Showing posts with label Binx. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Binx. Show all posts

Wednesday, June 25, 2014

What I Am Loving Wednesday

Happy Hump Day Friends!! This week is flying by, just as I expected it to with it being soo busy!! I figure it's been a while since I shared some of my current loves!!

I love that my baby is sleeping right now!! And it's been longer than 30 minutes!! Yay me!! 

I love that Binx keeps sleeping in this basket - seriously how cute! Now if she would only stop putting her (luckily it's just a toy) mouse in my shoes I would be even happier! Crazy cat!! 

I love that we have been having some super HOT days, despite the storms that have been coming with them, along with the tornado warnings/watches, but better to get that out of the system before the long weekend!! Our yard work is piling up, as it has been storming/raining every night. The dogs would also like bathes! 

I made delicious peanut butter chocolate chip cookies yesterday!! This little man just played on his mat while I did so!! 

This new gem is finally in my dining room!! I've been looking for something like this for over a year now!! 

I have a pedicure tomorrow night and my feet are sooo looking forward to this!! It's been well over a year since they have been shown some love!! 

These drinks are currently chilling in my fridge awaiting the long weekend!! Can't wait to try them, as I have only heard amazing things about them!!

I love reading this book to my little man! The first page makes me tear up every time with this line: 
"I wanted you more than you will ever know, so I sent love to follow wherever you go." Perfection! Love Nancy Tillman books!!

from the New York Times bestselling author of On the Night You Were Born -- Wherever You Are by Nancy Tillman

I love the strawberries that are growing in my planter!! They are soo good! I don't get very many, but when I do, they are delish!!

Can someone please tell time to slow down?? 
18 weeks on the inside and the outside!! 

A little humor:
So true!

It's true!

That's all I got! Noah and I have some errands to run now!! 

Wednesday, April 23, 2014

What I Am Loving!!

Let me start off by saying that I am loving the weather!! Finally I think spring might actually be here!!

I am loving this flirty little boy: 

I am loving and hating that my cats caught a mouse in the house... Love that they caught it, but hate that there was a mouse in my house! We haven't had any for a long time! I'm happy M was home to deal with it! 

I love that yesterday both Noah and I stayed in our jammies all day long! Today I will get dressed!! Noah will most likely stay in his sleeper because he is in between newborn clothes and 0-3 months! Therefore he has no pants that fit... Unless they don't have feet and I don't feel like 50 million sock/slipper changes at diaper change time. The sleepers win right now, even if only 5 fit good right now. The one above is too big still, but we are over it! Old navy fits best right now! 

I am loving the smiles this little man is coming up with these days! I need to video tape these because the noises he makes are just as good as the faces!! Think big giggles and squeals! 

I love that my new perfume has come in today and I can't wait to go grab it from the post office!! 

I am loving playing around with my new blog design as some of you may have noticed!! Just working on the about me section next, which is taking a bit more time than I care to admit to! 

I am loving my little mans new wardrobe, however I am still not enjoying attempting to organize it!! He will be one trendy little man after seeing all the gifts he has received!! Which means I have a second and probably third batch of thank yous to get done! 

Hope everyone is enjoying their Wednesday!! Tomorrow I will be back to talk about my story with infertility to support Infertility Awareness Week!! 

Wednesday, April 16, 2014

So What Wednesday

This is a great week for a little so what action. We have had a rough two days and luckily today is shaping up to be a good one!

So what if when we left the house on Monday to goto Noah's doctor appointment for shots, Gracie and Binx were both playing dead. Apparently they knew what was about to go down. We were already dragging our feet to going in the first place. Thanks for the encouragement guys! 

So what if Noah had his shots on Monday and screamed like I had never heard before - why didn't anyone warn me?? 

So what if I then found it appropriate to cry while he was screaming in my arms. Poor baby boy! It was just a few tears! 

So what if we rewarded ourselves with a Cadbury Creme Egg McFlurry afterwards! Our day had to have something positive happen! 

So what if nothing AT ALL has been done in my house by myself in the last 2 days because I've been handing out extra snuggles instead. 

So what if Mother Nature is having another break down?? I'm pretty sure I saw four seasons in 20 minutes yesterday!! 

So what if this is the way I really feel: 

So what if I gave been eating cupcakes for breakfast everyday this week? Those 9 pounds will come off one day??

So what if I have to go and have my ankle x-rayed yet again. Third time is a charm right? Although I'm sure it hasn't healed properly! 

