
Showing posts with label Complaint. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Complaint. Show all posts

Friday, 1 November 2013

The BBC's Middle East Desk don't like being questioned

Further to this story, the BBC have sent me a rather supercilious reply:

Dear Mr MaybeaGoat

This is not an issue which deserves apologies or admissions of right or wrong - in other words, point-scoring. We were happy to add the label of Egypt to the map, but as we said in our previous reply, it was not out of necessity.

Kind regards

Middle East desk
BBC News website
Do you think they're not happy being questioned?

I have responded by email, but since this particular desk seem incapable of responding to my emails, I will also log another complaint.

Here's my response:
Excuse me but I am not point scoring, I am simply asking why the BBC omitting the label Egypt in 2012 was apologised for by the BBC, calling it 'plain shoddy work for which we apologise' but in 2013 when the same omission on the same map is repeated I am told that the subsequent correction was 'not done out of necessity' and that no apology was required.

Why was the BBC apologetic in 2012 but today I am told that 'This is not an issue which deserves apologies or admissions of right or wrong'? Was the BBC wrong to apologise in 2012 or wrong not to apologise now? Was what was 'plain shoddy work' in 2012 deemed acceptable in 2013?
May I remind you of the BBC Charter, Guidelines, Section 1: The BBC's Editorial Values, Editorial Values, 1.2.11 Accountability
'We are accountable to our audiences and will deal fairly and openly with them.  Their continuing trust in the BBC is a crucial part of our relationship with them.  We will be open in acknowledging mistakes when they are made and encourage a culture of willingness to learn from them.' 
NotaSheep MaybeaGoat

And here is what I wrote on my follow-up complaint, managing to use all available characters:

'Your response to my complaint was 'This is not an issue which deserves apologies or admissions of right or wrong - in other words, point-scoring. We were happy to add the label of Egypt to the map, but as we said in our previous reply, it was not out of necessity.'

This response didn't answer my complaint.

I am not point scoring, I am simply asking why the BBC omitting the label Egypt in 2012 was apologised for by the BBC, calling it 'plain shoddy work for which we apologise' but in 2013 when the same omission on the same map is repeated I am told that the subsequent correction was 'not done out of necessity' and that no apology was required.

Why was the BBC apologetic in 2012 but today I am told that 'This is not an issue which deserves apologies or admissions of right or wrong'? Was the BBC wrong to apologise in 2012 or wrong not to apologise now? Was what was 'plain shoddy work' in 2012 deemed acceptable in 2013?

May I remind you of the BBC Charter, Guidelines, Section 1: The BBC's Editorial Values, Editorial Values, 1.2.11 Accountability
'We are accountable to our audiences and will deal fairly and openly with them.  Their continuing trust in the BBC is a crucial part of our relationship with them.  We will be open in acknowledging mistakes when they are made and encourage a culture of willingness to learn from them.'

Please have the decency to answer my legitimate questions relating to BBC Editorial Values rather than sending me another terse, dismissive response.'

Tuesday, 8 October 2013

the BBC respond to my complaint

Further to my complaint to the BBC, detailed here, I have had a reply - a very grudging one:
'NewsOnline Complaints  4 Oct (4 days ago)

Dear Mr MaybeaGoat

"Egypt" has been added to the map. The border between Israel and Egypt, and Gaza and Egypt, was clearly visible, even without labelling Egypt, so we do not agree that without labelling Egypt it creates the impression that Egypt is Israeli territory. Nevertheless, for clarity the label has been added.

Kind regards

Middle East desk
BBC News website'
I have responded:
'Thank you for your prompt correction, however I would point out that the last time I pointed out ( the same error out the BBC apologised, admitting that 'One of the maps is plain shoddy work, for which we apologise. It should mark Egypt.'
Was the BBC wrong to apologise for 'plain shoddy work' then or is it now?

