
Showing posts with label EUSSR. Show all posts
Showing posts with label EUSSR. Show all posts

Tuesday, 22 March 2016

Socialism and the EU

A very perceptive couple of quotations and a comment from demon at articulates something I've said before on here:

'Churchill:  The inherent vice of capitalism is the unequal sharing of blessings; the inherent virtue of socialism is the equal sharing of miseries.

I also found this on a website... Bukovsky:   Socialism is the gradual and less violent form of communism, and socialism is the project of the European Union, which was born in Maastricht in 1992. The intent was to save socialism in Europe after the fall of the Berlin Wall and the predictable bankruptcy of the welfare state in the West as well.

I had never previously considered that the creation of the EU was specifically to replace the USSR (despite its similarity). But it makes perfect sense.'

The EU's future seems to be that of a bastardised marriage of socialism and Islam, are you happy? Will your children and grandchildren be?

Thursday, 7 January 2016

Google, Facebook and Twitter Yield to Government Demand to Censor 'Hate Speech'

Breitbart repoets the anti free speech news that:
'In a deal reached last December, major social media sites said they would work to delete any German anti-migrant sentiments distributed on their networks within 24 hours after a removal request has been made.'
A German government being against free speech, who'd have thought it? 

As John F. Kennedy said:
'Those who make peaceful revolution impossible will make violent revolution inevitable.'
The trouble is that our overlords in the EU aren't interested in free speech, EUrabia is our decided future.

Thursday, 29 May 2014

A date of betrayal for your diaries unless David Cameron actually does something about the EU

On 1 November 2014 the following areas of competence will switch from requiring unanimous approval of all the member states of the EU to just qualified majority voting. In addition the EU Commission have managed to make it even harder for EU provinces (for that's what the countries that make up the EU are now) to vote down any proposal from the Commission - there now has
to be a 'blocking minority' which represents 'at least three quarters of EU citizens' or 'at least three quarters of member states. Even if such a 'blocking minority' is achieved then the Council undertakes only to 'discuss the issue' further.

1 November is another step on the well trailed path from independent EU nations to a United States of Europe, and not even a democratic United States of Europe but one run by a small cadre of appointees.

The list below shows the area of competence, then what was required under the Treaty of Nice and then from 1 November under the provisions of the Lisbon Treaty:

Initiatives of the High Representative for Foreign Affairs – Nice: Unanimity; Lisbon: QMV
Administrative co-operation – Nice: Unanimity; Lisbon: QMV
Asylum – Nice: QMV; Lisbon: QMV
Border controls – Nice: Unanimity; Lisbon: QMV
Citizens' initiative regulations – Nice: Unanimity; Lisbon: QMV
Civil protection – Nice: Unanimity; Lisbon: QMV
Committee of the Regions – Nice: Unanimity; Lisbon: QMV
Common defence policy – Nice: Unanimity; Lisbon: QMV
Crime prevention incentives – Nice: Unanimity; Lisbon: QMV
Criminal judicial co-operation – Nice: Unanimity; Lisbon: QMV
Criminal law – Nice: Unanimity; Lisbon: QMV
Culture – Nice: Unanimity; Lisbon: QMV
Diplomatic & Consular protection – Nice: Unanimity Lisbon: QMV
Economic & Social Committee – Nice: QMV Lisbon: QMV
Emergency international aid – Nice: Unanimity Lisbon: QMV
Energy – Nice: Unanimity; Lisbon: QMV
EU budget – Nice: Unanimity; Lisbon: QMV
Eurojust – Nice: Unanimity; Lisbon: QMV
European Central Bank – Nice: Unanimity; Lisbon: QMV
European Court of Justice – Nice: Unanimity; Lisbon: QMV
Europol – Nice: Unanimity; Lisbon: QMV
Eurozone external representation – Nice: Unanimity; Lisbon: QMV
Foreign Affairs High Representative election – Lisbon: QMV
Freedom of movement for workers – Nice: Unanimity; Lisbon: QMV
Freedom to establish a business – Nice: Unanimity Lisbon QMV
Freedom, security, justice, co-operation & evaluation – Nice: Unanimity; Lisbon: QMV
Funding the Common Foreign & Security Policy – Nice: Unanimity; Lisbon: QMV
General economic interest services – Nice: Unanimity; Lisbon: QMV
Humanitarian aid – Nice: Unanimity; Lisbon: QMV
Immigration – Nice: QMV; Lisbon: QMV
Intellectual property – Nice: Unanimity; Lisbon: QMV
Organisation of the Council of the EU – Nice: Unanimity; Lisbon: QMV
Police co-operation – Nice: Unanimity; Lisbon: QMV
President of the European Council election – Lisbon: QMV
Response to natural disasters & terrorism – Lisbon: QMV
Rules concerning the Armaments Agency – Nice: Unanimity; Lisbon: QMV
Self-employment access rights – Nice: Unanimity; Lisbon: QMV
Social Security Unanimity – Nice: QMV; Lisbon: QMV
Space – Nice: Unanimity; Lisbon: QMV
Sport – Nice: Unanimity; Lisbon: QMV
Structural &Cohesion Funds – Nice: Unanimity; Lisbon: QMV
Tourism – Nice: Unanimity; Lisbon: QMV
Transport – Nice: Unanimity; Lisbon: QMV
Withdrawal of a member state – Lisbon: QMV

