Showing posts with label Ashley Vance Photography. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Ashley Vance Photography. Show all posts

Friday, September 18, 2015

Noah's Got A Secret!!

Only child expiring April 2016!!

To say we were completely shocked and surprised is an understatement, but we are soo entirely happy and blessed with another miracle!! 

More details to come next week!! 

Sunday, March 29, 2015

Low Key Weekend

Our weekend was rather low key, which ended up being just what the doctor ordered for M!

Friday M hurt his back.... Long story short he admitted it was stupid and that he was impatient... He kept saying to me in sickness and in health when he needed my help and I was sure to let him know (as I helped him) that our vows didn't have a stupidity clause. 

Friday night I went into town by myself, checked out Winner's and bought NOTHING! The perk to my night was getting $13 back on clothes I had already bought Noah that were on sale and treating myself to a hot chocolate on the way home! 

Saturday morning I was bound and bent I was going to sleep in... But nope I was awake at 7! I laid in bed for an hour trying to sleep but no bueno. 

When I did get up M told me he thought he should go to Emerg and get his back looked at, which means he was really hurting because he never offers to goto the hospital, so who was I to argue? But I will tell you what we did argue about... Putting on his socks! I HAD to help him and this job made me cringe because I HATE feet, especially men's feet! So I sucked it up and helped him being the good wife I am... For him to tell me I needed to pull them up higher... My response... They are ankle socks!!! 

Noah was not impressed Daddy was leaving during their time together and he sure had a good pout going on all morning! 

So we watched cartoons on the couch and had a snack after breakfast! Then he treated me to a 2 hour nap!! I did get laundry done during that time, but most of the projects I need to work on aside from editing photos is upstairs in the spare room! 

M got home around noon and found out it was luckily just a sprain. Once M had relaxed for a bit after lunch we made squash, and sweet potatoe for Noah. It was a low key afternoon, Noah was grumpy because Daddy wasn't playing with him, because he doesn't understand Daddy is hurting but didn't want to play with me! Weekends are usually Noah and Daddy time and I am chopped liver, which I am fine with to let them have their bonding time together! I get him all to myself 5 days a week! Insert grumpy face: 

We had chicken alfredo for dinner, which was a first for Noah and he was undetermined as to whether or not he liked it! He kept trying it, so he didn't hate it, but he wouldn't have much rather had the fresh squash he started out with!

After Noah went to bed M and I watched the movie Delivery Man and then went to bed ourselves! 

Sunday M was feeling a bit better and went outside to do a little yard work, which he said raking felt good on his back, not that he did much of it, but every little bit counts! I played with Noah and got some more laundry going! During nap time I updated Noah's One Line A Day book and then worked on editing some photos from last weeks new born shoot! 

We went and looked at some pallets for an upcoming Spring project!!! I am really looking forward to it!! If you have me on Pinterest, you probably have an idea on what we are up to, but for those who don't - think furniture! 

Sunday night we got more snow... Luckily it didn't stick around! I was also happy that M volunteered to walk the dogs because I definitely didn't want to walk in the blizzard! 

Today we are off to London where we will pick up Noah's Easter gift and have lunch with my mom!

Tuesday, December 16, 2014

Noah's Newborn Photo's

I just realized I never posted Noah's Newborn pictures!! Better late than never and how perfect to post them on his 10 month birthday!! Soo we may as well reminisce! I will let the pictures do the talking:

Tuesday, March 11, 2014

Noah - Week 3

Sleeping: 4 hour stretches are amazing, especially during the middle of the night! Our first stretch of sleep at night is usually 4 hours and then 3 hours or so. He usually wakes around 2-3 AM and then 5:30-6:30 AM, which works for us. On Wednesday, Noah decided to stay up 1 AM (which M stayed up with him), I fed him quick shortly after 1 and then he gave us a 5 hour stretch!! I woke him up to feed! I couldn't believe it!! Another 5 hour stretch on Thursday night! 

Saturday morning he napped in his bassinet for the first time!! We are trying to transition him out of our bed (where he sleeps in the bummzie). It was rough on all of us!! M kept getting up to check him, I'm stared at the video monitor and Noah kept making noises in his sleep!! But we survived!! 

Feeding: Every 2-4 hours, sometimes hourly or half hourly, depending on his mood. We still dislike the hiccups! We have introduced gripe water, but I don't find it helps with the hiccups like the bottle indicates, but we haven't tried the full dose, just dipping the soother. 

