Showing posts with label Garden. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Garden. Show all posts

Monday, July 25, 2016

Weekend Rewind

And just like that another HOT weekend has zoomed on by!

Friday M was done works little early, so after I finally got Emilya down, the rest of us went for a swim! The pool was 80 degrees, which is my kind of temperature - I'm a bit of wimp when it comes to pool temps! We had a blast playing in the pool! 

Friday night I was brave and decided take Noah and Emilya down to the ball park to watch some of Daddy's game, since it was a home game. I armed myself with the double stroller, snacks, and toys. I knew he would be staying up a bit late and we were willing to forego the bath routine. 

He actually did pretty well. He played with another little boy, sharing his toys nicely. He cheered for the "blue Jays" - any baseball team is the blue Jays lol. He shared his snack with a little girl and listened pretty well. But of course I knew it was going too smoothly and just as I was giving the 5 minute warning because it was almost 9 PM, he fell off the bleachers. Luckily or not... He didn't fall too far and actually fell rather slowly and didn't end up hurting himself, but it did scare him. This was
not his first time falling, but I think he gets embarrassed, so you bet we left the ball park with a screaming kid and Emilya didn't take long to join in because she was getting hungry! Luckily it's just a short walk home! 

I will say he went to bed pretty easily after I wiped him down (from all the dust at the park), got him in his pjs and he didn't even want a book read, he just crawled int bed and was out like a light! His sister on the other hand was fighting sleep like crazy and was still awake when M got home.

Saturday morning we all slept in! I love how happy Em is in the morning, I mean she is just generally a happy baby, but her smiles are soo stinkin' big in the morning, that it just brightens my day! 

After breakfast, Noah and I had a little Mommy/Noah date. We decided to go shopping, one of his favorite things. It was soo nice having a little one on one time with him again - crazy how much I miss hanging out just him and I! I did let him pick out a new toy while we were shopping and he couldn't  wait to get home and play with it! When the kids went down for thier nap, I headed back into town to hit up the dollar store! Check out my haul:

Saturday afternoon M went and got the kobota to do some yard work with. He grinded down the tree stump on Friday morning, so we had all the shavings to get rid of. You bet Noah loved every kobota ride he had to the yard waste depot! Even I took him down to dump it and we went on a little tour! 

We had ribs on the BBQ with green beans for supper and it was soo yummy!! After supper went went for a family village tour! 

Before coming inside for bath time, we had an important task of dinosaur egg hunting... Aka rock hunting, but this time I had a fun plan up my sleeve! We put the rock in a container with water over night:

Sunday morning after another sleep in, we found a dinosaur in the jar!! He was soo excited, however M he isn't e a toy into dinosaurs, so maybe after we do this a few times, he will be? Boy just loves his trucks and cars! But he did seem to love the experience, so we will try it again this week! 

After a yummy pancake breakfast, the boys headed outside to do some gardening. We finally planted the front garden - for now. Here is the before:

And the durings:

And the after (taken this morning after we finally got some rain!!): 

While the boys were outside working, Emilya was rolling - literally around on the floor while I got the floors all cleaned on the main floor! Crazy how much she moving already and pulling her knees under herself! It won't be long before she is crawling! 

We attempted to put Noah down for a nap early, but it was a bust, he is just used to napping at the same time or later, but never earlier! When he woke up, we headed to a family BBQ to welcome my cousin home from Belize before she heads back out west in a few weeks. 

It was nice to introduce Emilya to everyone who hadn't met her yet and baby girl had soo much to say, she didn't stop babbling away and loved interacting with everyone, especially my cousins baby boy, who is a month older. Noah pretty much swam the whole time and did soo well!! He had soo much fun as do and really loved the cupcakes!! 

I just love how much fun we all had and I seriously just love these ages!! 

When we get home, I got Emilya settled, while the boys ran the kobota back to the farm and when they got home it was bedtime! 

We had such a fun weekend!! Soo much fun that we all slept in again, heck Noah didn't get up until 9!!

Wednesday, June 25, 2014

What I Am Loving Wednesday

Happy Hump Day Friends!! This week is flying by, just as I expected it to with it being soo busy!! I figure it's been a while since I shared some of my current loves!!

I love that my baby is sleeping right now!! And it's been longer than 30 minutes!! Yay me!! 

I love that Binx keeps sleeping in this basket - seriously how cute! Now if she would only stop putting her (luckily it's just a toy) mouse in my shoes I would be even happier! Crazy cat!! 

I love that we have been having some super HOT days, despite the storms that have been coming with them, along with the tornado warnings/watches, but better to get that out of the system before the long weekend!! Our yard work is piling up, as it has been storming/raining every night. The dogs would also like bathes! 