Remember who signed the Lisbon Treaty, Gordon Brown. Here he is signing the Treaty and with it away with another part of the UK's independence...

Is the word traitor too strong?

I am sure David Cameron will once again tell us that the UK is "in Europe but not ruled by Europe". Maybe someone could ask him how his claim matches up to the facts.

Friday, 14 March 2014

One of Tony Benn's views that the pro-EU BBC won't be repeating

Tony Benn hits out at unelected EU officials, something the BBC will not allow to be heard if they can help it.

Friday, 28 February 2014

The truth slips out about the EU

Well done Bjorn Kjellstrom, Head of the UK Office of the European Parliament, for helping the Eurosceptic cause no end. While berating British journalists in a letter for not correctly reporting EU matters, the grumpy Swede has let the cat out the bag: “not all citizens are aware that possibly a majority of the laws that have an impact on their daily lives are decided on by MEPs in the European Parliament.” Something swivel-eyed Europhiles always try to deny…

Tuesday, 11 February 2014

Britons 'too ignorant' for EU referendum says Viviane Reding, VP of European Commission via Mail Online

'Britons 'too ignorant' for EU referendum: Top official says debate on Europe is so distorted that people could not make an 'informed decision'

Viviane Reding, vice-president of European Commission, made commentsSpeaking in London, she said British people must know 'the facts' on EUShe boasted about how 70 per cent of UK's laws are now made in Brussels

Her comments were attacked by critics for 'dangerous' assumptions

Britons are too ignorant about Europe to vote in a referendum on the subject, a top Brussels official claimed last night.Viviane Reding, vice-president of the European Commission, said the British debate about Europe was so ‘distorted’ that people could not make an ‘informed decision’ about whether or not to stay in the EU.

Mrs Reding - who boasted that 70 per cent of the UK’s laws are now made in Brussels - also rubbished David Cameron’s bid to curb immigration from Europe, saying it was incompatible with membership of the EU.'

The EU gets more anti Democratic by the day, and that's from a pretty low initial level.

Thursday, 30 January 2014

EU has secret plan for police to 'remote stop' cars - Telegraph

' The European Union is secretly developing a "remote stopping" device to be fitted to all cars that would allow the police to disable vehicles at the flick of a switch from a control room.'

Because there's no way that a car could be disabled by mistake or the disabling device activate mistakenly or be hacked... Bloody dangerous and contrary to civil liberties. I presume the British Labour party are therefore in favour...

Saturday, 20 April 2013

Saturday, 2 June 2012

What is the European Stabilization Mechanism (ESM)?

