
Showing posts with label Yoko Ono. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Yoko Ono. Show all posts

Thursday, 18 June 2015

Yoko Ono performs the theme to 'The Good Life'."

Every time I feel sympathy for Yoko Ono I remember her performance art...

Beautifully done!

Thursday, 14 May 2015

Yoko Ono: “I Had an Affair with Hillary Clinton in the ’70s” per World News Daily Report

More news that won't make the BBC...
'Yoko Ono shocked reporters yesterday when she responded to a question concerning the presidential run of Hillary Clinton and the possibility that she could become the first woman President of the United States in American history.

The artist and widow of John Lennon, who is in Los Angeles to present a collection of cups and saucers she is exhibiting at the Museum of Modern Art, totally took reporters by surprise by admitting she had not only met the former First Lady at various times during a series of protests against the Vietnam War in New York in the 1970s but also knew her "intimately".

The celebrity admitted laughingly to having "a fling" with her at the time... '

If there was even a rumour of a lesbian fling in the past of a Republican candidate or leading figure then the BBC would be all over this story, however as this is Hillary Clinton, the BBC will ignore it.