Walnut Coffee Cake - Cooking Light
Grandchildren are adorable. I was talking to my three year old granddaughter who was telling me that her Mommy planted berries today. I asked if I could have some. She told me, "no, they are at home." I asked her where I was. She answered, "in the phone." Who would have thought? I bake a lot over Passover but there is no kidding oneself that all the cakes turn out as good as those made with flour. The brownies, blondies and nut cookies are the real deal and I would bet, it would be difficult to tell that they are for Passover. I don't use matzah meal which means potato starch is the bulk of each. I made some great apple desserts using this. After the holiday, I could not wait to bake something and pulled out the Cooking Light book which has appealed to be since the day, I got it. When I look through baking books, I must take into consideration which will be made gluten-free with ease and effectively. Walnut Coffee ...