The Versatile Blogger

Awards are special and I don't take them for granted. When we give awards, we think about the people we give them to and that means we have made an impression (good, bad or indifferent - hoping good). I want to give a huge thank you to Terry from RV Life and Food . It is hard to believe the blog is only four months old. Terry travels with her husband, John and does an amazing job of cooking, in her RV. If this blog is new to you, I strongly suggest, you visit it and see what one can do, cooking and traveling. I am guessing you have seen this award around the foodasphere . I like its name. Being a blogger is one thing, being versatile is another. I have been thinking of ways to do just that and hope to implement a few new ideas, as time goes by. I am open to suggestions. Here are the rules for the Versatile Blog Award: Thank the person who gave you this award. Include a link to their blog. Next, select 15 blogs/...