
Showing posts with label anti-Zionism. Show all posts
Showing posts with label anti-Zionism. Show all posts

Saturday, 14 February 2015

Over 100 artists announce a cultural boycott of Israel per Letters in The Guardian

This Guardian letter raises an interesting question but first the letter and a record of the signatories:
Letter: Over 100 artists announce a cultural boycott of Israel
Friday 13 February 2015 16.51 GMT
Along with more than 600 other fellow artists, we are announcing today that we will not engage in business-as-usual cultural relations with Israel. We will accept neither professional invitations to Israel, nor funding, from any institutions linked to its government. Since the summer war on Gaza, Palestinians have enjoyed no respite from Israel's unrelenting attack on their land, their livelihood, their right to political existence. "2014," says the Israeli human rights organisation B'Tselem, was "one of the cruellest and deadliest in the history of the occupation." The Palestinian catastrophe goes on.

Israel's wars are fought on the cultural front too. Its army targets Palestinian cultural institutions for attack, and prevents the free movement of cultural workers. Its own theatre companies perform to settler audiences on the West Bank – and those same companies tour the globe as cultural diplomats, in support of "Brand Israel". During South African apartheid, musicians announced they weren't going to "play Sun City". Now we are saying, in Tel Aviv, Netanya, Ashkelon or Ariel, we won't play music, accept awards, attend exhibitions, festivals or conferences, run masterclasses or workshops, until Israel respects international law and ends its colonial oppression of the Palestinians. To see the full list of supporters, go to
Peter Kosminsky, Mike Leigh, Jimmy McGovern, Phyllida Lloyd, Max Stafford-Clark, Will Alsop OBE, John Berger, Miriam Margolyes, Maggie Steed, Riz Ahmed, Anna Carteret, Jeremy Hardy, Brian Eno, Richard Ashcroft, Gillian Slovo, China Miéville, Aminatta Forna, Hari Kunzru, Liz Lochhead, Hanan Al-Shaykh, Peter Ahrends, David Calder, Caryl Churchill, Sacha Craddock, Selma Dabbagh, Ken Loach, Roger Michell, April De Angelis, Andy de la Tour, Mike Hodges, Rachel Holmes, Ann Jungman, Kika Markham, Simon McBurney, Andrew O'Hagan, Courttia Newland, Michael Radford, Lynne Reid Banks, Kamila Shamsie, Alexei Sayle, Roger Waters, Mark Thomas, Susan Wooldridge, Laura Mulvey, Pauline Melville, Khalid Abdalla, Bidisha, Nicholas Blincoe, Leah Borrromeo, Haim Bresheeth, Victoria Brittain, Niall Buggy, Tam Dean Burn, Jonathan Burrows, Taghrid Choucair-Vizoso, Ian Christie, Liam Cunningham, Ivor Dembina, Shane Dempsey, Patrick Driver, Okin Earl, Leon Rosselson, Sally El Hosaini, Paul Laverty, Eyal Sivan, John Smith, Mitra Tabrizian, Siobhan Redmond, Ian Rickson, Tom Leonard, Sonja Linden, David Mabb, Rose Issa, Gareth Evans, Alisa Lebow, Annie Firbank, James Floyd, Jane Frere, Kadija George, Bob Giles, Mel Gooding, Tony Graham, Penny Woolcock, Omar Robert Hamilton, James Holcombe, Adrian Hornsby, John Keane, Brigid Keenan, Hannah Khalil, Shahid Khan, Sabrina Mahfouz, Sarah McDade, Jonathan Munby, Lizzie Nunnery, Rebecca O'Brien, Timothy Pottier, Maha Rahwanji, Ravinder Randhawa, Leila Sansour, Seni Seneviratne, Anna Sherbany, Eyal Sivan, Kareem Samara, Cat Villiers, Esther Wilson, Emily Young, Andrea Luka Zimmerman, Jeremy Page, Sarah Streatfeild, Colin Darke, Russell Mills, Elaine Di Campo, Treasa O'Brien'

Leaving aside the questionable statements about Israel in the letter. Do these people ever boycott Russia for invading Ukraine and killing many more people than Israel has ever killed? Boycott Syria for killing more people in two years than Israel has in self defence since 1948. What about China whose regimes have killed tens of millions as well as invading, occupying and indulging in population transfers in Tibet.

