
Showing posts with label Customer Service. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Customer Service. Show all posts

Saturday, 25 July 2009

The customers strike back (part 2)

Example 2: Jason Leonard's secret videoing of service staff at his Toyota dealership after he became suspicious of theft from his vehicle at Hampton Toyota...

Video 1 - "Pills"

Video 2 - "Free Coins"

Video 3 - Watching porn on the diagnostic screen has been withdrawn...

And this is Hampton Toyota's response...

It's always nice when the customer wins...

The customers strike back (part 1)

Canadian musician Dave Carroll's experience, or rather his guitar's experience, at the hands of United Airlines baggage handlers lead to lengthy discussions with United's customer relations team and their Ms Irlweg. The story is all over the internet as is his song... "United Breaks Guitars"

Thursday, 4 June 2009

Autoplaying video

I had a regular visitor complain last night about auto-playing video clips.

This is interesting, in a geeky sort of way, because I hadn't noticed that any annoying video was autoplaying on my site. But that could be because the only browser I normally use is Firefox with the Flashblock add-in. This add-in allows you to choose whether to play flash video or audio files so nothing autoplays.

Oddly I have IE set-up in a similar way but when I load my site the two videos that are not YouTube sourced do auto-play, which is rather irritating.

If you find yourself suffering with this problem then I suggest you swap to Firefox and Flashblock.

However in this case to keep a regular visitor happy, I have archived all posts over three days old so my site should now be pleasurably silent.