Noah got super gassy on Saturday late afternoon, it was bad! Poor little man was just out of sorts!! Soo hard to see him like that! We ended up buying Ovol at 10 pm -amazing! Instant relief!! 

Clothing: Newborn size!

Diaper Changes: Noah is still wearing newborn diapers. our first evening without Daddy, N peed through his first sleeper, I think because Daddy had checked it before leaving and there must have been a gap in the leg. Then when I went to change the outfit, he was losing his mind and peed over the next one... two outfits down in a matter of minutes!

Remember last week when I said we hate huggies diapers?? We hate them even more now! Noah peed through a huggies diaper, onsie and sleeper while we were out and about. They just really don't work for our little man! I think we have one left... We do like the huggies wipes. 

We also stopped putting vaseline in his diaper for his circumcision towards the end of the week, which he transitioned fine with!

Looks: his eyes are more blue everyday!! Hopefully they stay that way and he ends up with his Daddy's eyes!! His hair is still spiky, skin is still darker than both M and I's - I swear my uterus must have been a tropical destination, little man has a tan! 

What The Doctor Had To Say: no doctors appointment this week for Noah, although he did get to meet our reproductive endocrinologist, who was pretty happy to meet Noah, and then we had a follow up for me with my OB. I was hoping the doctor that delivered Noah would be in the hospital today, but no such luck! Hopefully we can catch her at my next appt!! 

Nicknames: Stretch, Spike, Captain, Mr. Magoo, Little Man, Mama's Monkey, Mr. Shake Rattle and Roll.

Likes: The mamaroo! Car rides, walking when he's fussy, his fleece blanket, bathes, moving, the mamankangourou wrap, country music, the bouncer and snuggles. 

Dislikes: diaper changes, outfit changes, when Mommy can't walk him around to settle him, hiccups.

Fur Baby Update: Lux is taking more and more interest in Noah, sitting beside him or sniffing him, but still spooks with sudden movement. He even "baby-sat" while I was in the shower! Noah was in his bummzie and Lux sat on guard beside him! He also checked on Noah while he was sleeping in his bassinet when he fussed. I wish I had a camera available, it was precious!! Gracie is still his best friend, love seeing these two together, Lily will watch him from the distance, but still isn't sure of him, but no one is giving me the cold shoulder anymore! 

Personality: This week he has been fighting sleep, little turkey just wants to stay awake, but then gets over-tired, which makes matters worse. I have struggled personally with getting him to sleep during the day when I am home alone with him because I cant just walk laps around the house with my blood pressure to calm him. But this is getting better!! 

My Recovery: Blood pressure seems to be dropping more and more, I am cutting myself down to one pill twice a day instead of one in the morning and two at night. Appetite is still lacking, although cookies are enjoyable! Down 4 more pounds, 11 to go - not that I'm even trying yet! 

On Wednesday we went to see my OB, who took me off of my blood pressure meds to try, since it kept dropping. He was happy with my progress, cleared me to drive and instead of seeing him in 2 weeks, we can see him in 4 for my 6 week follow up! We will follow up with my family doctor in 2 weeks for Noah's 1 month follow up! Here is to hoping we can stay off the meds, but should it spike, he have me instructions on what to do! I actually felt like a human on Wednesday, was able to go shopping, I was tired from walking but no dizziness!! 

Since stopping the meds, I have felt good. I do tire easier, but I'm often reminding myself I had major surgery!! 

News on my ankle... It is feeling soo much better!! Amazing what taking anti-imflammatories can do for healing!! 

Events: We both survived our first full day and evening of Daddy going back to work and then having fire practice. It was very tiring, neither one of us can lie, we were both beat by the time Daddy could take over! But our second day was perfect!!

We did our first outing together on Thursday to go and get weighed at the baby clinic!! Little man is back at his birth weight!!! We also went for wings in the village with friends Thursday night, so we had a chance to introduce him to a few more people, but he slept through the just about the whole thing! 

Friday morning we finished his newborn pics:

Saturday my cousin M and her hubby J came for a visit! My Mom came for the night on Saturday as well! 