To paraphrase Mrs Merton, what attracts these people to opposing the only majority Jewish state?

Tuesday, 15 April 2014

The question that @Wotsit4 just can't answer, so I will...

I've been asking an individual, who Tweets under the handle @Wotsit4, a very simple two part question. I've asked him it over 20, maybe even 30 or 40 times and he just can't answer the question. To save me typing it over and over again on Twitter, although my smartphone's predictive type feature really does ease the pain here, here is that question is a nice large type size:

Why do you think that Israel is occupying the West Bank and Gaza post 1967 but that Jordan and Egypt weren't 1948-1967?

I wonder if @Wotsit4 will finally manage to answer that question in the comments here?

You see the trouble is that he knows he can't answer that question honestly because that would either reveal his real motives in opposing Israel or leave him open to me pointing out that people who know far more than he about the 'Palestinians' explained it thus:

Way back on March 31, 1977, the Dutch newspaper Trouw published an interview with Palestine Liberation Organization executive committee member Zahir Muhsein. Here’s what he said:
'The Palestinian people does not exist. The creation of a Palestinian state is only a means for continuing our struggle against the state of Israel for our Arab unity. 

In reality today there is no difference between Jordanians, Palestinians, Syrians and Lebanese. Only for political and tactical reasons do we speak today about the existence of a Palestinian people, since Arab national interests demand that we posit the existence of a distinct “Palestinian people” to oppose Zionism.

For tactical reasons, Jordan, which is a sovereign state with defined borders, cannot raise claims to Haifa and Jaffa, while as a Palestinian, I can undoubtedly demand Haifa, Jaffa, Beer-Sheva and Jerusalem. However, the moment we reclaim our right to all of Palestine, we will not wait even a minute to unite Palestine and Jordan.'

Zahir Muhsein was only a PLO executive committee member, so here's the PLO leader Yasser Arafat speaking on Jordanian TV on the same day that he signed the Declaration of Principles on the White House lawn in 1993:
“Since we cannot defeat Israel in war, we do this in stages. We take any and every territory that we can of Palestine, and establish a sovereignty there, and we use it as a springboard to take more. When the time comes, we can get the Arab nations to join us for the final blow against Israel.”

Those were comments from 'Palestinians' how about we remember what a Jordanian king said?
Here's King Hussein:

In 1965 - “Those organisations which seek to differentiate between Palestinians and Jordanians are traitors.” 
In 1981 - “Jordan is Palestine and Palestine is Jordan.”

How about looking the first Palestine National Charter of 1964, this explicitly denies any claim to the West Bank and Gaza  which were then “occupied” by Jordan and Egypt:

Article 24: This Organization does not exercise any territorial sovereignty over the West Bank in the Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan, on the Gaza Strip or in the Himmah Area
So the PLO weren't interested in 'liberating' the West Bank and Gaza to form part of a 'Palestinian' state until they were 'occupied' by Jews. Jordan was fine.

Remember that for many years, the PLO itself promoted a "stages plan" that would first create a Palestinian state on the 1949 - 1967 armistice lines, and then work from that position to destroy Israel. Indeed senior Fatah official Abbas Zaki recently stated that this remains the goal for Fatah as well, but that "you can't say it to the world. You can say it to yourself."...

The facts are out there and easy to find but the likes of @Wotsit4 and @DD1958 ignore them because to do otherwise would prove their standpoints to be based on lies.