So what if cutting baby fingernails is now worse than cutting the cats nails? The cats meow when you get to short, but Noah lets it go down and then you see his red little finger tips to haunt you. It's gotta hurt! 

So what if I ever so badly wanted to have a bath in my new tub yesterday, maybe with a glass of wine, but settled for a shower instead knowing I had one fussy baby that would be screaming for me. 

So what if said fussy baby pooped in the bath for the first time last night? He was in a much better mood afterwards!!

So what if M and I enjoy a little family time after Noah's 5 AM feed. Noah lays in M's spot and tells us stories, smiles a whole ton and M and I can't help but to enjoy this time! 

So what if I forgot to pick 3 winner of the Quinn and Lane Give Away! We have had a lot of unexpected things come up, but today's the day for 3 lucky winners!! 

1. Lindsey from A Running Tale
2. Jennifer Golding  - my apologies - cant find your blog!!
3. Nicole from Haute Runner

Huge thanks to Quinn and Lane for the opportunity!! I absolutely love Noah's!!
Congrat's ladies, I will put you in touch with Catherine!! 

Monday, April 7, 2014

Weekend Rewind

I had full intentions of posting on Friday, but clearly it didn't happen!

Friday I had my 6 week follow up with my OB! Everything is all good, blood pressure is back to normal and I can resume regular activity as far as my c-section goes. Now we just need to get my ankle back into shape, so I can start getting back into shape! 
Excuse my wild hair - it was a long day! 

After my appointment we went up to visit my Grandma. She unfortunately isn't doing well at all, to the point where she was blessed by the priest on Sunday. She hasn't been well for 2 years, but as much as she is fighting a hard fight, her body is now failing in all aspects. Luckily they are able to keep her comfortable, but unfortunately her days are very limited. Noah was able to "meet" his great-grandma, but sadly he was only able to say hello and a final goodbye in his first visit. Grandma has lived a good life, and as much as we will all miss her, it's soo hard to see her like this and suffering. My Grandma is our last living grandparent for both M and I. 

We did a quick trip to Costco, stopped at Chapters, where M insisted on buying Noah the biggest stuffed dog - it's bigger than Noah! We picked up spare jets for the hot tub and then ended up at the farm for pizza! It was a looong day, but Noah was a champ, up until bedtime that is! He had a rough night! We find if we haven't held him a lot in the day then he either misses us and needs that time, if he was just over stimulated in the day. He also had an upset tummy, which didn't help matters! M ended up sleeping on the lazy boy with him until 5 AM... 

Saturday we managed to get some more spring cleaning done, as well as the nursery, so you will all be happy to hear it will be posted TOMORROW!! Can't wait to share it!! We also enjoyed our first Dairy Queen of the season!! Saturday evening Noah's tummy was upset again, but we figured out the problem! Both days he had a bottle - we used the medela calma nipple that we have always used, but Noah can drink too fast with it. He drank 3 ounces in like 5 minutes, with a burping session at the half way point! The bottle is designed to help ease nipple confusion between breast and bottle, but Noah can suck away to fast and much that he gets it too quick, where as before he had to work hard to get what he could. So we won't be using that one again and will switch over to our Dr. Brown bottles now. 

He ended up sleeping in bed with us, as long as one of us had our hand of him while he was in his Bummzie, then he was content. Little bum. He woke up at 3 for a feed and then 8,we were going to get up, but decided to sleep in. I got up at 10:45am to find M back on the chair with Noah:

Apparently M didn't feel like coming back to bed, but decided the chair wasn't soo bad after all. Because he then did this again at bed time.

We ended up with some visitors that popped in to see Noah in the afternoon. 

We enjoyed a nice family walk, which of course included a family selfie!! We did the whole village again for the first time since fracturing my ankle. I was a little stiff after, but it felt great! I think we still work our way up to it, but throw in the full walk every now and then until I can do it with more ease. 

When we got back we learned that when the dogs are away, the cats don't play, they steal their beds... We couldn't help but to laugh! 

Noah was back to himself, content and happy, got some more housework done and enjoyed chicken on the BBQ before relaxing for the evening!

I forgot the CMA's were on last night until an hour was passed, so hopefully we will watch that today at some point! 

Today Noah is all smiles. I love that he is really figuring out who M and I are and gives us smiles while locking eyes with us. I caught the end of one this morning:

It brings tears to my eyes feeling his love right back at us with his smiles!

