What are the Occupied Palestinian Territories?
Showing posts with label Palestine. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Palestine. Show all posts
Wednesday, 25 May 2016
Wednesday, 21 October 2015
Palestine: 1840 to Now by Real Jstreets per Israellycool
Some facts about the population of Jerusalem from 1840.
In 1840, there were 5,000 Jews and 4,600 Muslims.
In 1870: 11,000 Jews and 6,500 Muslims
In 1917: 32,000 Jews and 13,500 Muslims
In 1948, when Jerusalem was divided by war and occupied by Jordan: 84,000 Jews and 40,000 Muslims.
More here http://www.israellycool.com/2015/10/19/palestine-1840-to-now/ but not on the institutionally anti-Israel BBC.
Sunday, 7 December 2014
Israel is built on Arab land
Israel is built on Arab land, Palestine was an Arab country.
Those are two of the lines that ignorant anti Semitic bigots use all the time. That they are not true doesn't bother them, so what I'm about to show here will have no effect on them either.
However facts are important, so here's a photo of a page from a French encyclopedia from between the two World Wars. Can you find Palestine? What's on its flag? Right-hand page, third row,, one from the right... A flag that's split in half vertically: the left half a pale blue, the right half white and in the middle a gold/yellow Mogan David or Star of David - The Jewish symbol...
Wednesday, 30 July 2014
Debunking The Map that Lies about Palestinian 'loss of land'
Read learn and then remember when anti Semitic scum try and lie about the poor Palestinians loss of land.
Friday, 25 July 2014
Because Israel is different
'... the massive population displacements in Europe at the end of the Second World War are forever, but those in Palestine a mere three years later must be corrected and reversed. On the Continent, losing wars comes with a territorial price: The Germans aren't going to be back in Danzig any time soon. But, in the Middle East, no matter how often the Arabs attack Israel and lose, their claims to their lost territory manage to be both inviolable but endlessly transferable.'
Mark Steyn making perfect sense in a piece that should be compulsory reading for the anti Israel brigade including the BBC.
More good sense here http://www.steynonline.com/6485/the-man-who-never-calls
Monday, 7 April 2014
Dying for an imaginary right of return
Warped Mirror here reports on the latest piece of callousness towards Palestinians by Palestinians.
Do read the whole article but here's the key part
'... it’s better they die in Syria than give up their right of return.'
Because for the Palestinian leadership, holding a population gun at the head of Israel is more important than letting Palestinians live.
Of course this story will receive no mainstream news coverage because the Palestinians must be protected from criticism at all costs.
Friday, 24 January 2014
Freedom in the Middle East and North Africa
Freedom House has just published its 2014 report and here's the freedom figures for the Middle East and North Africa from that report, first for 2010 - 2014 and then just for 2014
In case you are wondering, the Palestinians are not forgotten, the Gaza Strip and 'West Bank' appear under a list of territories, here's their 2014 ranking for comparison...
In the above tables, "PR" stands for "Political Rights," "CL" stands for "Civil Liberties," and "Status" is the Freedom Status.
Political Rights and Civil Liberties are measured on a one-to-seven scale, with one representing the highest degree of Freedom and seven the lowest.
“F,” “PF,” and “NF,” respectively, stand for “Free,” “Partly Free,” and “Not Free.”
The lower the number the freer the country. Can you spot the only country that is FREE? That would be Israel. Of the Muslim majority countries that surround and mostly hate Israel, only five are even classified as Partially Free - Kuwait, Lebanon, Libya, Morocco and Tunisia. The rest are classified as Not Free.
How peculiar that so many people spend so much time and energy denigrating the name and record of Israel and calling it an apartheid state, when it is by far the freeest country to live in the area in which it is situated.
In case you are wondering, the Palestinians are not forgotten, the Gaza Strip and 'West Bank' appear under a list of territories, here's their 2014 ranking for comparison...
In the above tables, "PR" stands for "Political Rights," "CL" stands for "Civil Liberties," and "Status" is the Freedom Status.
Political Rights and Civil Liberties are measured on a one-to-seven scale, with one representing the highest degree of Freedom and seven the lowest.
“F,” “PF,” and “NF,” respectively, stand for “Free,” “Partly Free,” and “Not Free.”
The lower the number the freer the country. Can you spot the only country that is FREE? That would be Israel. Of the Muslim majority countries that surround and mostly hate Israel, only five are even classified as Partially Free - Kuwait, Lebanon, Libya, Morocco and Tunisia. The rest are classified as Not Free.
How peculiar that so many people spend so much time and energy denigrating the name and record of Israel and calling it an apartheid state, when it is by far the freeest country to live in the area in which it is situated.
