Ems woke up just after 5 AM and Noah must have heard Mike go up to get her, because he was stirring since and decided he would get up at 6:30. I know that's the normal for some of you, but not for us and it really proves for a long day with a tired boy! Luckily Em went right back to sleep after some milk!
Crazy to think today is her half birthday! 6 months old!! Where the heck did time go?? We are having a mini celebration with Mike's parents and instead of making cake - which Noah is insisting, we are going to make some chocolate chip quick bread instead! I am also going to try my new recipe of the week tonight. I almost forgot the challenge I made for myself to try a new recipe, so I will be trying this glaze tonight:
Pineapple Honey Glaze:
This morning we have our first library program of the season. We really do love the program, but I don't have high hopes of it going smoothly because of how early Noah woke up! But we will go and we will try!
Let's talk Luke Bryan - I am officially going to his concert again with my sister! This will be the same venue we went to last October for him in Detroit. Granted I hate the Detroit venue and our seats are not as close as our last concert, I know it will be amazing and it's his close out concert for his tour! I really didn't think it would work, but the concert is on a Saturday, so M will be home to watch the kiddos. The part I was struggling with was that we stay over night, but it's only one night and she sleeps over night anyways for the most part.
Something tells me October is going to fly by, hopefully not as quick as September did! The weekdays all have something on them, aside from Friday's and every other Tuesday. Luckily our weekends are not too bad though.
Oh and my hair straightener died yesterday after straightening half of my head... Yes half... I quickly learned why I kept my old one!!
What's up on your Wednesday?