 I also think maybe I'm a bit sappy with all that's going on with my Grandma. It feels soo wrong to be soo happy while she is suffering. They say new life brings the end of another, I just wish it wasn't the case. I can remember how happy she was when I told her we were expecting and I'm trying my best to preserve that memory, amongst many others. I was going through pictures last night of my Grandma and found myself teary eyed while collecting them. I just pray for her suffering to end and that she will pass with ease. It is soo hard to see her go through this stage of life. 

Wednesday, October 30, 2013

Wednesday Randoms

I full on admit that this post does have a lot to do with the baby, as we just had our doctors appointment today!!

I'm finally on track as far as weight gain goes! Turns out being off my thyroid meds is helping - but I'm gaining at the right pace! With my thyroid being soo low while on my meds, they are guessing that had something to do with not gaining. This will probably be the last time you hear me celebrate weight gain!! 

We got the results of our ultrasound at 18 weeks! Our doctor is very happy with the results! Despite the baby being a stinker and the ultrasound being an hour and half long, the results are great. Baby is doing excellent!! Music to this Mama's ears! Dad's ears liked it too! I'm thinking M won't come with me again until closer to the end. Baby V is measuring 4-5 days ahead!! Not quite enough to change my date, but I'm fine with that. If the baby decides to come 4/5 days early now, I will agree with that - because I have complete control over that! Haha (sarcasm). Baby's heart rate today was 160! 

I slept like absolute crap last night thanks to one little fur child who never sleeps with us. Usually I feel like this:

 But now, after a WHOLE night of sleeping around the damn cat. I DONT!! At first I just loved that she was cuddling with me, knowing I'd be lucky to get an hour with her (her being Binx). She likes to sleep under the blankets, so I allowed this to happen. At one point I thought maybe I had killed her, she wouldn't move, even after breaking the above rule! I even pulled the blankets off of her to check on her, she was still breathing and purring silently like she does. She left the bed around 6 AM and I had to be up at 7! Needless to say when M woke me up, I was a bear! Sorry babe! I snapped out of it after my shower! So note to self, there should be a time limit on said rule, and there will be from here on in! 

So today I will nap!! 

Yesterday I made banana bread for the first time, and although I haven't had any yet, M had some this morning and said it was great!! Pinterest win!! 

I think that is all the randomness this girl can handle today!! Happy Wednesday!! 

Thursday, October 24, 2013

A Real Post, I'd Rather Not post

This is the view I work up to:
There are two things wrong with this picture! 1. That is snow you see, luckily not a lot, but enough to be on the ground and trees. Yuck! 2. There are no window covers on my windows, not just this one either, in fact all do our window coverings are down! Why you ask? 


Yup, luckily not a lot, but you don't need a lot to freak out! I'm sure I've gone overboard, but better safe than sorry. How did I find out? Insert back story:

My Dad moved back down home, got his own place and all, which meant that all of his stuff in my shop can go to his new place. He brings his dog over all the time, this was no different. Then he went moose hunting and sure enough my sister volunteered to watch the dog. About 3 days later she found a ton of fleas on her. So she went all crazy in her house, bathed Gypsy 3 times, and sure enough all was to be fine. 

Yesterday I was at my sisters house photographing her jewelry and her dog kept itching, so I told her to check him and sure enough, she found a flea. Her dogs are treated with flea stuff regularly, but still managed to have fleas. She called my Dad over to bath her dogs and cat with flea treatment. Sure enough he went. I packed up, headed home and then checked my pets and sure enough, I found one on Gracie, and one on Lux. None on Jazz, Lily or Binx. But if one has them, they all have them in my eyes, as they are always cuddling, sharing beds, etc. So I called my Dad, told him how not impressed. I was and then got straight to work. 

M came home from work to a frantic pregnant clean freak, coming up with a master plan of how we were going to deal with this. We used the bathrooms as holding areas for the pets. Dogs in my bathroom, cats in M's. Then started a contamination room - aka laundry room to hold all of the potentially contaminated linens. We had a quick dinner, and then cleaned our house top to bottom, took all bedding, curtains, pillows, washable rugs, clothes and put them into the contamination room to be washed. Sure enough I have a heck of a lot of laundry to do, which was also started last night. My house is spotless for the most part. Everything was vacuumed, floors washed, I'm sure you get the picture. 

We bathed Lily first and sure enough we still didn't find any fleas. Poor M was stuck bashing everyone because I couldn't come into contact with the shampoo being pregnant. So I dried the dogs with these handy dandy gloves on! Better safe than sorry! 

