Bake with Bizzy - Vanilla Pound Cake
I am running late. I had a last minute meeting, at school which threw my schedule off and this posting, in particular. Fortunately, dinner is going to be late, tonight so I happily sat down, at my computer, put on folk music from decades ago, got a cup of coffee and started thinking about Bake with Bizzy. I love Bizzy. Bizzy is more of a character than I am. Bizzy is busier than I am and I am one busy lady. I know how to spell "busy" and Bizzy does not. Bizzy tends to get into mischief. I try to act my age or at least the age, I feel. I figure, I am 30 years older than Bizzy is but I feel like she does, which makes me quite youthful. We have always believed that, if one is not limited by handicaps that slow one down, a person is as young as s/he feels. I feel about 25 at least today. It was a good day. I will feel even better when I share a wonderful cake, I made for my husband. It is a Vanilla Pound Cake from The...