
Showing posts with label Democracy. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Democracy. Show all posts

Wednesday, 19 October 2016

"... It doesn't matter what the legal and ethics people say, we need to win this motherfucker"

If this Project Veritas video really is kosher then what it reveals is simply staggering:

'In the second video of James O'Keefe's new explosive series on the DNC and Hillary Clinton campaign, Democratic party operatives tell us how to successfully commit voter fraud on a massive scale. Scott Foval, who has since been fired, admits that the Democrats have been rigging elections for fifty years.'

 This quote I felt was a killer one:
"We have to do a better job of making our people (voters) do what they are suposed to do. Not asking them, making them. Not expecting them and taking them for granted but beating the shit out of them and then making them do it."

The previous Project Veritas video was described thus:
'In this explosive new video from Project Veritas Action, a Democratic dirty tricks operative unwittingly provides a dark money trail to the DNC and Clinton campaign. The video documents violence at Trump rallies that is traced to the Clinton campaign and the DNC through a process called birddogging.

A shady coordinated communications chain between the DNC, Clinton Campaign, Hillary Clinton’s Super PAC (Priorities) and other organizations are revealed. A key Clinton operative is on camera saying, “It doesn’t matter what the friggin’ legal and ethics people say, we need to win this motherfucker."'
and here it is...

"We have mentally ill people that we pay to do shit."

This is sick but as it pertains to Hillary Clinton's campaign the mainstream media will not report this. They, including the BBC, are so pro Hillary Clinton that anything that ruins their narrative will be ignored.

Thursday, 7 July 2016

If the Government try to wriggle out of implementing Brexit, remind them of their own leaflet

There seem to be many people speculating as to how the government or the House of Commons or the House of Lords could overrule the Brexit vote.

To all the people speculating and especially those like David 'Mastermind' Lammy who are actually calling for such anti-democratic action I refer them to the government's own EU Referendum leaflet which has this on page 14:

'This is your decision. The government will implement what you decide.'

No ifs, no buts, no maybes...

Saturday, 25 June 2016

EU Referendum Rules triggering a 2nd EU Referendum - There's a lot of upset REMAINIACS out there

This petition has attracted over 880,000 signatures to date:

'We the undersigned call upon HM Government to implement a rule that if the remain or leave vote is less than 60% based a turnout less than 75% there should be another referendum.'

I can see the merit in this but wonder two things:

1. If the vote had been even 50.01% Remain to 49.99%  Leave how many of these signatories would have been in the slightest bothere?

2. Do the people signing this realise that this would apply from now, to change the current position, to get back into the EU. Or do they want a rerun?

Friday, 10 June 2016

Peter Lilley speaking sense about the Referendum especially re the warnings from the REMAINIACS

'... The Commission – its government – is not elected. Their Euro policy has been catastrophic, particularly for young people - 25% youth unemployment in France, 40% in Italy, over 50% in Greece. Yet no Commissioners have lost their jobs!

Thankfully, Britain stayed out of the Euro – despite those who now back Remain – the CBI, City, American banks, Blair, IMF and German Chancellor – warning of "recession, isolation, job losses, doom for the City" if we stayed out. Their threats proved to be the reverse of what happened! '
More sense from Peter Lilley here but not reported on the BBC.

Wednesday, 27 April 2016

Democracy in Saudi Arabia?

Mehdi Hasan (@mehdirhasan) tweeted at 1:45 PM on Fri, Mar 25, 2016:
I asked the Saudi ambassador to the UN why he supports democracy in Syria but not in Saudi Arabia - @AJUpFront clip:

Tuesday, 23 February 2016

Tony Benn - Democracy in Europe from 2007

I didn't agree with Tony Benn about much, but on the EU and it's lack of democracy he was spot on.

Sunday, 2 August 2015

Democracy in the Palestinian Territories

PA chairman Mahmoud Abbas recently canceled the scheduled elections for the student councils after the first such election, at Bir Zeit Uniersity, resulted in the Islamist Bloc winning 26 out of the 51 seats, while Abbas's Fatah movement won only 19.

The online Hamas newspaper Alresalah charged that Abbas canceled the remaining elections out of fear the Islamists would defeat Fatah on other campuses, as well.

Elections are a bit of a sore point for Abbas's regime. He was first elected as chairman of the PA on January 15, 2005, for what was supposed to be a single four-year term. That term ended in January 2009, yet, more than six years later, Abbas is still in power and no further elections have been held.'
Democracy in the Palestinian Territories is not something that worries the institutionally anti Israel BBC.