Whilst the BBC and much of the rest of the British media distract us with the Jubilee, a coup is taking place in Europe.

Junge Freiheit explain what the ESM will mean for the EuroZone, the EU and indeed beyond. It is explained in terms and detail that the BBC would never give. Be under no illusions the supranational EU is being foisted on Europe and don't expect our politicians to do anything about it.
' Final Warning
by Michael Paulwitz

1. The ESM institutionalizes the breaking of the treaty, intends to eliminate economic laws with floods of billions and is making permanent the politically rubber-stamped dragging-out of the bankruptcy of the failed protective shield.

2. The ESM cements the transfer and debt union and introduces Europe collective bond issues by the back door. Article 21: The ESM can sponsor borrowing “in fulfillment of its tasks,” i.e., financing overextended countries and their banks at the cost of the more solvent ones. The German-French window-dressing argument about Euro bonds is only distraction. The fact is…

3. The ESM removes the ban on central bank financing of national debts — a ban already as full of holes as a Swiss cheese because of the tender of trillions and the buying of bonds by the ECB (European Central Bank). The ESM will become a shadow central bank which is allowed to do everything still formally forbidden to the ECB. The ECB is degraded to a money-printing machine. Reason:

4. The ESM can operate as a supra-national bank. It can make loans to Euro countries (Article 16), subscribe to bonds of Euro countries (Article 17), deal with national bonds (Article 18), re-capitalize banks (Article 15), set up lines of credit for Euro countries (Article 14), establish interest rates (Article 20) and issue Eurobonds (Article 21). The bank license France and Italy intend to issue it would be the icing on the cake. Then — using high yield bonds as “security” — the ESM could supply itself directly and without limit with money from the ECB, to buy bonds and turn them in as security… a never-ending loop. Alternatively:

5. The ESM is a mega “bad bank” and super hedge fund rolled into one. It can buy national bonds that no one else wants; extend non-performing loans to countries no one wants to loan to anymore; like a gamer, use “leverage” to quadruple lending volume. And:

6. The ESM can increase its capital itself, anytime. In fact — Article 10 — by decision of the “governing council.” So Euro finance minister, Wolfgang Schäuble’s reassurance that German liability risk is covered is just a lie. He can simply be outvoted. The Bundestag can only say yes and amen. For,

7. The ESM annuls parliamentary budget law with a keystroke. If the “governors” decide that they need money, the states must pay inside of seven days. If one of them fails, the others must compensate. In the end, Germany is the last resort paymaster. When the bill comes due, it will already be too late:

8. The ESM has no clauses for dissolution or withdrawal. For better or worse, we, our children and our children’s children are guaranteeing the debts of others. The carousel will keep on turning until Germany too is broke. Judicial review is off the table:

9. The ESM is above statute and law. State norms, rules of overview and control do not apply to it now or in the future. It is released from the obligations of regulation and licensing for credit institutions (Article 32). No court can arraign or impound it . But it has the right to take legal action against all or any. Not even heads of state enjoy such a privilege. No wonder Schäuble wants to stay on when he was scheduled to become head of the “Euro Group.” The reason:

10. The ESM is becoming a self-service store — not only for insolvent nations but for its own “governors” and staff. They set their own stipends — secretly, of course; they are exempt from national taxes and fees (Article 36) and have immunity from legal prosecution (Article 35), even if they willfully gamble monies away. Fact:

11. The ESM secret cabinet is a putsch against sharing of powers and the sovereignty of peoples. To avoid plebiscites, the ban on collective debt (“no bailout”) in Article 125 is cancelled in a “simplified treaty alteration procedure” by means of an “amendment” to Article 136 of the Lisbon Treaty. Result:

12. The ESM stands the legal basis of the EU on its head and contravenes constitutional law and the decision of the federal constitutional court of September, 2011. The ESM law transfers national authority in unprecedented measure to an uncontrollable European mega institution. This self-castration of the parliament can never be legitimately decided without asking the people whether it agrees to the dismantling of its national state.'