Monday, 18 November 2013

ANOTHER epic Israel-boycott failure as BDS groups use Israeli tech to build websites | Trending Central

Britain’s Zionist Federation has today highlighted the latest example of a failure of Israel boycotters (BDS campaigners) to hold to their principles as it transpires that various anti-Israel groups have been building their own websites with Israeli-developed technology.

The website of the Cornell University branch of ‘Students for Justice in Palestine’ explains that the group’s campaigns include boycotting skincare products, soft drink manufacturers, and even hummus, while the ‘Palestinian Holocaust Museum’ website actively attempts to smear the Jewish state with claims of a “Palestinian Holocaust”.

The only problem is… both websites were built on the Israeli web-platform “Wix”.

The revelation comes hot on the heels of the viral news story of a student at Oxford University, who pointed out his classmate’s hypocrisy in using an Apple product, which contains parts developed by an Israeli tech-firm, while plastering his Macbook with anti-Israel propaganda.

Monday, 9 September 2013

When the true nature of an anti Israel campaigner is revealed...

AndyCavster (@AndyCavster) tweeted at 8:58 AM on Mon, Sep 09, 2013:
@notasheepagoat @ShuezK @BigDunc123 And the financial Zionist's hatred is based on what?

Ah those 'financial Zionists' they are a real worry. Scratch the surface of some anti Israel campaigners and what is revealed?

Here's the Twitter context behind and beyong Andy Cavster's rather revealing tweet.

Always a pleasure when the mask slips and the true nature is revealed.

Monday, 1 July 2013

Israeli stamps in US passport get student deported from UK « — ציונות פרסנו

Is the UK becoming a no go zone for people who've visited Israel?

Will Muslims in the British immigration service increasingly target people who've visited Israel? Will people who are obviously Jewish be next?

If this had been a Muslim who'd visited Saudi Arabia the 'human rights' lobby would be up in arms, but as it's a Jew, not a word. Tells you all you need to know.

More here

Sunday, 7 April 2013

If I go...

They're out to get all pro-Israeli bloggers, if I go then think well of me...

Friday, 8 March 2013

Samira Ibrahim update

It seems that the US State Department has been shamed by the outing of Samira Ibrahim as a spreader of anti-Semitic and anti-American hate speech and has postponed / cancelled her award.
'Ibrahim herself has spoken, writing in Arabic on her Twitter page. Egyptian democracy activist Mina Rezkalla provides the translation: "I refuse to apologize to the Zionist lobby in America regarding my previous anti-Zionist statements under pressure from American government therefore they withdrew the award."'
More here -

You'd have thought that a US State  Department not in thrall to Islamism would have done the checking that bloggers did before making the award not once prompted by bloggers. So why didn't the US State Department check first?

Sunday, 6 January 2013

Fatah - Israel's moderate 'Partners in Peace'

Fatah is not 'moderate', it is as bad as Hamas. It is based on the principles of terrorism, Jihad, genocide and nationalism.
From Fatah's charter:
Article (5) Liberating Palestine is a national obligation which necessitates the materialistic and human support of the Arab Nation.
Article (8) The Israeli existence in Palestine is a Zionist invasion with a colonial expansive base, and it is a natural ally to colonialism and international imperialism.
Article (12) Complete liberation of Palestine, and eradication of Zionist economic, political, military and cultural existence.
Article (17) Armed public revolution is the inevitable method to liberating Palestine.
Article (19) Armed struggle is a strategy and not a tactic, and the Palestinian Arab People's armed revolution is a decisive factor in the liberation fight and in uprooting the Zionist existence, and this struggle will not cease unless the Zionist state is demolished and Palestine is completely liberated.
Article (22) Opposing any political solution offered as an alternative to demolishing the Zionist occupation in Palestine, as well as any project intended to liquidate the Palestinian case or impose any international mandate on its people.
Article (26) Avoiding attempts to exploit the Palestinian case in any Arab or international problems and considering the case above all contentions.
Read articles 12 & 19 again. Do you see a mention of only a 'return to the 1967 borders'?  Fatah don't want to live alongside Israel, they want to eradicate Israel from Palestine completely.