Gracie was up next, still rather simple to bath, the dogs usually are. While I was drying Gracie, Binx was up next. She is soo easy to bath thank goodness! She's just laid back and purring. But I found a few more fleas on Gracie while drying her off! luckily they were dead but I couldn't get them off with my gloves on, so M came over to help and sure enough Binx is just wandering around the bathroom. We finished drying Gracie, finished bathing Binx and moved on to Jazz. You would have thought we were skinning her alive, she was soo upset with having a bath. I dried her while Lux was up next, he was a brat. Let's just say the baby won't be the first one to go to the bathroom in the tub! Poor M! And poor Lux!

We put all the towels in the wash, then shut both bathrooms at 11:30pm, made the bed, cleaned ourselves, emptied the vacuums and garbages and sure enough it was past midnight by the time we came to bed. 

Needless to say we were beat! 

So I have 3 rooms left to be cleaned, 2 of which will be done today - both bathrooms and the laundry room once everything is washed! 

The good news is my house is spotless. My animals are clean, but man that was a whole ton of work! I'm sure those without animals - if they made it this far in the post are not only disgusted, but wondering why someone would have an animal. But those who do have animals know this is a possibility and yes it does in deed suck. 

But my answer to those without pets would be, these animals are my fur-children, my babies, and they are part of our family. And although this evening really sucked, I would do it all over again, even with a baby on the way or even here. There is a bond between pets and humans, one that only pet owners understand. 

Friday, October 4, 2013

Finally Friday!!

Today as you are reading this (if your reading in the morning), I'm off at my first OB appointment! I am pretty excited to finally have a doctor to manage not only the best care for myself but for the baby as well! 

Then after that appointment we have our ultrasound!! Soo excited to see the baby again! It will have grown soo much since we saw it last at 9 weeks!! 

I cut over 5 inches off my hair! I haven't had my hair this short in a long time, but I love it!! 

My Dad is back home, we moved him into his new place and it us absolutely perfect for him!! 

I think Binx needs one of these:

I could put it on her when she steals leafs from outside and then shreds them throughout the house! Maybe if she was wearing said hair ornament I would get soo frustrated with her? 

M and I will be making our October to-do list this weekend! 

Alison had the sweetest baby girl this week! Although I live too far to meet her, I've seen the most adorable, sweet, baby girl pictures and I couldn't be more proud of Alison to have finally met her goal of having a baby! It may have taken longer than it should have, but Delainey was definitely worth the wait!! Congrats again Alison, Justin and Cruz! 

Have a great weekend friends!! 

Tuesday, May 21, 2013

May 24!

Wow what a great weekend!!

Friday night was baseball... They did well, until they found out the score and fell apart right after and experienced their first loss of the season!! After the game we had a bonfire! Oh how I miss those all year round!! Soo relaxing!!


Saturday M had to work, so Binx and I cuddled up and watched The Notebook! Believe it or not this is the first time I had watched t! It was great!! 


When M got home we popped into town to grab some supplies for cherry cheesecake! Instead of our traditional photo I thought we would have fun with it, I was making a funny face too but was too busy laughing at M's! 


We had dinner at M & J's and then had a bonfire sipping on Somersby! Might just be my favorite summer drink this year!!


Sunday we were up early and off to the lake! 

It was super bright out and hazy!! But a perfect day it was!! The new gazebo was put up and M installed new floors in the hut! The boat wasn't in the water yet, but hopefully soon!! 

A sweet little goose family came to visit!! The littlest one was my fav!! Soo small compared to the rest!! 


And the dogs were busy! 


We had dinner at the Turkey Point Hotel and headed home! The girls were pooched and snuggling in the back!
Yesterday M had to work, so I got some housework done around the house! It was super hot out! no complaints!! We got a thunderstorm last night and Binx was going bonkers. Just screeching all evening. I heard this weird scraping noise from what I thought was the rain hitting the screen door, so I went to check on it and sure enough I saw this bat crawling out from behind the picture!! I freaked!! 


Binx was trying to climb the wall and continued her vocal abilities! I yelled at Mike to get up here fast and he assumed it was nothing but heard the fear in my voice and ran upstairs (he was in the basement). I made him take the picture and pass me Binx and we went and hid in the bedroom. M said it was easy to catch it and he let it back outside!! Creepy!! I was creeped out all night!! 

I figure it got in via our laundry! We left it on the line overnight on Friday night because it wasn't dry yet and then it rained Saturday morning. M fixed my car and then took the clothes off the line for me and obviously didn't shake them out! 

I'm hoping the bat is good luck! We had one at wedding reception too!! 

