomorrow I will be posting all about it!!

I am linking up with a new blog today that I am excited to start following. Her name is Shanna and she blogs over at Because Shanna Said So! Go check her out!!

  • It is cold out - like REALLY cold...
-17... the windchill though makes it feel like -28. Yuck!!! and Brrr...
  • So we are staying at a hotel this week and decided to go for a swim last night and soak in the the hot tub. My lovely husband hit the panic button instead of the button that turns on the jets... Yes... it really happened and you bet there was an audience. No one came to the rescue though, M had to go to the front desk and tell someone, who then reassured him it happens all the time and shut it off. Nonetheless humorous.
  • We had a nice dinner at The Keg last night!!! This nice warm fireplace kept us warm!!
  • I am officially First Aid Certified again. Yesterday was a long day sitting in the first aid class... like really long... long want to pull your hair out, is time really passing.. long. But I aced the test and they certified me!
Now for some Loves:

I am considering this for my mudroom - since I reclaimed my full length mirror in the bedroom!

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I don't think I will hang leashed on it or anything, but if I could find a mirror, with pics beside it or something like that it would be perfect.

I love this:
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I also find that this quote encourages strength:
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I am looking for a new crocheting project. A friend of min asked me if I could make this:

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I think I am gunna give it a try!!

I am considering trying my hair curled like this tonight or tomorrow night... we shall see:

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Love Kate's blog! Soo many hair/make-up tutorials!!

Happy Wednesday friends!! Be sure to pop back tomorrow to find out about an awesome NECKLACE give away!!

Wednesday, December 19, 2012

Last Love Before Christmas 2012

Wow - Christmas is less than a week away!!! Crazy!! Where they heck did this year go? Although I will be 110% honest I am soo ready for a new year. This year has been tough!

I am loving the new office here at work! Although it looks like a bomb has gone off in here, I cannot wait to see it all come together!!

I am loving that Cassidee Pope won The Voice last night!! I actually would have been mad if she didn't because she is amazing!!

I am loving that I have now lost over 10 pounds!! Keep on dropping!!

I am loving this little cat, although she may be a bit of trouble:

She refused to look at my phone...

her note there says:
I stole ornaments off the tree! Just to swat them around.

I thought she only stole 3, but then I found the 4th and the 5th. I think she may have had some help!!

We are supposed to get some wicked weather tomorrow which should include rain, freezing rain and of course snow. Who knows it might not be a green Christmas after all.

I love that the guy that is here doing the plumbing is singing along to his radio and talking to himself! Entertaining!!

And to leave you off with some quotes:

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If I was brave enough to get a tattoo, I love this one:

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Soo true:
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This is perfect and just how I will end this post:

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Wednesday, December 12, 2012

Love on 12-12-12

Happy 12-12-12!! This will not happen again until 2101!! Chances are we won't even be around by then either!!

Soo I haven't had the chance to share what I am loving in a while, so here we go!!

I am a HUGE fan of Cassadee Pope on The Voice!! She should definitely be the winner - just sayin'.

Love her version of Stupid Boy - might just be better than Keith's!

I am also loving my sweet little niece Hannah! She had to send me a picture of her hair after her nap! She just recently cut her hair off (it was down to her bum):

And after her nap:

Love that little girl soo stinkin' much!!

I decided to make her 3 special cookies for a special 3 year old and she told me "I'm 3 and a half!"

I am still not done icing these damn cookies!! Green and Yellow are left, but here is how the red and white look:

Not bad for my first attempt?

I also love that I have started our vacation searc

I am also loving how awesome these would be:

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Frozen Smores Cups:

I am loving the idea of donating my photography time to shelters to help along with adoptions:

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I think it would help make a difference!! This might just end up on my bucket list for the new year!!
Thank you Pinterest for this awesome idea for a way to give back!

I love this sweater and would like one ASAP!! Just need to find one!

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How cute are these quilts? I need to get on this!! My couch would like one!!

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And as usual I will leave with some inspiring words:

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Happy Wednesday friends!!


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