Fatah is not about dialogue and peace, note their banner: that sports two rifles, a grenade and the outline of the whole of Israel, no mention of the 1967 borders there.

Do the Western media, the leftist supporters of the 'oppressed Palestinians' and the rest of the anti Israel movement not do any research on the people they support & what these groups aims are? Are these people really in fact just anti Israel in outlook? Are many also anti Semitic?

Monday, 3 December 2012

The world is not an elementary school - The latest Israeli/Palestinian spat explained....

It's shame that the people who should watch and learn from this video won't because their minds are closed to the truth. I'm referring first to the majority of United Nations countries who support the Palestinians either because they are representing a Muslim nation and thus are opposed to Israel, are representing a Communist state who have allied themselves with the OIC in order to diminish the power of the USA or are so in thrall to/scared of Islamists that they don't dare stand up for what is right. I'm referring second to the majority of the western media, especially the BBC, who buy the Palestinian story and spread anti-Israel hatred.

Wednesday, 21 November 2012

Twitter account suspended - please assist

It seems that overnight my Twitter account has been suspended, I presume because some pro-Palestinian (for which you can read anti-Israel and maybe anti-Semitic) people have complained about me tweeting the truth about Israel and the Palestinians. I have appealed:
'I have tried to access my twitter account this morning but have found that it has been suspended. Why has this happened? My twitter account is important to me as an adjunct to my blog. I do not spam, tweet threats, swear or anything else that should result in my account being suspended.In fact I am generally over-reasonable in dealing with tweeters who insult and swear at me.

Please could you rectify this situation for me.

Many thanks in advance.'
If anyone can assist or advise me in this matter I would be grateful. In the meantime I should be more productive at work today!

Tuesday, 20 November 2012

Complaining to Helen Boaden about Jeremy Bowen

Further to this blogpost I have now emailed Helen Boaden and await her response.

RE: Jeremy Bowen's choice of date to hold a Twitter Q&A
Nota Sheep
15:25 (0 minutes ago)

to HelenBoadenCom.

I have been referred to you by NewsOnline Complaints as I was not satisfied with their response to my complaint.

In summary:
The BBC's Middle East Editor, Jeremy Bowen, chose one of the holiest days in the Jewish calendar to hold a Q&A on the Middle East. That disenfranchised
all religious Jews and the vast majority of not particularly religious Jews.

In response to my query re this choice of date Jeremy Bowen responded via
Twitter that "the timing could be better" that he "did know it was Jewish New Year" but that it was ok because "it doesn't stop quite a few Jews using social media!".

Jeremy Bowen's choice of day for this Q&A clearly discrminated against religious (and not that religious) Jews, who would be unable to take part in the Q&A and thus created a biased debate.

Surely an unbiased BBC Middle East Editor would take care to ensure that no
interested parties would be unable to take part in the Q&A. Would Jeremy Bowen have held such a Q&A on a Friday during Ramadan?

When considering this matter, do bear in mind that Jeremy Bowen's anti-Israel
bias was confirmed by the Editorial Standards Committee of the BBC Trust who published a report into three complaints about him in April 2009. The Editorial Standards Committee upheld three complaints against Jeremy Bowen
on grounds of accuracy and impartiality.

NewsOnline Complaints initial response to my complaint was this:
' Jeremy Bowen did not "choose" this date; he is very busy and it was the earliest day he could fit this event into his schedule. He has acknowledged this in his tweets to you. However, this will not be the only such event with him, so there will be other opportunities for those who may consider they were excluded to take part.

This was not a debate but a question and answer session so there is no question in our view of it being biased.'
This answer was not satisfactory for several reasons. First the explanation of why that day was allocated is not believable or acceptable. An unbiased Middle East Editor would have Rosh  Hashonah noted in his diary and accordingly would not schedule a Q&A for that  date, regardless of whether he was free on that day.