Friday, March 7, 2014

High Five Yo

I figure it's about time to give Friday a high five for the following reasons:

- I finished Noah's newborn shots this morning!!! Little mister was feeling co-operative, and although he wasn't as smiley as the pictures I lost, I'm happy to have them finished!! If you follow me on Instagram, you will have seen a sneak peek, but here is a new one: 

- I'm ever hopeful to start putting stuff away in the bathroom this weekend!!! M just has the shower curtain bar to hang, along with some other small tasks, but nothing that will stop us from giving us back the mudroom!! I do look forward to warmer weather when we can paint the mirror and over the toilet storage, but we put them in there anyways. M has some caulking to do on the trim and the pendant lights to hang. But the shower and vanity are hooked up with water and work!! I'm excited to be reunited with my new bathroom!! 

- last night we hit up the pub for wing night here in the village with friends! It was great to get out and see everyone! Noah pretty much slept through it all, waking up at the very end. I was beat by the time we got home! Outings apparently exhaust me still!! I tend to forget I'm still recovering!! 

- hopefully we can get up in the nursery, hang his name and start the gallery wall! I may as well wait to post pics of it finished now!! I'd also like to take some newborn family pics in there, since my belly shots didn't happen in there!! 

- this weekend brings our official due date!!! Can't believe he will be 3 weeks!!! Time flies when you are having fun!! 

Last but not least, I'll leave you for the weekend with this: 

Monday, November 11, 2013

Happy Remembrance Day

Today, Baby V and I watched the Rememberance Day ceremony. Baby V was kicking up a storm the entire time, I guess s/he was paying respects too. Huge thanks to those who have fought to protect us, and continue to do so. Lest we forget.
Photo Credit: Ashley Vance Photography

Another weekend came and went, and although M wasn't home, I made the best of it. I'm still rocking really hard to bring organization into our daily lives, and soo far things are getting better! 

Saturday morning I had a nice quiet morning, played some country music and worked on Baby V's blanket. Then we got ready to go to Greyson's first birthday party. M was really disappointed to have missed it, but I still went and had fun. It was great to catch up with a lot of our friends! I still can't believe a year has passed!! 

I had put a roast beef on before I left! came home to learn we had no potatoes, so when M got home I ordered fries from the restaurant! Wasn't quite the meal I had planned, but it was good!! 

M went and relaxed down stairs and I watched The Lucky Ones movie, which was alright. 

Sunday M was up and gone early again, but luckily it was his last day of training. I got some stuff done around the house, made some apple dip, and put a whole chicken on. M was done a little earlier (not much), so we ran into town to grab potatoes, and an apple pie for dinner and we need a new filter for the humidifier. Dinner was delicious!! 

We got a few more things done around the house and then put our feet up to relax! The house is nice and clean, clutter is slowly finding a new home. Felt good to get that much accomplished, as I was a little overwhelmed when I went upstairs to take a few more baby items upstairs. My old sewing room is bursting with furniture from the nursery, that needs to be re-homed either throughout the house or in storage, or even to be donated. Of course there are hand-me down baby parafenalia all over as well. I've been trying to figure out an organization plan for all that as well, as I have both boy and girl stuff from my sister. I'm going to pull out as much gender neutral items I can, once the furniture is painted. No point in organizing it twice. 

I ordered my diaper bag and diaper pail last night, as well as a package of pacifiers! Got a great deal! Now I can't wait for it to get here!! 

The weather has been cold, and a mix between rain and snow. Apparently areas around us might get up to 10cm of the white stuff tonight. Hopefully it misses us!! 

Today I am editing pics, putting away laundry and tonight M and I are going to buy the rest of the nursery paint as I just found it on sale!! 

Happy Rememberance Day!! 

Monday, November 4, 2013

Weekend Rewind

Weekend One down without M around - one more to go! But we made the best of the weekend with the time we did have together!!

Friday night we had a Halloween Party to go to, M and I usually go with a couples costume and this year was no different! I have waited 4 years to dress up a pregnant belly!! A milestone we completed this weekend!

