
Showing posts with the label SRS

Chicken and Brussels Sprouts Stir Fry - SRS

Time for the Secret Recipe Swap .  I love these reveal days.  So many wonderful recipes are showered upon us. This month, the blog I have cooked from is Sugar Dish Me and Heather is the one that makes the magic on this blog.   Heather describes herself as resident mommy, home cook, baker, and sugar dish maker. She is the mother of two boys who you will find on the blog.  Like most of us, she likes to cook and in my most humble opinion has cooked what I term as interesting dishes.  The photos and choice of ingredients had me salivating.  Selecting a recipe was not easy until I remembered the brussels sprouts in my refrigerator. This is usually what happens to me.  I select a great soup or cake and imagine it on the table and then see I have an overabundance of some vegetable or fruit and the decision is out of my hands.  It usually works out well. This time, it certainly did.  This dish has foods, I adore, broccoli, cauliflower, br...

Gram's Buttermilk Pancakes - SRS

This is my third swap and I am enjoying, finding blogs, I have never sen before.  The adventure in a new blog and a new recipe is lots of fun. This month, I selected my recipe from Sugar Cookies to Peterbilts .  I do what I usually do, jump from one recipe to another and change my mind, each time.  I still plan to make a lemon cake, I fell in love with just looking at the photo and a Southwestern salad with corn and black beans.  Yummy. Kris must be strong living and working on a farm.  She describes all seasons as being difficult so I can imagine, life can be hard but she certainly sounds like she enjoys it.  She and her fiancee have cats a dog and chickens.   I decided on Gram's Buttermilk Pancakes.  I have made pancakes for years but this one was very different than those of my past.  There was no butter and no sugar. Healthy - yes.  I wondered how it would taste. My husband is my judge and when I saw him put a little maple ...

Sausage and Peppers - SRS

The Hungry Little Girl has organized this  monthly swap and it is fun.  Why not contact her and join in the cooking fun?  This is my second month of the SRS and the blog chosen for me to cook from is Red, White and Blueberries.  Melissa is a Texan with a diversity of interests and the owner of rescue dogs.  That is impressive.  She was fortunate enough to have cooked with her Mom and grandmother.  To me, that means, family customs and secrets. I visited the blog a number of times and each time left with another recipe to make for the swap.  The last time, I looked, was close to dinner time so I gravitated to a main course recipe, Sausage and Peppers.  Since we eat little meat, sausage is a treat and I was happy to make an easy. Last year, I received a huge electric fry pan and decided this was an occasion to use it with all those peppers and onions.  I love using this pan. It is spacious and cleans up easily. I made a ...