Today I'm off to Costco before we run out of toilet paper! I might have to hit up Target too!! 

Tuesday, April 2, 2013

Easter Weekend Recap

This blog post is coming to you straight from my basement!! Yup, you heard me, I am blogging in the basement!! As most of you know I HATE basements, but now that we have ours in a just about finished state, I actually don't mind it. It is very warm and welcoming! I will be sure to snap some pics as soon as there aren't TV wires everywhere, because M has yet to hide them!

Anyways, moving on to our weekend...

We all know what Thursday was like, but to be honest Friday was pretty slow moving for M with his sore back. But we got some house work done and now that the snow has melted, we got some yardwork done. It was gorgeous out though all weekend. I actually cracked some windows open:

Binx was impressed!
Saturday I made this dessert for Sunday:
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It was amazing!!
I wore this, although with this necklace that my sister made me:
 And forced my hubby to smile...
 He did better the second time...
We spent the afternoon with family and had fun. We watched the infamous basketball game where Louisville's Kevin Ware broke his leg... um disgusting... he literally broke his leg in half below the knee... gross!! During dinner.. we watched it 6 times, because someone missed it. I feel bad for him!!
I worked yesterday and now I am off for 2 weeks, as the doctor is away.
Hope everyone had a great weekend!!

Friday, March 8, 2013

High Five

In all honesty it is kind of hard to come up with 5 awesome things this week because it has not been the best week!! Boy am I glad it is over! So I am going to scrounge up some:
1. Binx is off of her antibiotics and appears to back to her normal self.
2. The weather is supposed to be gorgeous this weekend. I hope they don't change it.
3. Just about half way through this cleanse! Yup this excites me!!
4. M got a hair cut... I get it this may be stretching it, but it does look soo much better!!
5. I have a wonderful, supportive husband and family and just with that I am soo grateful!
Just soo this post isn't completely boring I thought I would post some pics of M and I:

M and I at a Jays game in 2007, just after we were married!!
This one isn't that old.. 2 years ago.. 2 wedddings... 1 day!! We survived!
This one is from our honeymoon in Dominican! We swam with the dolphins - AMAZING!!
January 2008
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Hoping everyone has a great weekend!!

Monday, March 4, 2013

Weekend Recap

love this.
1 week into this cleanse. I need to keep on reminding myself of the above quote!! This cleanse has taught me soo much already! Never in my wildest dream did I ever see myself on such a strict eating routine. This is hard!! I'm up for the challenge, but coming from someone who is such a picky eater, it is hard to find foods I like. So far we are 3 dinners in a row that I have enjoyed!! I'm trying my best to not complain about this, it is a choice to continue on with it and it means enough to me to push through. I am also trying my best not to be miserable, but sometimes this is all just a bit overwhelming! Thank goodness M understands me.
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Our weekend was pretty good! Friday night we just relaxed.

Saturday morning M made me breakfast and I enjoyed eating it on the couch with my book! I am just about finished my book.
Saturday M and I went grocery shopping and ended up purchasing more that we thought we would! We bought a TV mount for the non-existent flat screen in the basement for 50% off, some yarn, and best of all... the one thing that M and I argue over nightly will no longer be argued.
Most couples argue about who shuts the light off or locks the door when they get in bed, but fortunately or unfortunately our bedroom does not have a light switch. I get hot in the middle of the night and need the fan on, or I will go to bed with the fan on and get cold. So we argue over who shuts it off. Well my friends, we purchased a fan with a remote!! Why the heck have we waited this long? This is excellent!! I can just turn the fan on when I want to and M can shut it off when he wants to!!  Win:Win!!
Saturday afternoon we headed to my sister's for Hannah's birthday!! Can you believe the only picture I took was of my Dad's dog!? Shocker!!
I am pretty sure my Dad's dog Gypsy could be on the commercial for doggy dentures:

Sunday we went and purchased the non-existent flat screen TV, we found a great deal and snagged it and then we had to stop at home depot and buy some hardware for the blinds in the basement and found a new mirror for the mudroom!! I am pretty much in love with it!!
It has almost like black crystals around it!! In love!! And it looks pretty awesome!!
While M and I were busy doing stuff around the house, our pets were having no part of it and just relaxed all day! Even Gracie shared her bed with Binx!! The dogs are pretty happy with mani's and pedi's, as well as a trim around their toes! I can't believe how fast the hair grows on their feet!!

Overall we had a great weekend full of accomplishment, relaxing, shopping and family! Hope everyone else had a great weekend too!

Mingle 240


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