Friday, 17 April 2015

Ed Miliband - a retrospective (part 1)

I was browsing through my blog looking for pieces about Ed Miliband, there's over 200, and I came across this one from 2008, entitled 'Democracy Gordon Brown style'. What's interesting is the appearance of both Ed Miliband and his brother David, both happy to toe the line that the Lisbon Treaty was not the same as the 'abandined' EU Constitution. Here's what I wrote at the time:
 'Gordon Brown is as fundamentally dishonest as Tony Blair was and his behaviour over the EU Treaty is nothing short of disgusting. Gordon Brown was part of the team that wrote the last Labour manifesto, you remember the one that promised a referendum on the EU Constitution. Yes I do realise that that was only promised to draw any advantage that might accrue to the Conservatives if they promised a referendum. Then Gordon Brown reneged on this promise by claiming that the Treaty was not the same as the Constitution. He and other Labour politicians love to quote Angela Merkel when she said that the Constitutional process had been abandoned. It has, but that does not matter a bean as all that was abandoned was the process of rep;lacing all the existing European Treaties with a new Constitution. This process has been replaced with a new amending treaty that moves us to the same place as we would have been with the Constitution but by amending the existing treaties instead. As Valéry Giscard d'Estaing, the architect of the abandoned European Constitution, admitted
"Looking at the content, the result is that the institutional proposals of the constitutional treaty….are found complete in the Lisbon Treaty, only in a different order and inserted in former treaties.." He made clear that the purpose of the rewritten Treaty was to make people think the new version did not merit being put to the people in referendums. "Above all, it is to avoid having referendums thanks to the fact that the articles are spread out and constitutional vocabulary has been removed," he added. 

An Angela Merkel quote that the Labour liars refer to less often comes from her speech in June 2007 to the European Parliament and runs "The substance of the Constitution is preserved, that is a fact". '
Note that Ed Miliband wouldn't answer whether he'd read the Treaty, I think it's pretty obvious why.

Also look from 1:55 and see how Ed Miliband truly is a rebel, he's put his jacket collar up: what a rebel? No, what a dork!

Also remember that when Labour Party members  pine for David Miliband that he was as happy as his dork of a brother to give away British powers and diminish democracy.

Friday, 14 March 2014

The left don't want cleaned up electoral rolls, they want nice fat electoral rolls, so long as they are fat with left wing voters

American Thinker has this story from Florida but I'm sure similar would be found all over the UK. I'd link to think that central governmnet in the UK would not be as anti-truth but when we next get a Labour government I may be proved wrong.

WBBH TV in Ft. Myers, Florida has performed a public service with its investigative reporting documenting non-US citizens voting regularly in local elections.  The segment can be seen below, but Judicial Watch summarizes it:
The segment focused on Lee County, which has a population of about 620,000 and Collier County with a population of around 322,000. The reporter spent about two months digging around the voter rolls in the two counties and the discoveries are dumbfounding.
In that short time, more than 100 people registered to vote in those two areas were proven to be ineligible by the reporter. A Cape Coral woman, eligible to vote in elections, was tracked down through jury excusal forms that verify she’s not a U.S. citizen. A Naples woman, who is not a U.S. citizen either, voted six times in 11 years without being detected by authorities. A Jamaican man is also registered to vote though he’s not eligible. The reporter obtained his 2007 voter registration form, which shows the Jamaican man claims to be a U.S. citizen. Problem is, no one bothers checking to see if applicants are being truthful.
Incredibly, election supervisors confirmed on camera that there’s no way for them to verify the citizenship of people who register to vote. The only way to detect fraud is if the county offices that oversee elections receive a tip, they say, and only then can they follow up.

But Gov. Rick Scot has launched a program to purge ineligible voters form the rolls, only to be sued: Judicial Watch notes:
The Department of Justice (DOJ) was quick to sue the state to stop the purging because the agency claims it discriminates against minorities. The National Association for the Advancement of Colored People (NAACP) has colluded with the DOJ in Florida and the head of the group’s local chapter says purging voter rolls disproportionately affects the state’s most vulnerable groups, namely minorities.
Kudos to WBBH and Judicial Watch for exposing this fraud and government encouragement of it in the most important swing state in presidential elections.

One of Tony Benn's views that the pro-EU BBC won't be repeating

Tony Benn hits out at unelected EU officials, something the BBC will not allow to be heard if they can help it.

Tuesday, 11 February 2014

Britons 'too ignorant' for EU referendum says Viviane Reding, VP of European Commission via Mail Online

'Britons 'too ignorant' for EU referendum: Top official says debate on Europe is so distorted that people could not make an 'informed decision'

Viviane Reding, vice-president of European Commission, made commentsSpeaking in London, she said British people must know 'the facts' on EUShe boasted about how 70 per cent of UK's laws are now made in Brussels

Her comments were attacked by critics for 'dangerous' assumptions

Britons are too ignorant about Europe to vote in a referendum on the subject, a top Brussels official claimed last night.Viviane Reding, vice-president of the European Commission, said the British debate about Europe was so ‘distorted’ that people could not make an ‘informed decision’ about whether or not to stay in the EU.

Mrs Reding - who boasted that 70 per cent of the UK’s laws are now made in Brussels - also rubbished David Cameron’s bid to curb immigration from Europe, saying it was incompatible with membership of the EU.'

The EU gets more anti Democratic by the day, and that's from a pretty low initial level.

