
Showing posts with the label Gazpacho

Alyce's Gazpacho

This is the best summer lunch, a delicious cold soup.  The process to make it went quickly and easily.  I can't serve it with crab but that is the life of a kosher "kook" and it really does not make a dent into our lives.  There is mock crab but I don't have any or I would have used it.  It is not one of the items, I keep in stock. This recipe comes from  Soups and Sides for Every Season by Alyce Morgan. I know that Alyce is a favorite as our her blogs, More Time at the Table and  Dinner Place (Cooking for One) and for the Ina Friday ladies. Hubby and I enjoyed this for lunch and when we were finished, I noted this was a calorie watcher's dream.  It was made up of tomatoes, cucumbers, bell peppers, red onion  and garlic and of course all kinds of delicious extras to give it the unique flavor.  I basically followed the recipe except, I did not, as mentioned use crab or did I use the baguette.   Since I was putting nothing on ...