The bare fact is that the BBC's Middle East Editor held a Q&A  session on one of the holiest days in the Jewish calendar when the vast majority of Jews would not be able to take part. This decision disenfranchised the vast majority of Jews from taking part. Jeremy Bowen  would not dream of scheduling such an event for a Friday during Ramadan and thus disenfranchising Muslims, would he?

As to the glib comment that 'this will not be the only such event with him, so there will be other opportunities for those who may consider they were excluded to take part.', I find that offensive. Should Jews be satisfied that at some unspecified future date we will be allowed to contribute to a Q&A with the BBC's Middle East Editor? Muslims and Christians every time but Jews only occasionally? Do Jews not pay the BBC licence fee? Is the BBC an institutionally anti-Semitic organisation as well as an anti-Zionist one?

I realise that you have other important matters to concern yourself with at the moment but I do feel that this matter is an important one as it addresses the matter of trust in, and the veracity of, the BBC.


NotaSheep MaybeaGoat

Is Israel and Apartheid State?

The claim that Israel is an apartheid state is being ever more often thrown around the blogosphere and beyond at the moment. I have shown that the claim is nonsense before now and I have tried to spread that truth, here's another video that all the haters of Israel should be made to watch...

Monday, 19 November 2012

"I'm not anti-Semitic, I am anti-Zionist"

"I'm not anti-Semitic, I am anti-Zionist" - That's the line I see all the time on Twitter and hear in the media. Well you tolerant people, here's what Dr Martin Luther King had to say on the matter:
"When people criticize Zionists, they mean Jews. You're talking anti-Semitism!"
Here's what I wrote  about this almost exactly a year ago and here's the Huffington Post today. I raely agree with the Huffington Post, but in this instance they are correct.

Here's another Martin Luther King quote via that Huffington Post artcile:
"Peace for Israel means security, and we must stand with all our might to protect its right to exist, its territorial integrity. I see Israel as one of the great outposts of democracy in the world, and a marvelous example of what can be done, how desert land can be transformed into an oasis of brotherhood and democracy. Peace for Israel means security and that security must be a reality."
Dr. King said this on March 25, 1968, two weeks before his death.

Wednesday, 10 October 2012

Are the Israelis that incompetent?

Many anti-Israel protesters make the claim that Israel is 'trying to empty the land of Palestinians'. Are they?

The Palestinian population in the West Bank has increased from 462,000 in 1948 to 2.38 million in 2005.

The Palestinian population in  Gaza has increased from 82,000 in 1948 to 1.37 in 2005.

The Muslim population of Jerusalem has increased roughly 5 fold from 1967 (when Israel re-unified the city) to 2009, from 58,000 to over 278,000.

The Jewish population of Jerusalem increased only by a factor of only 2.8, from 196,000 to 480,000 over the same period.

Either the claim that Israel is 'trying to empty the land of Palestinians' is untrue or the Israelis really are incredibly incompetent in their pursuit of that aim.

Another site that will try to hold the BBC to account

I spotted on Twitter this morning that the excellent Guardian Comment Is Free monitor has now been joined by a sister service - BBCWatch.

BBCWatch's first post runs thus:
'Welcome to BBC Watch

BBC Watch is a sister project of CiF Watch (founded in 2009 to monitor the Guardian’s ‘Comment is Free’ website) with the independent support of CAMERA (the Committee for Accurate Middle East Reporting in America). 

Its aim is to monitor BBC output on the subject of Israel with the object of ensuring adherence to the BBC’s own editorial guidelines and its legal obligation to provide accurate and impartial news, information and analysis to its funding public.  

The BBC is the largest broadcasting organisation in the world today and also one of the most influential. However, the BBC’s coverage of the Arab-Israeli conflict has long been a source of frustration to many, with severe criticism of its standards of accuracy and impartiality being voiced.

