
Showing posts with the label Charoses

Charoset(h) or Charoses

Charoses or Charoset   Above are two pronunciations of the word.  Raise your hand, if you know what Charoset is.  This is something else that is on the seder table.  We do not eat it, at the seder, but after the sedorim are over, this is quite a treat.  Charoset represents the mortar used by Jewish slaves in building in Egypt.  Look at it and you will understand. Ingredients: 1 apple, skin removed 1/4 cup chopped walnuts 1 tablespoon sugar 1/4 cup cup red wine or less 1/2 teaspoon cinnamon Method: Chop one apple into small pieces.  (Some use pears) Place chopped apples in a small bowl.   Add the chopped nuts, sugar, wine and cinnamon. Mix all ingredients together.  Cover with plastic wrap. I am sure many people make a lot more than this.  Can’t say, I blame them. This would make a great snack.  I was trying to figure out what to do with the extra we have.  I was wondering it it could be turned into...