Alfred-Maurice de Zayas is a Cuban born American lawyer, writer and historian. His work has focused on the judicial protection of peoples and minorities and he has written and lectured lectured extensively on human rights, including the jurisprudence of the United Nations Human Rights Committee, the Armenian Genocide, the Holocaust, Guantanamo Bay and other areas including the rights of indigenous peoples. He is an advocate of "the right to homeland" as a universal human right.
Mr de Zayas has been a very vocal critic of the Iraq War, indefinite detention in Guantanamo Bay and secret CIA prisons, of nuclear pollution and of extreme poverty. He has chastised the United States, Great Britain, and Germany for their lack of intellectual honesty and their lip service to human rights.
Mr de Zayas is also a 'leading expert' in the field of human rights and international law, a peace activist, and since 2012 the United Nations Independent Expert on the promotion of a democratic and equitable international order as appointed by the United Nations Human Rights Council.
I think that from this short biography you get a flavour of Mr de Zayas's world view.
The incredible Hilel Neuer of UN Watch tackled Mr de Zayas recently, here's the video. Do also enjoy the breattaking hypocrisy of the Cuban delegate.
I have posted about Hillel Neuer before, do take a look
here. However here are some more videos of Hillel Neuer in action, a very brave man indeed.
UN Watch's Hillel Neuer addresses the UN Human Rights Council to decry its special agenda item and debate on Israel, at a time when the surrounding Middle East is aflame with massacres and rights abuses. Geneva, June 14, 2011.
UN Watch's Hillel Neuer exposes the hypocrisy of the UN Human Rights Council, the body that created the Goldstone Report. The Council president, Amb. Luis Alfonso de Alba of Mexico, rejects the speech as "inadmissible" -- and bans it from ever being delivered again.
Why the U.N. always votes against Israel (Explained by U.N. Watch's Hillel Neuer)
A human rights group says members of the Iranian delegation disrupted its speech Thursday to the United Nations racism conference in Switzerland.
U.N. Watch issued a statement contending that Iran twice interrupted the speech to call for points of order as the group's speaker addressed the plight of Ahmed Batebi, who had spoken to the conference earlier about being tortured by Iranian authorities.
The statement said the Iranians twice called on the chair of the session "to instruct U.N. Watch to stick to the agenda item under discussion, which was 'objectives of the conference.'"
The reported incident was the latest in a stormy conference for the Iranians, whose outspoken president, Mahmoud Ahmadinejad, blasted Israel in a speech this week, prompting many delegates to walk out.
U.N. Watch Executive Director Hillel Neuer was allowed to complete his address Thursday, in which he chided the conference for, as he put it, ignoring the testimony of Batebi and other activists and political prisoners from around the world.
In a conference that promised to review countries' performance on racism, "why did the conference in fact fail to review a single country that perpetrates racism, discrimination and intolerance?" Neuer said in his remarks.
George Orwell and the UN Human Rights Council. UN Watch testimony, UNHRC 20th Session, delivered by Hillel Neuer, July 3, 2012.