Read point 11 again and understand that this putsch is real, happening and almost unstoppable.
'To avoid plebiscites, the ban on collective debt (“no bailout”) in Article 125 is cancelled in a “simplified treaty alteration procedure” by means of an “amendment” to Article 136 of the Lisbon Treaty.'

The EU has always been anti-democratic but the ESM takes the degree of supranational control to a whole new level. Don't expect any criticisms or even warnings from the Europhiles that control so much of the British media and politics. From the Europhile BBC to the EU placemen, such as Nick Clegg and Peter Mandelson, at the heart of British politics the pro-EU narrative has been set.

Thnaks to Gates of Vienna  for the translatiom of the original article.

Saturday, 26 May 2012

"How dare you threaten us with the bogeyman, you ARE the bogeyman."

I am fedup with the EU and its placemen in national governments trying to scare us with 'what mights'. The Snow Wolf would seem to be even more pissed off with the likes of Nick Clegg. It's a very sweary article but worth a read; here is how it starts:
A collapse in the eurozone would create the “ideal recipe for an increase in extremism and xenophobia”, Deputy Prime Minister Nick Clegg has warned.

No. Not quite. It is the imposition of an anti-democratic organisation, the pressure exerted on national governments to adopt the single currency and the promises of jam today and jam tomorrow that has put in place the conditions for extremism and xenophobia.

Your organisation, Mr Clegg, and let us not pretend that you are anything but an EU placeman, has ridden roughshod over the national identities of most of Europe. You have swept away history and heritage continent-wide. You have lied to and continue to deceive millions, you have denied them a voice. You have chivvied them, nagged them, and badgered them into putting your plans into place. Now your plans are bearing the fruit that so many predicted they would, you turn once again to the little people and warn them that if they don’t vote in line with your wishes that the bad people will get in.'

Friday, 25 May 2012

Now why would Nick Clegg say that?

PA are reporting:
'Greek exit from the euro could set off a "chain reaction of uncertainty" which would result in a "grinding slowdown in economic activity" across Europe, including the UK, Deputy Prime Minister Nick Clegg has warned.

Mr Clegg dismissed arguments that Greece's economic woes and the instability in the single currency could best be served by a swift return to the drachma, insisting that "no-one rational" could want such an outcome.'
When I read this why do the words 'EU  pension' come to mind? And why do I remember the fact that EU pensions are paid on the understanding that the EU can remove this pension, if in the view of the Commission or the Luxembourg Court, they "fail to uphold the interests of the European Communities".

Monday, 27 February 2012

"We cannot possibly let Greece go because if she leaves the Euro other countries will want to follow and that will be the end of our European project"

According to Nigel Farage the above were the words of Chancellor Angela Merkel, here's Nigel...

Plenty more in the speech about democracy in the EUSSR, David Cameron's broken promise and so on.

Tuesday, 24 January 2012

That Croatian referendum

The BBC enthusiastically tell us that:
'Near complete results from Croatia's referendum on European Union membership suggest that a large majority of people want to join the EU in 2013.

With nearly all the votes counted, 66% of voters backed the membership. About 33% were against.'
The BBC do also add that 'But officials expressed disappointment at the low turnout of about 44%.' but it's not as important as the 'large majority' comment.

For some more information on this story England Expects has something of interest from the 'Only Croatia' party:

Contrary to official claims, the Croatian people did not overwhelmingly support Croatia's membership of the European Union.

In fact, most Croats abstained from the EU referendum resulting in a record low participation level of only 43%, which means that even if  all those who turned out, voted in favour of EU membership, they would still constitute a minority not only of voters, but of the Croatian people.

At the first-ever referendum held in Croatia in 1991, the turnout was 83.5%, of which 94% voted in favour of independence.

Fully aware that the Croatian People do not want to give up their hard earned independence, the ruling elites changed the Croatian Constitution prior to the EU referendum to eliminate the rule which invalidated any referendum unless 50 percent participation was achieved.

