The Guardian Comment is Free's Jess McCabe is worried that
"Women contribute less to global warming yet will be hit harder by its effects. Reproductive justice is a separate issue....
...that climate change is a feminist issue. Everyone stands to suffer if climate change is allowed to spiral out of control, of course, but a gender analysis of both the impacts and causes of climate change shows that globally women contribute less to the problem and yet are likely to be hit especially hard.
Poor people are likely to bear the brunt as the climate changes and 70% of the world's poor are women. According to one estimate, 85% of the victims of climate disasters are women. Another study found 75% of environmental refugees are women. (Statistics from the Women's Manifesto on Climate Change)."
Once again her readers are not convinced:
MrSilver: "
According to one estimate, 85% of the victims of climate disasters are women
Could you back this up?
I'm having trouble with the idea of a misogynist tsunami or hurricane carefully avoiding hurting men
hang on haven't blamed the thatcher, bankers, the u.s. or the worldwide zionist conspiracy...
you're slacking.
i wonder where viz gets its ideas for millie tant and modern parents?
This may all be true, but my housemate's a girl, and I spend all day and all night turning the lights, TV and heating off because she can't be bothered, and throwing away the takeaway food she can't be bothered to finish.
I've also lived with women whose solution to being cold at home was to heat the entire house to roughly the same temperature as Delhi in June, and as many men whose solution was to put on a jumper and suck it up.
So I can confidently tell you that at least one woman is not part of the solution to the problem of climate change."
The Guardian's Comment is Free really can be comedy gold, were it not for the unfortunate fact that it is people with mindsets like many Guardian columnists who are running much of the western world.