Showing posts with label iPad. Show all posts
Showing posts with label iPad. Show all posts

Friday, January 4, 2013

Finally Friday

Yup - totally missed Thursday!! Oops!! Work was super busy!!

It was our first day of clinic with the new office!! It was also my first day back to work after the holidays!

Sooo are we ready for some randoms from the week?

This is my 600th POST!!! Wow!! Crazy to think I have had something to say for pretty much 600 days... probably not all that crazy when you think of it that way!

Bought myself a new curling iron last night - one with a clip in hopes that I will not burn myself! And what a deal I got - a $100 curling iron for $40! Winners!!!

And the curls turned out pretty awesome!! And I didn't burn myself... And it only took my 15 minutes! Score!
The product:

While I was there I also finally got the dogs new food bowls! They have been in desperate need, their bowls were actually chipping. The cats also got a new bed!

Today was a happy mail day!! Got my old navy order, my chapters order, and apparently a delivery came in after I picked up this morning for my urban planet order. Love boxing week sales!

Skittles = newest addiction! It's bad!

I am still crocheting dish clothes! I think I will make 3 more!

I am loving my new foundation Aubrey from The Kinch Life recommended: Maybelline Matte Mouse! It is awesome and actually covers for the whole day! I am hoping I won't need it as frequently since I started taking Evening Primrose Oil supplements!

I am looking forward to TV starting back up next week, although I did enjoy Parenthood, Law and Order:SVU, and of course Chicago Fire!

I am really wishing that someone would do a tutorial for those super cute beach waves or the curl away from the face! I don't even know if that description did it any justice.... I attempted it this morning, but it's still just not quite what I envision!

I still need to put up my 2013 calendar! I'm only a few days behind!

I'm looking forward to purging the upstairs this weekend!! Wish us luck!

I am super excited for Katie who is expecting her first little miracle!! Best wishes for a healthy and happy pregnancy!!!

Oh and a random question - how do you people add pics to your blog and place them from your iPad? I am struggling - hence the no photos lately!!

Have a great weekend friends!!

Monday, December 31, 2012

2012 -That's A Wrap!

Before we sum up this year and say farewell to 2012, I'm just gunna do a quick recap of Christmas!

- Christmas Eve was spent with my Mom, and my sisters sweet little fam, as well as Mike of course. We attended church and then went back to my sisters for a turkey dinner. I made lemon meringue tarts for dessert. We opened presents and I did get my gel nail kit!!! Soo pumped to have pretty nails again!! M got a Kuerig and we have been enjoying the hot chocolates and apple ciders so far!!

Here are some pics from the night:

The hats fit!!!
And this one just cracks me up:

- Christmas morning was at the farm:

M spoiled me with a new band for my wedding set:

Love it!!
And M got an iPad, which I will be honest, I am enjoying it!! He also got his helicopter which has been flying around in the house... you bet I am "impressed".
We had dinner at 2:00 with his parents and his Aunt Gay and then we jetted off to my Aunt's.
We played games, ate and drank and it was all fun!! We had everyone in on a game of signals and then spoons. My aunts table didn't fare so well afterwards!

We had to switch to plastic spoons, but it still didn't matter!!
The last week has been fun spending time with friends playing games including our new Dice Poker game!! Soo much fun!! A shopping trip to Ikea, a big snow storm and many discussion over our trip, which we still haven't decided on!!
Yesterday we took all the Christmas decor down - which is early for us, but the cats kept stealing ornaments and let's be honest I want to start Operation Organization 2013 early.
We are off to a great start with 2 bags and a box off to be donated and we haven't even started with our clothes yet!
And to sum up the year 2012, all can say is that:
Pinned Image
because this year certainly wasn't. But I am blessed with my friends, my family, my hubby, my house, my pets and our jobs and for that I will be forever grateful no matter what.
Farewell 2012, it has been a slice...
Happy New Year Friends!!

Thursday, December 27, 2012

It's Ok!!

I hope everyone had a great Christmas!!! I know I did and ended up getting spoiled again this year - I know worse things could happen, so I am not complaining!!

I have not had a chance to go through my Christmas pics yet as I am back at work today and let's be honest everyone needs a lazy day after Christmas right?!

So stay tuned and as for today we will do a little segment of It's Ok!!

It's okay that yesterday M and I did pretty much nothing. I played with his new iPad and he played Xbox. We did leave the house twice - once to go to the farm and the second time to go and visit with friends and to play a game!

It's okay that I was secretly wishing for a snow day, but the realized it would affect my shopping plans to Ikea tomorrow, so I drove in the crap weather to get here. It wasn't too bad - I have had a worse drive!

It's okay to be planning our winter vacay now that there is actually snow on the ground. M wants Jamaica, I am undecided. Any recommendations?

It's okay that I did only one load of laundry on my time off. Needless to say I have quite a bit to get done on the weekend!!

It's okay that there are more baked goodies in my house than veggies and fruit?!

It's okay that the only Boxing Day shopping I did was online at Old Navy. I also went on Ebay and bought my nail extension forms for my new gel nail kit! I just didn't feel like battling crowds!!

Have a great day friends!!


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