I made delicious peanut butter chocolate chip cookies yesterday!! This little man just played on his mat while I did so!! 

This new gem is finally in my dining room!! I've been looking for something like this for over a year now!! 

I have a pedicure tomorrow night and my feet are sooo looking forward to this!! It's been well over a year since they have been shown some love!! 

These drinks are currently chilling in my fridge awaiting the long weekend!! Can't wait to try them, as I have only heard amazing things about them!!

I love reading this book to my little man! The first page makes me tear up every time with this line: 
"I wanted you more than you will ever know, so I sent love to follow wherever you go." Perfection! Love Nancy Tillman books!!

from the New York Times bestselling author of On the Night You Were Born -- Wherever You Are by Nancy Tillman

I love the strawberries that are growing in my planter!! They are soo good! I don't get very many, but when I do, they are delish!!

Can someone please tell time to slow down?? 
18 weeks on the inside and the outside!! 

A little humor:
So true!

It's true!

That's all I got! Noah and I have some errands to run now!! 

Monday, June 9, 2014

{Weekend Rewind}

Can someone please tell me how it is June already?? Our weekend zoomed on by again, although this weekend we didn't get nearly as much accomplished!! But here is what did go down:

Friday night was baseball! M wasn't going to play because he hurt his foot at work, but they were short players last minute, so he ended up playing anyways - either way with him running the team, we were going regardless. But it was worth our while because the team finally won!!! It was a good game and of course Noah was awake for the whole thing!! Little bum! M had to work on Saturday, so we didn't go out after the game, which was fine with me, because I could use some extra sleep! 

Saturday M worked, so while he was at work, I did dishes (I know, don't all act too surprised, with the dishwasher broken, I've been doing this often as of late), did some laundry, and tried to get Noah to nap, of course as soon as M got home he settled down enough for a nap. 

M did some back hoe work for a few people in the village, and then we ended up going for dinner with friends last minute here in the village! We hadn't done dinner with E & L in a long time, since before both of us had children haha. We came home, settled into our bedtime routine for the little man and I followed a long shortly after. I'm pretty sure M fell asleep on the couch and wondered up around 11:30. 

Sunday I slept in again - love my Sunday morning sleep ins! Of course I get up at 6 to feed Noah, but we both go right back to sleep. When I got up at 9, we had breakfast, I fed Noah again before layering up to go outside. I cut the lawn, Noah slept in his stroller and M planted some ornamental grass. We got it all done just before it rained. The mosquitos were thick, so I was feeling super hot in my layers, as it was humid and muggy, but I didn't dare take off my sweatshirt in fear of being bit! Noah's bug net is definitely well used this year!! 

We came in, had a little lunch, Noah played in his bumbo!! He loves it! 

We had a birthday party in the afternoon, but ended up going late because M got a medical call. After the party, Grandma and Grandpa took Noah back to the farm while M and I did groceries and picked up dinner. We enjoyed a nice dinner at the farm and then came home to move the bassinet out of the bedroom and the pack and play in. Noah has been wiggling around in his bassinet too much that he just needs more room, so we will transition to the pack and play, to get him acquainted with the bigger space and then hopeful up to his room next! Although we aren't in a big rush, but soon enough! 

Byebye bassinet!! 

So today I have some more organizing to do in his room, as we will begin using it daily to dress him. 

Monday, April 28, 2014

Weekend Rewind

Another busy weekend has come and gone by. I feel like our weekends are about to slow down, as M is getting into busy season and will be working Saturdays for a while.

On to this past weekend: 

Friday we had dinner at the farm! It was rainy and cool out! Noah must have been going through a little growth spurt this weekend because he was a bit off with not sleeping well at night,but more. The day and being a little cranky. 

We came home from the farm, bathed him and we were all in bed by 10:00! I find when he gets up before 8 AM then it makes a long day for me. 

Saturday we started yard work. M cut down my favorite ornamental tree that was ruined in the ice storm, I was hopeful to save it, but that won't be happening now...but I will be getting new one!! That man is crazy with a chainsaw and needs supervision! But we got most of the trees trimmed up.

M's Mom came over to help me with some sewing projects. I have a lot I want to do, but my head is just not in it. I feel that when I start a project I need to finish a project with no interruptions when it comes to sewing or I forget where I left off and screw it up. I have no patience for it! So it was great for S to come and help me put my ideas to life! She made a bib and burp cloth, fixed the car seat cover, fixed the nursing cover I made. 

We met our new neighbours in the afternoon while cleaning up the back yard. M fixed one of our gates, but still has the rest to fix. 