Kind regards

NotaSheep MaybeaGoat'

Thursday, 3 October 2013

The BBC are at it again, trying to hid the fact that Gaza has a border with Egypt as well as Israel

I have previously blogged about the BBC's persistent attempts to hide the fact that Gaza has a border with Egypt, indeed on 5 November 2012 I reported that the BBC had actually apologised:
NewsOnline Complaints to me

Dear Sir,

Sorry not to reply sooner to your complaint.

One of the maps is plain shoddy work, for which we apologise. It should mark Egypt.'
Well almost a year on and the BBC have done it again

I have complained and we'll see if the BBC respond...

Friday, 14 June 2013

I did reply to the BBC

Nota Sheep
19:28 to Trust
Thanks for the information although I must say that it's hardly an impressive performance by the BBC Trust. The matter was discussed on 11 April and over two months later the minutes of that meeting have apparently yet to be ratified.
I assume that there have now been two Trust meetings since the 11 April one: May and June.
Surely the first item on the agenda of each meeting is the ratification of the previous meeting's minutes.
Is this really any way to run an organisation?
Kind regards
NotaSheep MaybeaGoat

Wednesday, 29 May 2013

Looks like the BBC are operating at their usual glacial pace

Trust Editorial 10:16 (6 hours ago) 

Dear Audience Member 

I am sorry for the delay in sending you the Trustees’ decision. I’m afraid the minutes are still being ratified for April’s meeting, but we will be in touch as soon as they have been. 

Best wishes, 
Leanne Buckle

Tuesday, 28 May 2013

Is this an example of the BBC's inability to meet a self-imposed deadline?

Leanne Buckle 23 Apr to me 
Dear Audience Member The Committee’s decisions of 11 April are written up as minutes and are then ratified at the following month’s meeting before being distributed – so you should receive the Trustees’ decision around mid-May. 

Yours faithfully 

Leanne Buckle
Today is 28 May, somewhat later than mid-May but response I have had not.

I will email Ms Buckle and see what the latest excuse is.


It seems that Ms Buckle is taking a long weekend:
I am out of the office until Wednesday, 29 May and will respond to your email on my return. Best wishes, Leanne Buckle 

Tuesday, 23 April 2013

A speedy response from BBC albeit to tell me that their full response will not be speedy

Further to my earlier post, the BBC have speedily replied:
Dear Audience Member
The Committee's decisions of 11 April are written up as minutes and are then ratified at the following month's meeting before being distributed – so you should receive the Trustees' decision around mid-May.
Yours faithfully
Leanne Buckle
So. Another 3 weeks to wait...

Thursday, 28 February 2013

The BBC will try anything to protect their Labour party allies

On 14 February I submitted a complaint to the BBC about their biased coverage of the horsemeat story. My coverage of this complaint can be read here.

Yesterday I received this dismissive response:
'Dear Mr Goat,
Thank you for your email. As you may be aware the BBC's guidelines on complaints stipulate that we will not entertain complaints from people who remain anonymous.
For that reason we cannot take your complaint further.
Thank you.'
I have responded:
'Thank you for your response. The only trouble is your excuse is incorrect.

Here's an email to me from the BBC from November 2012:

> NewsOnline Complaints
> to me
> Dear Mr MaybeaGoat
> Thank you for bringing this to our attention. We have fixed the map on this story to show Egypt.
> Kind regards
> Middle East desk
> BBC News website

I am also in correspondence with 'Lucy Tristram Complaints Advisor, BBC Trust Unit' re a complaint of mine that was escalated to the BBC Trust.

I have also been in extensive correspondence with 'Tarik Kafala, Middle East editor, BBC News website' regarding several matters over the past few years.

I await your substantive response to my original email.

Kind regards

NotaSheep MaybeaGoat

PS: Newsonline, Lucy Tristram and Tarik Kafala all managed to reply to 'Mr MaybeaGoat', rather than 'Mr Goat', could you try and get that right as well.'

I await their reply...

Tuesday, 19 February 2013

What a shock!

I have had a response to my complaint to the BBC Trust. It's a long one and I will take my team reading it and no doubt fisking it BUT here's the summary:
'I am sorry to send a disappointing response, but I do not believe your appeal should be put in front of Trustees.'
Quelle surprise.