
Showing posts with label Bill Ayers. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Bill Ayers. Show all posts

Wednesday, 2 December 2009

Who wrote "Dreams of my father"?

AIM have more evidence that it was Bill Ayers not Barack Obama, take a read. Also take a look at my previous pieces on Bill Ayers and Barack Obama, it may help to explain the Marxist path that Barack Obama seems determined to take the USA down.

Monday, 26 October 2009

Who wrote Barack Obama's "Dreams From My Father"?

Jack Cashill at American Thinker thinks "Bill Ayers played a major role in the authorship of Barack Obama's acclaimed 1995 memoir, Dreams From My Father." Here's one reason why:
"According to Dreams, the little family with one year-old Maya in tow made a long distance detour from the obvious places they might visit -- Seattle, Disneyland, the Grand Canyon, Yellowstone -- to spend three days in Chicago.

As Obama tells it, the family rode some 1500 miles on Greyhound buses from the Grand Canyon and another 1000 miles back to Yellowstone to spend three dreary days in a motel in the South Loop of Chicago. Something does not make sense here.

In Chicago, Obama's most vivid memory is of seeing the shrunken heads on display at the Field Museum. Yes, the museum did have those heads on display. They were considered, according to one source, as a "crucial rite of passage for generations of Chicago kids." Ayers was one such kid. He grew up in suburban Chicago."

Who knows the truth of the matter? What I do know is that there are more unanswered questions about Barack Obama than make me comfortable.