We got cleaned up and then headed out shopping with friends and grabbed dinner at Moxie's. I will say Moxie's wasn't very baby friendly, but we made it work!! 

Noah didn't sleep well Saturday night, but woke Daddy up just in time to head over to setup the fireman's breakfast at 6 AM! I fed Noah and we went back to sleep for another hour and a half and then headed to help out at the breakfast as well!! 

All decked out in fire trucks to support Daddy!! 

Noah and I headed home just before noon, I finished feeding Noah and heard sirens indicating the department got a call, so we packed back up and headed down the street to the hall to help clean up while the guys were at the 3 car accident. M got home just after 1 pm. He fixed the clothesline and then headed down to the park to hit some balls. 

We headed into town after, where I broke my own rules and paid full price for a pair of shoes!! I bought Sanuks and LOVE them!! 

We grabbed groceries and dinner and then settled in for the evening. My outfit of the day:

I actually feel really comfortable in it for once. I'm still struggling with dressing myself. Crazy to think I used to enjoy that part of my day! I know I will again and hopefully soon!! If I could just cut out these cravings - they are almost worse post-partum then during the pregnancy! 

Noah had yet another rough night. When I say rough, I suppose isn't really rough, it just means he woke up when he usually sleeps through. I think weekends are too busy for him. 

But today he is all stories and smiles! 

Wednesday, June 19, 2013

Love Love Love

So I will start if today with the fantastic winner of the Voice last night!!! My sister is pretty mad.... Because the girl I picked from the start won!!! And I mean Team Blake Shelton the whole way for the 2nd year in a row!!!! Danielle Bradbery won!! Here is some of her amaze-balls work:

She is like a Taylor Swift combined with Carrie Underwood!! Can't wait for her record!!
Moving on....
I love that instead of making dinner last night as I had planned, I ended up picking up dinner because we had no power. Luckily it came on just in time to watch The Voice.
I love that they changed the flavor of the green skittle. Life changing moment - its now green apple!! Amazing change!!
My Dad's Retirement party is on Friday and guess who has a tonne of clothes in her closet, but still has nothing to wear - that fits. I am hoping that I will be able to wear this dress that I wore in Jamaica:

But it is too big! So I am heading to the farm tonight to get M's Mom to help me take it in! I had only wore it once, so I figure it is worth the repair! I have it in purple too so I am going to have her help me with both!
My garden is growing like a weed, but it is weed free thanks to using the planters instead of the garden! My beans and corn are taking off!! I don't see much happening with the carrots, watermelon or lettuce compared to the corn and beans.
The rest of the week evenings are going to be busy! We have dinner at the farm tonight, baseball tomorrow night, Dad's retirement party and baseball right after!

Monday, April 29, 2013

Last Minute

Another weekend has come and gone and this one was pretty busy!

Friday: I meant to blog, but ended up going to London last minute. I managed to get my gel nail supplies from the beauty store, and a new brush which I have needed for a while but had never found one that was just right! I got home just in time, managed to try out one of new nail polishes in dark purple, which I almost spilled all over my new counters when the phone rang! Luckily I grabbed it with my hand before it hit the counters and my hand was a purple mess!

 I had a friend and her sister coming over to look at my front gardens to give me ideas! I need to re-home a BIG lilac bush that invades my front garden, move things around, and plant some peonies in the front garden because the sun is burning off my hydrangeas! M came home and we ended up going for dinner at the golf course last minute for dinner! And guess what I found? A new drink that I LOVE!! I typically have a hard time ordering drinks at restaurants for several reasons, one being I don't drink often, two being I don't like beer, strong drinks and I am picky. Well the same thing happened to me, so I just ordered a gingerale to be safe. Then a friend of ours ordered a Somersby Cider, he suggested I would like it knowing how picky I am, so I tried it and sure enough I did love it!! It was delicious! I figured that cider tasted like beer as well, since it can be found on the beer menu! Soo impressed! I am sold on this:

Saturday: I was up early, not as early as M, he had to leave at 6:30 for his last day of fire training! M's Mom and I decided to go shopping for 8:00 at a sale in a near by town. Where I bought this:
I have always wanted one of these since I was a child. It is just like the ones from Cracker Barrel! I got it for a steal of a deal!!
Then I went into work with M's Mom and helped with inventory.
M didn't get home from his course until 7:30 PM so we just had a nice relaxing evening because Sunday was going to be just as busy!
Sunday: M was supposed to be up for 6:00, but that didn't happen. He made it out of the house for 6:30 and off to the fire hall for the Fireman's Breakfast! I was there for 8 to help out and surprised to be the only wife helping out! It was pretty busy. My Dad and sister's little family came out to support as well as M's parents, so we all sat down for breakfast. The school was doing some fundraising as well, so I took M's truck for a truck wash.
I made an appointment in town at Pet Valu for the dogs to have baths! This was amazing! For $15 each, we bathed the dogs and dried the dogs in their facility, which was just amazing!We were able to do them both at the same time because they had 2 BIG tubs! No sore back afterwards, because they were in raised tubs, no 2 loads of towels in the laundry afterwards, no clogged drains, no wet dog smell and the dogs are soo soft, smell great and look great! We are definitely utilising that place again!!
Lily is getting dried