When the BBC fails to meet standards of accuracy and impartiality, it matters not only because of the effect this has on public opinion in the UK and worldwide, but also because the BBC is in fact neglecting its duty to increase the understanding of the people who fund it. As the former Chairman of the BBC Trust, Sir Michael Lyons, once wrote:
“The day the BBC accepts reporting that is mostly true is the day we no longer deserve the licence fee.” 

The BBC Watch website includes background information on the BBC itself and its editors, on the editorial standards to which it aspires and on existing reports about, and critiques of, BBC content. It also provides information to the general public about the different ways of getting involved and on complaints procedures

Our regularly updated blog page will examine BBC output and provide complimentary information.  
We welcome public participation in alerting us to BBC errors or distortions. Please contact us at

In the meantime, feel free to check out the different areas of the website and follow us on Twitter at @bbcwatch and like us on Facebook.'

That the BBC's reporting is anti-Israelis accepted as beyond reasonable doubt, so BBCWatch will have much material to report on.

Maybe BBC Watch along with blogs such as mine will manage to increase the pressure on the BBC to such an extent that they have to make their coverage of Israel fairer. Of course I know that won't happen, the BBC is irredeemably anti-Israel, but that shouldn't stop people trying to hold them to account, documenting the bias and spreading the word.

Monday, 17 September 2012

The BBC's Jeremy Bowen in a biased nutshell

Is the BBC's Middle East editor somewhat stacking the deck by deciding to take questions live on Twitter on Rosh Hashonah one of the holiest days in the Jewish calendar? Rosh Hashonah is a day when all religious Jews and most not that religious Jews will be in synagogue and not looking at Twitter or the BBC website.

Either Jeremy Bowen doesn't know that today is Rosh Hashonah, being more concerned with Muslim/Arab affairs and religion than Jewish/Israeli matters, or this was a deliberate move to avoid receiving hard questions. Whatever the reason it is a fine example of the lack of sensitivity to Israel and Jews regularly shown by Jeremy Bowen and the BBC.

Remember this is the same Jeremy Bowen who the Editorial Standards Committee of the BBC Trust published a report into three complaints about in April 2009. The complaints included 24 allegations of breaching BBC guidelines on accuracy and impartiality of which three were fully or partially upheld.

If you think that I am being over-sensitive and that the chosen date doesn't matter or is a coincidence then ask yourself if you think that Jeremy Bowen would have held a similar exercise during Ramadan?

On Yom Kippur (the holiest day in the Jewish calendar) in 1973 the armies of Egypt & Syria with support from elsewhere attacked Israel, deliberately choosing the day when they hoped Israel's defences would be at their weakest. Is Jeremy Bowen simply following anti-Israel tradition?

UPDATE: I have posted the above as a question to Jeremy Bowen at the above mentioned link. I wonder if the BBC will use it or if Jeremy Bowen will explain his choice of day.

Friday, 14 September 2012

Hillel Neuer of UN Watch tells some truths to the United Nations's Independent Expert on the promotion of a democratic and equitable international order, appointed by the United Nations Human Rights Council