Prior to the EU referendum, the Croatian people were subjected to a massive North Korea-style pro–EU propaganda campaign, which relentlessly extolled the benefits and virtues of
membership, and denigrated any attempts to say otherwise.
The Government spent huge amounts of public funds to pay for a massive YES campaign, whilst denying any funding to the NO case. In addition, the European Commision ran its own very expensive YES campaign. State enterprises and corporations were also enlisted. State Television aired pro-EU adverts for free or at discounted rates, Croatia Post home delivered more than 2 million government leaflets for free, and the City of Zagreb provided free EU advertising on its trams.

The official referendum campaign was restricted to a four week period at the height of winter and favoured the official YES case which had almost exclusive access to the electronic media. It also exploited seasonal distractions provided by Christmas and New Year celebrations as well as winter school holidays.

The real referendum campaign had actually started much much earlier and involved, not thousands, but tens of thousands,  pro-EU advertisements on radio and Television.

The 'Vecernji List' daily reported on 10.8.2011 that the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and EU Integrations had in the two preceeding months (June and July 2011) paid the broadcasting of  more than 13 thousand radio adverts and more than 2300 TV adverts on 80 radio stations, 6 national and 15 local TV stations. This massive propaganda campaign continued and even increased in scope and intensity over the next six months leading up to the referendum.

The Austrian, German and Government-owned electronic and print media ( ie all the media in Croatia) blatantly supported the YES case and made sure that the YES campaign was the only campaign.   Hundreds of sponsored 'information programs' were aired over many months and even more 'informative' newspaper articles were printed.

The Catholic Church hierarchy, lavishly funded by the State, also openly supported the YES case and seemed unconcerned that there was no democratic public debate and no visible NO case.

In the last few weeks, the population was carpet-bombed by advertisements and appeals on TV, radio and the print media from the President, Prime Minister, Opposition Leader,   Ministers, Actors, Singers and Sportsmen to choose EU prosperity and happiness over isolation and poverty.

Just days before the referendum, Foreign minister Vesna Pusić shamelessly threatened Croatia's 1.2 million pensioners that they would lose their pensions if they voted against EU membership. The Zvijezda voting station in Zagreb, which covers several retirement homes with about 1100 pensioners, reported an 80 percent vote in favour of EU membership.

And the result of this massive propaganda campaign ? -A referendum turnout of only 43% of  all voters and a vote of 66% in favour of EU membership and 33% against.

And even this vote is somewhat suspect because Croatia has more voters than citizens. According to the latest 2011 Population Census, Croatia has a total population of only 4.29 million, yet according to the Electoral Commission it has 4,504,765 voters over 18 years of age eligible to vote.

In such blatantly undemocratic circumstances, it was impossible for the Croatian People to make an informed decision and the EU referendum therefore has no democratic legitimacy. It has all the hallmarks of a sham.

It is clear that the EU referendum in Croatia was a swindle which did not meet even the most basic democratic criteria, and whose sole purpose was to elicit an affirmative vote.

We call on the Croatian Government and the political elites to recognise the reality that the Croatian People have not freely and democratically given their consent to the loss of their independence.

We call on the Croatian Government to do the right thing, to annul this sham referendum, to organise a new, fair and democratic referendum, and to give the Croatian People the opportunity to make a free and informed decision about their future.   

Should this not happen, we ask all the democratically minded Peoples of existing EU members not to participate in this undemocratic swindle of the Croatian People. We ask them and their National Parliaments to block the ratification of Croatia's membership of the EU, until such time as the Croatian People are given the right to decide freely at a fair, democratic and legitimate referendum.
The latter article does smack of being truthful when you remember how pro-EU forces have managed previous referenda

Monday, 23 January 2012

Eurocrats don't like being questioned

Vincent Browne takes on Klaus Masuch over the issue of the Irish people having to foot the bill for unguaranteed bondholders.

Marvellous stuff... I love Herr Masuch's obvious discomfort as he realises that Vincent Browne a) knows his stuff and b) won't be fobbed off with the usual bland assurances.

