Japanese Style Savory Vegetable Pancakes with Chicken - EwE

This week, for Eating with Ellie , I got to choose the recipe and I couldn't resist these Japanese Style Savory Vegetable Pancakes with Chicken. I am not sure why she calls them vegetable pancakes with chicken. Once there is chicken, we no longer consider them vegetable or at least, I don't. I loved these. The taste and the texture were pleasing. they were good with or without the sauce which was easy to make. I did sub in chicken for the shrimp which is not kosher, therefore not allowed for us. I cut two cutlets into small pieces (one half inch) and browned them in a little olive oil. I added them to the rest of the ingredients at the end. Japanese Style Savory Vegetable Pancakes with Chicken - adapted ingredients. This has 2 chicken cutlets 1 bag of shredded cabbage 4 large scallions, chopped 2 medium carrots, shredded eggs gluten-free flour low sodium soy sauce toasted sesame oil oil for cooking the pancakes For the sauce:...