Monday, 18 November 2013
ANOTHER epic Israel-boycott failure as BDS groups use Israeli tech to build websites | Trending Central
Britain’s Zionist Federation has today highlighted the latest example of a failure of Israel boycotters (BDS campaigners) to hold to their principles as it transpires that various anti-Israel groups have been building their own websites with Israeli-developed technology.
The website of the Cornell University branch of ‘Students for Justice in Palestine’ explains that the group’s campaigns include boycotting skincare products, soft drink manufacturers, and even hummus, while the ‘Palestinian Holocaust Museum’ website actively attempts to smear the Jewish state with claims of a “Palestinian Holocaust”.
The only problem is… both websites were built on the Israeli web-platform “Wix”.
The revelation comes hot on the heels of the viral news story of a student at Oxford University, who pointed out his classmate’s hypocrisy in using an Apple product, which contains parts developed by an Israeli tech-firm, while plastering his Macbook with anti-Israel propaganda.
Thursday, 7 November 2013
Wednesday, 6 November 2013
Ten Basic Points: Israel’s Rights to Judea and Samaria - Op-Eds - Israel National News
A must read for the anti-Semites who seem to have very little grasp of history or law.
'The territories of Judea and Samaria remain in dispute between Israel and the Palestinians, subject only to the outcome of permanent status negotiations between them.'
Tuesday, 29 October 2013
Elder Of Ziyon - Israel News: Egypt closes Rafah for fourth day, media still mostly silent
' Egypt has now closed Rafah for four consecutive days, this time without even informing the Palestinian Authority as they used to do.An Egyptian source told the German Press agency that the crossing would be closed "indefinitely."France24, unusually, is calling Egypts actions in Rafah a "blockade." But for the most part the media has been muted in any criticism of Egypt for what would be considered a human rights violation when Israel does it.'
But not on the BBC
Thursday, 8 August 2013
What the Palestinian Authority means by a two-state solution
'The impression that Israel is occupying "Palestinian" lands is incorrect. A Palestinian country did not exist in these lands, prior to its coming under Israel's control. As a result of the 1967 Six Day War, Israel did capture Jerusalem, Samaria and Judea – not from Palestine, but rather, from Jordan. It is true that the PLO was established in Jerusalem in 1964, some three years before Israel's defensive acquisition of these lands in 1967. Obviously, the agenda of the PLO was not to free lands from Israel which it did not even possess. Its mission then, as now, is to replace Israel on all of its land from the river to the sea. This is not a deeply concealed secret. It is taught in PLO and UNRWA schools and is proudly presented on maps and official emblems of the PLO and its branches.
The mission of the PLO is and always has been denial of the right of the Jewish people to their own county in their historical homeland. PLO spokespeople and negotiators are always very clear not to utter the words "Israel" and "Jewish State" together as one identity because they refuse to accept that it has any valid claim whatsoever. If you pay attention to the PLO narrative, you will notice that the Two State concept includes a Palestinian state with no Jews, alongside a binational state for all of its residents, regardless of their nationality. The Jewish state does not exist in the PLO concept.'
More here http://blogs.timesofisrael.com/he-means-the-jews/
Now have the viciously anti Israel BBC ever reported this?
Saturday, 6 July 2013
BBC gets one of its facts on “Palestine” right | BBC Watch
'Historian: Well, it wasn't called any of the names we know it as today. It wasn't Syria and it wasn't Palestine, particularly. These were Western names, and Roman names sometimes, we used to refer to this part of the world, but at that time it was all just part of the Ottoman Empire.'You mean Palestine didn't exist under the Ottoman Empire? Has anyone told @DD1958?
More here http://bbcwatch.org/2013/07/05/bbc-gets-one-of-its-facts-on-palestine-right/
Saturday, 6 April 2013
Jordan is Palestine
I know that I keep saying this, but only because it's true.For some background, why not read my post dedicated to @tweet_palestine?
Wednesday, 27 March 2013
Two state solution still the pretend aim?
I saw this poster on Twitter, thanks to @kamelhawwash.
Note the map on the poster...Two state solution the aim or one Muslim state?
Saturday, 16 March 2013
IPS - Inter Press Service » IPS – Media Face a Palestinian Kick
'In an extraordinary move, a civilian has been sentenced to a year's imprisonment for posting a picture on Facebook of Palestinian Authority President Mahmoud Abbas dressed in a Real Madrid soccer outfit and kicking a ball. The sentencing is among several instances of a targeting of media in Palestinian areas.'http://www.ipsnews.net/2013/03/media-face-a-palestinian-kick/
Any civil rights protesters going to get outraged by this? Will the National Union of Journalists be complaining about freedom of expression? Or will you wait for Israel to imprison a terrorist?