Sunday, 11 December 2011

Why are the BBC so opposed to, and angry at, David Cameron's stance at the recent EU summit?

The BBC's anger at David Cameron's stance has to be about more than the usual BBC hatred of anything Conservative. The hatred has been more visceral than that. We all know that the BBC loves non-democratic supra-National bodies, it is after all a non-democratic internationalist body itself But is there another explanation for the BBC's over the top reaction? As always the answer is to 'follow the money'. It was widely reported in the non EUphile media in June 2008 that:
'THE BBC last night faced accusations of pro-Brussels bias as it was revealed that the corporation had taken out £141m in “soft” loans from the European Union.

The broadcaster has taken out three separate low interest loans from the EU-backed European Investment Bank (EIB) to fund the expansion of its growing commercial empire.

It also emerged that the BBC has received grants from the EU worth £1.4m over the past five years.

The Brussels deals raise awkward questions for the corporation about its coverage of European affairs and its burgeoning profit-making arm whose interests extend to property, publishing and the internet.

The details of the loans and grants stretching back six years emerged in a letter written by Zarin Patel, the BBC’s finance director, to Bob Spink, a Conservative MP.

The first £66m loan in 2003 was used to fund “the fit-out” of a new building in the BBC’s Media Village development in west London, which was later sold for a profit. The second loan for £25m and the third for £50m were made to BBC Worldwide, the corporation’s profit-making arm, to pay for the acquisition of overseas rights to programmes made by the BBC in the UK.

The EIB has described itself as “an autonomous body set up to finance capital investment furthering European integration by promoting EU policies”.

It specialises in providing low interest loans below the normal commercial rates. However, the BBC refused to disclose exactly what rates the EIB was charging.

The BBC letter, written in response to a parliamentary question, also discloses a series of grants to help to fund online educational programmes and preserve the BBC archive.

Spink said yesterday that he would be putting down a Commons motion condemning the BBC for accepting the cash: “I am concerned that the independence and objectivity of the BBC may have been improperly influenced by funding from the EU.”

A BBC spokesman denied any pro-Brussels bias: “There were no editorial obligations whatsoever attached to the three EIB loans. The BBC’s commercial businesses go to the European Investment Bank as opposed to any other commercial bank for purely commercial reasons.”

He added: “The BBC occasionally receives some EU funding in relation to specific educational or research and development projects.”

However, the size of the EU loans highlights the rapid growth in the BBC’s commercial activities, which are kept separate from the core programme-making funded by the £3.5 billion a year licence fee.

Critics question how commercial contracts fit into the BBC’s “public services” remit.'

The key line is this one 'The EIB has described itself as “an autonomous body set up to finance capital investment furthering European integration by promoting EU policies”.'Can anyone deny that the BBC has shown itself time and time again to follow a pro-EU line, often at the expense of Britain's interests? The BBC again and again shows itself to act in direct opposition to the interests of Great Britain (and especially Northern Ireland), to promote the interests of anti-democratic organisations and to support terrorists; what can be done to end its reign of terror?

Saturday, 10 December 2011

"Ever-closer union" was always the idea, now the EU has the excuse to force it through

The ever-closer union within the EU has been forced upon the peoples of Europe whose opinions, if they are ever asked, are ignored or made to change. The takeover of Greece and Italy by the EU has happened and where are the protests from those who claim to support democracy elsewhere in the world. The EUSSR is fast forming and that was always the plan. Here are what some of the architects of the EU had to sayand they never kept it a secret, it was the BBC and the rest of the British media that conspired to keep the aim from us, for fear we might actually protest:
"On 1 January 1999 with the introduction of the Euro ... an important part of national sovereignty, to wit monetary sovereignty, was passed over to a European institution ... The introduction of a common currency is not primarily an economic, but rather a sovereign and thus eminently political act...political union must be our lodestar from now on: it is the logical follow-on from Economic and Monetary Union."
Joschka Fischer, German Foreign Minister and Vice Chancellor since 1998. Former Communist firebrand and photographed beater-up of a policeman (ironically called Mr Marx). Speech to the European Parliament, January 1999.