M was a chef and I was the oven
and Baby V was a BUN!
Although we weren't able to stay late, we were happy to be able to partake in the event!
M was up super early on Saturday and off to his fire training!
It was a cold, rainy and windy day. Not as windy as it was on Friday - that wind snapped my ornamental tree in my front garden! I am actually upset about this!
Back to Saturday - I luckily got dressed in the morning instead of staying in my jammies, because M's friend J stopped over with their dog and wanted M to go on walk with him. So I decided to go in his place, despite the dreary weather, I knew the dogs would love it! Luckily the rain held off while we were out! We had a nice visit. I was less than impressed when we arrived back at home to find Gracie in a damn mud puddle. What is with this dog and mud!?
I edited some photos, showered and got ready to go to little K's 2nd birthday! When M got home, he changed and we headed over right away as it was pretty much 6:30. We stayed and visited while she was opening presents and then headed out for dinner with M & J, just to the pub here in town, as they had not eaten either.
Sunday M was gone again super early. Of course the clocks all turned back, which took some adjustment, but I still managed to get a lot done around the house.
I finally finished the laundry and we no longer have a contamination room!! We have a laundry room again!!
The pets were reunited with their toys, Lily was happy to have her favorite toy back:
I popped into town to meet my sister to grab the fabric she had picked up from the post office in the US for me!
Then I finished editing a photo session, which I am always happy to have completed.
Dinner was on and when M got home, we took the dogs for a chilly walk while supper finished cooking. We managed to relax the rest of the evening.
Today I plan to make an infinity nursing scarf, now that my fabric is in:
And then I have a photo shoot this afternoon!
Remember to enter into my give away! You don't want to miss out!
Go HERE and enter! Please!
Hope everyone had a great weekend!!

Friday, October 18, 2013

Weekend REwind

So clearly this week has got away on me! So instead of just recapping my weekend, I will recap my week as well!

Saturday - M and I ran some errands in town, including picking up ceiling paint for the nursery!! We also ended up getting a new cabinet for the kitchen, so we have extra storage once the baby comes. Crazy how much stuff a baby needs for being soo small!

We headed down to the lake for thanksgiving at the boat, where we had a full delicious turkey dinner - coming from someone who doesn't care for turkey. We stayed the night on the boat, I was in bed by 10:30 - party animal! The boat comes out of the water next week, so this was our last time staying down!

Sunday - We had breakfast with the family, then M's parents had a wedding to get to and we had a family dinner to attend, so M's Mom and I did each others hair, snapped a few pics and headed our separate ways!

We dropped the dogs off at home, through an appetizer together, grabbed our buns and headed to my Aunts to celebrate with my Mom's side of the family. Once again, we had a full turkey dinner, played games and enjoyed each other's company!

Monday - we did some yard work, laundry, housework, vacuumed the pool and M put the first coat of paint on the ceiling in the nursery and what a change it makes!! Its already soo much brighter in the room!

Tuesday - at around 2:30 in the morning I awoke to come crazy painful stomach cramps. My sister had been telling me Monday night that Hannah, Brandon and Eric were all sick, as well as Eric's immediate family, who they had celebrated thanksgiving with earlier on Sunday. I was ever hopeful it was something they ate, not the flu. Turns out I ended up with the flu as well! It was horrible! After 6 hours of being violently ill, I survived the worst part and was able to keep liquids down at least. I haven't been THAT sick since I was a kid! Poor baby was probably wondering what the heck was going on! I am now super thankful for never having morning sickness!

Worst part was I had a photo shoot scheduled for that morning that I had to reschedule! I still feel bad about it, but it was out of my control!

I spent my entire day in either the bed or the bathroom! I don't recommend getting the flu while prego! Luckily I was under the watchful eye of Lux, he didn't leave me alone once!

Wednesday - I still wasn't feeling 100%, and I ended up with a bad headache all day and my body was just plain old sore! Nothing was taking it away, including forcing myself to eat, which I didn't have an appetite at all yet! Turns out my cousins ended up with the flu as well!

Thursday - still not 100%, but much better, just really tired, but I forced myself to get dressed and out of the house to run some errands. We also ended up having wings with friends last night too. It was great to actually feel and look human again!

Friday - still catching up on housework, as I feel the need to clean the house like crazy after having the flu, but still lacking in energy! But a little bit at a time!

Needless to say my week did not go as planned! But we survived it! I am still hoping and praying that M doesn't end up with it! He just has to survive today and he should be in the clear!

I am soo thankful for everyone who sent well wishes for my recovery, luckily it went through quick, its just the recovery stage that sucks! I would have been lost without Mike, who full on admits I make the worst sick person ever, especially while pregnant, as I ended up crying about it, my Dad and MIL - who both stopped in to check on my and bring me Gatorade and popsicles!

This weekend I have a photo shoot booked for each day, weather pending of course and we plan to close the pool, assuming we can get the water to clear up! I'm also hoping the final coat will go on the nursery ceiling and we can tackle some more items on our to-do list!

Hope everyone has a great weekend!!


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