"Do you not have any doubts you have a millions pounds and you could have spent it on drugs, you could have spent it on treatments but instead you have spent it on a document which doesn’t actually change anything?" That document being the NHS Constitution.
Alan Johnson replied:
"Oh, no come on….this is small beer in the NHS budget…"
Conservative Home helpfully report what £1million would buy:
" * 33 Nurses (based on salary for a top Band 5 nurse, including National Insurance contributions)
* OR 30 Teachers (based on salary for a teacher with 5 years experience, including NI)
* OR 26 policemen (based on salary for a policeman with 10 years’ service, including NI)
* OR 32 Soldiers (based on salary for a corporal on Level 3, Higher Scale, including NI)
* OR 132 hip replacement operations (based on NHS Tariff 2008-09)"