"The fusion of economic functions would compel nations to fuse their sovereignty into that of a single European State"
Jean Monnet, founder of the European Movement. Former Cognac salesman and bureaucrat at the League of Nations. 3rd April 1952

"We have started a new chapter in the structure of Europe. The Euro was not just a bankers' decision or a technical decision. It was a decision that completely changed the nature of the nation states."

"The pillars of the nation state are the sword and the currency, and we changed that."

"[My] real goal [is to draw on] the consequences of the single currency and create a political Europe."
Romano Prodi, EU Commission President. Interview in the Financial Times, April 1999.

"The Euro can only lead to closer and closer integration of countries' economic policies ... This demands that member states give up more sovereignty".
Romano Prodi, EU Commission President. Interview in Daily Telegraph, 7 April 1999.

"We must now face the difficult task of moving forward towards a single economy, a single political entity... For the first time since the fall of the Roman Empire we have the opportunity to unite Europe."
Romano Prodi, EU Commission President, speech to European Parliament, 13th October 1999.

"The single market was the theme of the Eighties. The single currency was the theme of the Nineties. We must now face the difficult task of moving towards a single economy, a single political unity."
Romano Prodi, EU Commission President, speech to European Parliament, 14 April 1999.

"I am sure the euro will oblige us to introduce a new set of economic policy instruments. It is politically impossible to propose that now. But some day there will be a crisis and new instruments will be created."
Romano Prodi

"[What is needed is the] Europeanisation of everything to do with economic and financial policy. European Monetary Union has to be complemented with political union - that was always the presumption of Europeans."
Gerhard Schröder, German Chancellor from 1998. Interview, 2002.

"Of course the risks will remain, especially if we don't follow up the bold step that led to a single currency with further bold steps towards political integration".
Gerhard Schröder, German Chancellor from 1998.

"The introduction of the Euro is probably the most important integrating step since the beginning of the unification process. It is certain that the times of individual national efforts regarding employment policies, social and tax policies are definitely over. This will require to finally bury some erroneous ideas of national sovereignty... I am convinced our standing in the world regarding foreign trade and international finance policies will sooner or later force a Common Foreign and Security Policy worthy of its name... National sovereignty in foreign and security policy will soon prove itself to be a product of the imagination."
Gerhard Schroeder, German Chancellor from 1998. From 'New Foundations for European Integration', 19th January 1999.

"A European currency will lead to member-nations transferring their sovereignty over financial and wage policies as well as in monetary affairs... It is an illusion to think that States can hold on to their autonomy over taxation policies."
Hans Tietmeyer, Bundesbank President. Date uncertain.

"The process of monetary union goes hand in hand, must go hand in hand, with political integration and ultimately political union. EMU is, and always was meant to be, a stepping stone on the way to a united Europe."
Wim Duisenburg, President of the European Central Bank. Date uncertain. Note the choice of words "was always meant to be", the plan is coming to fruition.

Maybe the key quotation is this one though:
'"I am sure the euro will oblige us to introduce a new set of economic policy instruments. It is politically impossible to propose that now. But some day there will be a crisis and new instruments will be created."'
Romano Prodi, EU Commission President. Financial Times, 4 December 2001.

The number of communists, socialists and others from the authoritarian left in positions of power in the EU is no accident, the EU is to be the new USSR.

Pat Condell is also a touch upset.

Friday, 18 November 2011

"What in God's name gives you the right?"

Nigel Farage in fine form embarrassing the unelected EU gerontocracy. In effect a coup has taken place in Italy, an elected government has been replaced by an unelected one, and yet the cries of the democracy loving left are all but inaudible. The BBC are a news organisation whose democracy loving instincts seem to have been put on hold as they have not complained about the stifling of democracy in Italy.

The EUSSR and the BBC; totalitarian by instinct and anti-democratic in practice.