Monday, 27 January 2014

Shhh, the BC protecting their Palestinian terrorist heroes from scrutiny

You know the self-righteous fury that the BBC display when an Israeli politician is caught doing something wrong. Remember the headlines when the Israeli President Moshe Katsav was convicted of rape*. The BBC seem to be less interested when a Palestinian politician does something wrong.

Yes, President Mahmoud Abbas has just started the 10th year of his 4-year term of office, but I have seen no mention of this affront to democracy on the BBC.

*The Moshe Katsav case was covered in detail by the BBC but two aspects were not mentioned, first that Moshe Katsav was an immigrant from Iran, his family leaving Iran in 1951 and living in a tented refugee camp in Israel for a few years, the camp being turned into a new city thereafter. 

The second was that the Presiding Judge, George Karra, at the President of Israel's trial was not a Jew but a Christian Palestinian resident of Jaffa. 

The BBC could not report the first story because it would illustrate the difference between how Israel treated Jewish refugees post 1948 and how the Palestinians and surrounding Muslim states treated Palestinian refugees over the same period. 

The BBC could not report the second story as that would go against their depiction of Israel as an 'apartheid state' run by Jews with Muslims and Christians as second class citizens.

Tuesday, 30 July 2013

The unelected Cathy Ashton

The BBC report that:
'The EU's foreign policy chief Catherine Ashton, who met with Egypt's former president Mohammed Morsi, has been speaking to the BBC.

Baroness Ashton is the first foreign diplomat to meet with the former President since he was ousted from power in early July.

The BBC's Jim Muir asked the Baroness if she shared any common ground with Mr Morsi: "There has to be a way of getting to the other side," she said.
Any common ground between Mohammed Morsi and Cathy Ashton? Let's see, Mohammed Morsi was elected and then deposed whilst Cathy Ashton has never been elected but with a little luck will also be deposed.

It really gets my goat, pun intended, when the BBC in this linked report tell us that:
'EU foreign policy chief Catherine Ashton says Egypt's ousted President Mohammed Morsi is "well", but that she does not know where he is being held.

Baroness Ashton said she had two hours of "frank, in-depth" discussions with Mr Morsi on Monday, without giving further details of the conversation.'
The unelected and unaccountable Lady Ashton, did she maybe lecture Mohammed Morsi on the benefits of democracy? From a purely theoretical point of view of course.

Wednesday, 22 May 2013

It feels like the Right has split irrevocably - Telegraph

Something to worry any democrat.
'The prospect of PR should fill us with horror. It allows politicians to stitch up deals after the voters have had their say and denies the country strong government at moments of crisis. But if neither Labour nor the Tories are capable of commanding a broad sweep of public opinion on polling day, it is where we are headed.'
More here

Friday, 15 February 2013

Democracy in Palestinian Territories

'President Abbas's term ended four years ago. He has clung to power as an unelected autocrat for nearly half a decade.'

Ask yourself, when was the last time that one of the BBC's Midde East 'journalists' (especially Jeremy Al-Bowen or Jon Donison) reported this news? Can't remember; now why might that be?

Thursday, 3 January 2013

Wednesday, 21 November 2012

The diference between a terrorist gang and a democratic country

If you don't get the context, don't worry it's probably because you get your news from an anti-Israel news agency such as the BBC.

The picture on the left is of one of the six 'collaborators' killed by Hamas in Gaza and then dragged around the streets behind motorcycles as the killers celebrated. The lady on the right is Haneenn Zoabi. Haneen Zoabi is a Member of the Israeli Parliament. She rejects the idea of Israel as a Jewish state, which she describes as "inherently racist."; her views as to whether the many Islamic states in the world are also "inherently racist" I have not been able to ascertain. Haneen Zoabi was on the fake
Gaza blockade breaking ship the the MV Mavi Marmara. Haneen Zoabi has been threatened in Israel and so the government of Israel did not kill her and have her dragged behind a motorcycle, the Israeli government did not imprison her. Instead the Israeli government assigned her two security guards for her protection.

So that's the difference between a terrorist gang and a democratic country. The former kills 'collaborators' without trial whilst Israel supplies them with security guards.

The other oddity for some will be the concept of Israel having Muslim parliamentarians, Israel being often labelled an 'apartheid state'. I have proven so many times before that Israel is not an apartheid state that it seems hardly worth mentioning it again here. However it is worth noting that Haneen Zoabi is not alone an Arab Member of the Knesset, here's a list of other current and former members.

Thursday, 12 July 2012

Frances O'Grady - This could be interesting...

I am informed that Frances O'Grady has been elected as the new General Secretary of the Trade Unions Congress. I have sent the following email:

Nota Sheep

to info
Please could you assist me. I am trying to find out more about the election of Frances O'Grady as General Secretary of the TUC, could you point me to where the election results are recorded? I am interested in the names of the other candidates, the numbers of votes cast and the method of election.

Many thanks in advance.

Kind regards

NotaSheep MaybeaGoat