Gracie was loving it!
M and I were soo impressed! We also bought a scrubber for down at the lake! I had no idea they made those, but it took out soo much hair!!
Last night we tried a new chicken! We followed this recipe and it was pretty good! I found it on Pinterest last night:
Hope everyone had a great weekend!

Monday, March 18, 2013

Spring Bucket List

This week I will be linking up with a bunch of my favorite bloggers who have all gone together and started a Spring Link Up!!! Soo fun!!

 Life and Times of Alison and Justin
But before we get to that...they discuss our weekend shall we? Our weekend was pretty good, we did get the new door hung in the mudroom, I didn't bother with a pic because let's be honest, it is just a door, but I do love it!!
Saturday I went and got a manicure!! It was great, while I was doing that M went and did some running around, came back to pick me up and surprised me with these:
A beautiful spring bouquet!!
We changed the bed linens, as well as the duvet cover.
The color of the duvet actually matches my walls bang on!!
We have 1 week left in this cleanse and cannot wait to be finished!! I'm sure you are all sick of listening to me complain about it!!
Our weekend was great though, we got a lot accomplished, including a budget to see how much we spend monthly. It was great to see it all laid out! Our financial advisor will be impressed, knowing that we have never budgeted, yet still ended up on the plus side of the equation!! Crazy to see how much we spend yearly on things like pets, bills, and groceries.
Now on to the spring link up!! Today's Topic:


We plan to plant our own veggies, herbs and some fruit in planters on our patio!! I hope to be able to paint my planters with chalkboard paint and label what is growing in each section! Similar to this:
Pinned Image
But mine will be round big planters! We have some left over from our wedding!
We plan to install the new kitchen counters, new back splash,  new hardware if we can ever agree to it, new faucets, and maybe a new sink.
We plan to refinish the bathroom vanity we purchased and install it into M's bathroom.
We plan to finish the cleanse so I can back to baking all sorts of goodies from pinterest, as well as being able to eat with family and friends for Easter
I plan to make a new spring wreath!!
We plan to finish sorting out bins in the basement.
We plan to finish organizing the spare bedroom! We are just about finished!!
I need to reorganize my office/sewing room. It looks like a scentsy bomb has hit it!
I plan to make some new pillows for the couch!!
Pinned Image
M plans to start playing ball!! I am going to miss playing myself this year, but my health comes first!
We plan to be able to sit back and relax at some point as well!!
The dogs plan to play in the mud I am sure, as well as any puddles they can find! Shouldn't be hard over at the farm!
I think it is going to be a great spring! Now if it would just hurry up and get here already!!

Friday, June 1, 2012

High Five On Friday

It's a rainy day out there today and I mean VERY rainy and windy, but it's okay, just get it out of the system now so the weekend can be nice, although it sounds wet too!

I am linking up with Lauren today for:


And Lindsey for:

Some awesome things have happened this week!!

#1 - This little girl has finally made her debut:

Contessa Nicole 
Sweet little girl of N & K
Little sister to Georgia!!
Weighing 6lbs 15oz
May 31, 2012 - 12:47 PM

I could not be more thrilled that she has arrived safe and sound!! Congrats guys!!!

#2 - We won our ball game again this week in co-ed!! A whopping 20 - 9!! M is supposed to play tonight, but I am not to sure that will happen with all the rain! They are calling for 30mm - 50mm!!

#3 - The railing that I HATE painting is DONE!!! I couldn't be more happy!! We had a very productive night last night. Laundry was done, the front garden was weeded, just waiting for mulch (as soon as I can find some), I finished the railing and stained the one step and M finished caulking the bathroom trim! We just have some quarter round to put down and caulking of trim in the foyer to do!!

#4 - My Mom bought a new car! Her van was literally falling apart, so she bought a 2012 Honda Civic!! She now officially safe on the roads!!

#5 - It's the weekend and I can soon spill the beans on what I have been up to lately, as soon as this weekend is over!! 

I hope everyone has a great weekend!! 


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