Thursday, 28 February 2013
A history lesson for Fraz
I've been having some frustrating conversations with someone by the name of Fraz (@FromFraz) on Twitter regarding Israel, settlements etc.
Here's a video that he and his ilk should watch, especially from around 7:00, it might teach them something about the borders in the Middle East.
Did you note the Armistice Agreement between Israel and Jordan from 1949 (at 22:38)?
So @FromFraz please watch the whole video before you come back to me about settlements or apartheid.
Nice work Professor Eugene Kontorovich.
Here's a video that he and his ilk should watch, especially from around 7:00, it might teach them something about the borders in the Middle East.
Did you note the Armistice Agreement between Israel and Jordan from 1949 (at 22:38)?
'the Armistics Demarkation line is not to be construed in any sense as a political or territorial boundary, and is delineated without prejudice to rights, claims, of either Party to the Armistice as regards ultimate of the Palestine question...'Did you also understand the apartheid section from 43:07?
So @FromFraz please watch the whole video before you come back to me about settlements or apartheid.
Nice work Professor Eugene Kontorovich.
Friday, 25 January 2013
What is it with some LibDem MPs?
Today David Ward, here giving a car crash interview on Sky following his comments from earlier today
David Ward's political career should be toast, but will Nick Clegg have the cajones to take action?
Yesterday a previous LibDem Baroness Jenny Tonge, attacking Zionism
"It will not go on forever, it will not go on forever and Israel will lose its support, then they will reap what they have sown,"
The Liberal Democrats, the true nasty party.
David Ward's political career should be toast, but will Nick Clegg have the cajones to take action?
Yesterday a previous LibDem Baroness Jenny Tonge, attacking Zionism
"It will not go on forever, it will not go on forever and Israel will lose its support, then they will reap what they have sown,"
The Liberal Democrats, the true nasty party.
Friday, 18 January 2013
Freedom in the Middle East and North Africa
Freedom House's latest report into Press Freedom around the world is out.
Here's an interesting graphic
So where do these 2% of people live?
Here's how Freddom House rate the 20 countries:
Algeria - Not Free
Bahrain - Not Free
Egypt - Partly Free
Iran - Not Free
Iraq - Not Free
Israel - Free
Jordan - Not Free
Kuwait - Partly Free
Lebanon - Partly Free
Libya - Partly Free
Morocco - Partly Free
Oman - Not Free
Qatar - Not Free
Saudi Arabia - Not Free
Syria - Not Free
Tunisia - Partly Free
United Arab Emirates - Not Free
West Bank & Gaza Strip - Not Free
Western Sahara - Not Free
Yemen - Not Free
Do you spot the pattern?
20 Countries:
13 Islamic countries rated 'Not Free'
6 Islamic countries rated 'Partly Free'
1 non-Islamic country rated 'Free' - Israel - the country that so often bears the brunt of the world's criticisms.
I am waiting for the BBC to report this study on their Middle East news pages.... Somehow I doubt that Jeremy Bowen, Jon Donnison or the rest of the BBC Middle East news team will consider this to be newsworthy, how can it be as it paints Israel in a positive light.
Here's an interesting graphic
So where do these 2% of people live?
Here's how Freddom House rate the 20 countries:
Algeria - Not Free
Bahrain - Not Free
Egypt - Partly Free
Iran - Not Free
Iraq - Not Free
Israel - Free
Jordan - Not Free
Kuwait - Partly Free
Lebanon - Partly Free
Libya - Partly Free
Morocco - Partly Free
Oman - Not Free
Qatar - Not Free
Saudi Arabia - Not Free
Syria - Not Free
Tunisia - Partly Free
United Arab Emirates - Not Free
West Bank & Gaza Strip - Not Free
Western Sahara - Not Free
Yemen - Not Free
Do you spot the pattern?
20 Countries:
13 Islamic countries rated 'Not Free'
6 Islamic countries rated 'Partly Free'
1 non-Islamic country rated 'Free' - Israel - the country that so often bears the brunt of the world's criticisms.
I am waiting for the BBC to report this study on their Middle East news pages.... Somehow I doubt that Jeremy Bowen, Jon Donnison or the rest of the BBC Middle East news team will consider this to be newsworthy, how can it be as it paints Israel in a positive light.
Monday, 2 July 2012
10 facts about 'the West Bank' that you won't get from the BBC or other anti-Israel western media
Take two minutes to learn some history.
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