Alfred-Maurice de Zayas is a Cuban born American lawyer, writer and historian. His work has focused on the judicial protection of peoples and minorities and he has written and lectured lectured extensively on human rights, including the jurisprudence of the United Nations Human Rights Committee, the Armenian Genocide, the Holocaust, Guantanamo Bay and other areas including the rights of indigenous peoples. He is an advocate of "the right to homeland" as a universal human right. Mr de Zayas has been a very vocal critic of the Iraq War, indefinite detention in Guantanamo Bay and secret CIA prisons, of nuclear pollution and of extreme poverty. He has chastised the United States, Great Britain, and Germany for their lack of intellectual honesty and their lip service to human rights. Mr de Zayas is also a 'leading expert' in the field of human rights and international law, a peace activist, and since 2012 the United Nations Independent Expert on the promotion of a democratic and equitable international order as appointed by the United Nations Human Rights Council. I think that from this short biography you get a flavour of Mr de Zayas's world view. The incredible Hilel Neuer of UN Watch tackled Mr de Zayas recently, here's the video. Do also enjoy the breattaking hypocrisy of the Cuban delegate. I have posted about Hillel Neuer before, do take a look here. However here are some more videos of Hillel Neuer in action, a very brave man indeed. UN Watch's Hillel Neuer addresses the UN Human Rights Council to decry its special agenda item and debate on Israel, at a time when the surrounding Middle East is aflame with massacres and rights abuses. Geneva, June 14, 2011. UN Watch's Hillel Neuer exposes the hypocrisy of the UN Human Rights Council, the body that created the Goldstone Report. The Council president, Amb. Luis Alfonso de Alba of Mexico, rejects the speech as "inadmissible" -- and bans it from ever being delivered again. Why the U.N. always votes against Israel (Explained by U.N. Watch's Hillel Neuer) A human rights group says members of the Iranian delegation disrupted its speech Thursday to the United Nations racism conference in Switzerland. U.N. Watch issued a statement contending that Iran twice interrupted the speech to call for points of order as the group's speaker addressed the plight of Ahmed Batebi, who had spoken to the conference earlier about being tortured by Iranian authorities. The statement said the Iranians twice called on the chair of the session "to instruct U.N. Watch to stick to the agenda item under discussion, which was 'objectives of the conference.'" The reported incident was the latest in a stormy conference for the Iranians, whose outspoken president, Mahmoud Ahmadinejad, blasted Israel in a speech this week, prompting many delegates to walk out. U.N. Watch Executive Director Hillel Neuer was allowed to complete his address Thursday, in which he chided the conference for, as he put it, ignoring the testimony of Batebi and other activists and political prisoners from around the world. In a conference that promised to review countries' performance on racism, "why did the conference in fact fail to review a single country that perpetrates racism, discrimination and intolerance?" Neuer said in his remarks. George Orwell and the UN Human Rights Council. UN Watch testimony, UNHRC 20th Session, delivered by Hillel Neuer, July 3, 2012.

Friday, 31 August 2012

Another Twitter twit - @Nafeezi (updated)

Further to this post from last night, I have to report that @Nafeezi didn't respond to my tweets with a justification for his original claim...
He did however come up with some conspiracy theories...

I will be answering his tweets, it seems only polite, but somehow I doubt that I will ever receive a sensible response.

Thursday, 30 August 2012

Another Twitter twit - @Nafeezi

I have been having another Twitter conversation with a hater of Israel. Just like @Jew4palestine he tweets rubbish and just won't admit it. Here's the sequence of tweets, in this case another Tweeter was also trying to point out the lie told.

For the record, even Wikipedia reports the total deaths in the Israel/Palestinian conflict thus:
'A variety of studies provide differing casualty data for the Israeli–Palestinian conflict. According to the Stockholm International Peace Research Institute, 13,000 Israelis and Palestinians were killed in conflict with each other between 1948 and 1997. Other estimations give 14,500 killed between 1948–2009.Palestinian fatalities during the 1982 Lebanon War were 2,000 PLO combatants killed in armed conflict with Israel.'
So who to believe, the Stockhold Peace Research Institute and others that show a total of 27,500 Israelis and Palestinians killed 1947 to 2009 or @Nafeezi who claims to remember 'the tens of thousands of Palestinian children being exterminated daily by #IDF' ?

@Nafeezi has not admitted his mistake/lie, indeed he as you can see above, he just went on the attack. He has of course not responded to me or @Israelradioguy.

The trouble is that @Nafeezi is not alone in believing this rubbish, and spreading it. I see it as my duty to correct such lies. In case you can't be bothered with following the links to @Nafeezi, here's the man himself...